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11822146 No.11822146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend is very christian and tells me that if we start a family, she is going to teach our child christianity. I am against the idea, dimce it will close doors to the childs mental developments: being more open to other perspectives, being more curious about the world instead of thinking he/she knows how the universe was created, and just how dogmatic organized religion is.

I try to tell her christianity, and all other religions, are just inconsistent cherry-pickers.

>history of christianity is just people picking and choosing what to take seriously from the bible and then splitting into different denominations.

How can you change someones dogmatic beliefs? Or is it impossible for certain people because they have already closed every possibility from their brain, and will just be in self denial when shown how inconsistent and contradictory their beliefs are?

>is religion mental illness?

>> No.11822152

You don't have a girlfriend


>> No.11822158

This, and I support your non-existant girlfriend as long as she isn't planning to turn your not-going-to-happen children into c*tholics, protest*nts, or anything that isn't eastern orthodoxy

>> No.11822166

>eastern orthodoxy

>> No.11822173

Banking on the fact that your child will be smart just because you and your wife are is never a good idea. Regression to the mean. Let your wife provide your kid with a solid moral foundation so that even if he/she's a dumbass, at least they won't be a Godless dumbass.

>> No.11822174

Sage and report all bait threads.

>> No.11822177


>> No.11822178

Either accept it or break up with your non-existant girlfriend, you will not find a middle ground or even get your way.

>> No.11822179

She is not a Christian if she fornicates.
She is a protestant heretic that should be burned at the stake.

>> No.11822185

>I-if I don’t have a girlfriend n-no one does!!!!

>> No.11822201

"...it will close doors to the child's mental developments: being more open to other perspectives..." > Being open to the perspective of Christianity

>> No.11822204

Why even date a religious person in the first place if you didn't want their beliefs imposed on you. You can't laughably believe that you are chad enough to turn her into atheist.

>> No.11822208

I feel the same way about having a job I actually enjoy

>> No.11822235

Lmao you are truly blue pill.

I want him to be open to ideas that are not in direct conflict with reason and science. Inconsistent thinking is ignorance, hence why all chrisitans are essentially ignorant.

>> No.11822246

>believing in Science™
I feel sorry for your "girlfriend"

>> No.11822267

Welcome to nu/lit/, where the most obvious fucking bait gets plenty of replies

>> No.11822306


>> No.11822311


>> No.11822318

having 2 egocentric parents is as worse as growing up as christian, they both will suffer in their existence.

>> No.11822322

forgot to say, at least, you can show your vision of world and your girlfriend hers. let the person choose their own path, at least, give this little person knowledge to understand world and be good with others. I met good christians and bad christians, the some goes for atheists. Good christians are hypocrite since their beliefs don't have space for being actually good with others and society, but i mean, better than a shit christian-minded atheist.

>> No.11822332

>regression to the mean
This is reddit-tier reasoning

>> No.11822345

You posted anti-christian bait a few days ago with the same picture. This isn't literature, fuck off.

>> No.11822347

Unless she is planning to teach your children that the bible is literally true in form and content it's not at odds with science.

Will you not let him hear myths or fairytales either? Are you going to raise a perfectly sterile, idealistic brat?