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11821356 No.11821356 [Reply] [Original]

stack thread. post some fresh stacks.

>> No.11821394
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right herte

>> No.11821420
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where should I start

>> No.11821421


>> No.11821434


>> No.11821438


>> No.11821641


>> No.11821650

Good stack

>> No.11821679
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Validate me

>> No.11821912

the greeks

>> No.11821975

I major'n philosophy lad

>> No.11822057
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Sideways is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.11822274
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About to finish the road. Not sure what to pick up next.

>> No.11822297


>> No.11822309

The Book of Hell just came out, right? How is it?

>> No.11822321


>> No.11822340


>> No.11822360

Not that guy but I have the trilogy, hobbit, and silmarillion. Whats the order I should read them?

>> No.11822365


Just the book for these encroaching autumn nights

>> No.11822368


>> No.11822369

Hobbit, LOTR, Silmarill (if you really enjoyed the epic, it's more of a history lesson of the world the story takes place in)

>> No.11822370

Hobbit, trilogy, silmarillion
only one I every liked was the Hobbit though

>> No.11822373

Read them chronologically and avoid The Silmarillion unless you have nerdy friends to meme it with or like discussing books on sad online forums.

>> No.11822504
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All recommendations from a recent a thread. So far I've read Yuga and Revolt of the Masses.

>> No.11822510

How much did decline of the west run you? I want to read it but I dont want the abridged version

>> No.11822518

I'm from Canada where books are 1.5x expensive so it's hard to compare. I paid around ~$40.00 for this version. Most expensive of the lot by far.

>> No.11822527

Fucking kek never mind. I feel bad for Canada. Should have bought it used.

>> No.11823304

If you like Knut Hamsun, you should check out his novel Victoria.

>> No.11823505


>> No.11823714
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>> No.11824030


>> No.11824443
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>> No.11824744
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The bottom 6 I just got for 28 pounds from a charity bookshop (metamorphosed was 14 pounds and i didnt realise it until i got to the cashier but i was too beta to said i didnt want it anymore), Hatcher i stole from my previous university library, and the rest I just borrowed from my new university

>> No.11824779

I've been looking at picking up Shard Cinema for a while.

>> No.11825212
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State of the stack from a like a week ago.

>> No.11825359
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>> No.11825511


>> No.11825525

There's an epub on libgen if you wanna see for yourself

>> No.11825857


>> No.11825885

Something doesn't add up lad.
You have Hatcher's AT (an exquisite introduction), but then you also have a baby intro book to ideas of AG (O'Shea). If you are ready for Hatcher you really don't need Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms

>> No.11825892

You should be able to get almost everything you need from that book from a few internet searches

>> No.11825895

>dude i love math AND poetry
>don't even THINK about tryna label me
fuck off with this tryhard stack

>> No.11825897

Frog protip : don't read this Gracq before reading Un Beau Ténébreux and Le Rivage des Syrtes.

>> No.11825951

AT has nothing to do with AG at the beginner level (I know this is far from true just a baby step away from beginner level), but it just so happens that I know AT and topological K-theory and absolutely nothing about AG other than basic algebraic curves stuff, and very little commutative algebra too, so I just browsed around the library and picked out books that looked interesting (Atiyah/Macdonald, Roman, Cox I already had my eye on before) that might help before I dive into Hartshorne.

>> No.11826037

based stack bro

>> No.11826113

Why do you say that, anon?

>> No.11826121

I am very much aware. It was in reference to maturity. Atiya is very good for commutative, but if you do know quite a bit, you can just pick up a book like Smith's intro to AG - hell, you could probably do better.
I used Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms long ago in undergrad, and it is definitely not necessary. You can learn all that is required from it through a google search

>> No.11826160

alright, i'll believe you... It's just that I was going through Fulton's algebraic curves and I just keep getting stuck at what local rings all mean in terms of geometry... wanna kms since i'm starting my PhD in AG in a week.....

>> No.11826305
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I don't know where to start, tbqh.

>> No.11826601


>> No.11827171


>> No.11827250


>> No.11827347

Is that a manga with pictures or an actual book

>> No.11827619


>> No.11827727

.pdfs are fine to read from PC or my phone.

>> No.11827932
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>> No.11827976

>three body problem

Not sure if meme book or legit but it has good reviews and I am interested but idk man

>> No.11828318

my wifey says that ico book isn't too good, I got it for her birthday
r.i.p borders

>> No.11828392

>About to finish the road
I read it in one sitting, retard.

>> No.11828397

It's worth having your own fresh copy.

>> No.11828979
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It's manga.

Until very recently I hadn't given Junji Ito's work much though. I think I'd read one of his short stories, maybe two online (probably posted on 4chan, actually - his grosser art is something people used to like to shitpost with in creepypasta threads - back when that was still a thing). But not too long ago I heard someone praising The Enigma of Amigara Fault for the unique kind of horror that it was. I found and read this story and developed a fast affinity for Ito's style. I read through one of his compilations (I believe titled Shiver) after that, and I just finished Uzumaki last night. I can't really say I've been disappointed by any of his work, and some of it has been really good. The Japanese aspects of esoteric horror are both bizarre and titillating to my western sensibilities.

If you want, you can read The Enigma of Amigara Fault here. https://imgur.com/gallery/ZNSaq

>> No.11829221

I don't understand comics.

It's just very shitty art on expensive paper.

>> No.11829233

weeb faggot

>> No.11829250

looking at it gives me a headache already

good little comfy stack

>> No.11829259
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I mean, you can read them for free online. I even included a link to do so in the comment you replied to :P

Then it's just shitty art on a shitty monitor.

Truth be told though, Ito's art is quite strange. I can't say I've seen much of anything else like it, which is part of why it intrigues me so. I'm a fan of horror in the general sense, and this is definitely a different sort of take on that genre, both from the different cultural perspective and just from the strangeness of the art itself.

>> No.11829306

Some people have a life, other engagements to take care off, a job, etc. So congrats Mr. 500 IQ "I read 10,000 words a minute"

>> No.11830499


>> No.11830802

No more stacks to share?

>> No.11831483

Wow anon, I wish I could be like you! Any tips?

>> No.11831499

read the road in one sitting