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11821259 No.11821259 [Reply] [Original]

How do you accept that you will never be great? The idea that even with unfaltering effort you will still probably not amount to much in the end is devastating.

>> No.11821453

Cuck mentality

>> No.11821462

If you are content with eating shit then let me spread my cheeks and feed you. Or you could be a man and say "no more".

>> No.11821472 [DELETED] 

Shoot up a school. Lowest effort way to get dat sweet Wikipedia page for yourself.

>> No.11821478

Until you try your very best and go beyond, you'll never know. And after you did that, you might be too dead to care.

>> No.11821502

I just write to pass the time

>> No.11821559

i don't i revel in the adversities of the human condition. i climb mountains and look down at the world, i fend of wild animals from my camps and just '' .Veni, vidi, vici'' every thing like a complete chad.i know the wheel of fortune will bend my knee some day but until then i will bask in height of the arc fortune has allotted me

>> No.11821889

But anon,I *will* be great some day
Over compensating tbqh, probably due to micropeen

>> No.11821892
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>> No.11821895
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Speak for yourself faggot I've already merged with the Godhead

>> No.11821897

Looks like he's playing a giant piano

>> No.11821906

be strong anon

>> No.11821908
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Who cares?

>> No.11821919

I don't accept it as true. I will give it my best shot and then kick back and sip lemonade.

>> No.11821922

What's the point in being revered by people who mean nothing to you?

I'd trade celebrity for being a perfectly self-actualised man, and if I'm fortunate bring some good into the world by passing that onto my children and grandchildren.

>> No.11821943

I think i'm great

>> No.11821982

As an autistic retard I'm proud that I can even try and improve at all.

>> No.11822005

>is devastating
what? why?

>> No.11822078

If you write with the hope of being venerated as a living god then good luck. I don't understand the need to write this post.It only shows your foolishness and your petty hope for readers of literature to validated your existence.It's hilarious.You are heading into the worst field imaginable(in terms of recognition and financial success prospects), and complaining about your ostensibly petty actions.A living jest kek.

>> No.11822090

I agree with you. That's what I'm planning. Being revered by the masses would be cool. But I'd rather just have a family and live as best as i can. Preferably in the countryside.

>> No.11822129

I feel like you having children is not something the world needs

>> No.11822452

The world doesn't need a lot of the things it has. You might as well just kill yourself, anon.

>> No.11822462

Cultivate a giant ego based on your exquisite tastes

>> No.11822465

I imagine myself happy.

>> No.11822507

The net gain for the universe is nil whether I have children or not. If there are going to be future generations of humans I'd rather they come from me than most of the uggo reprobates on the planet

>> No.11822627

if im lucky someone will falsely attribute something to me after i die

>> No.11822644

I don't care
I'd prefer to be around people who have genuine love and care for me
I mean I won't get either way but still

>> No.11823128

The fact that most truly great people seem to be deeply tormented and broken. My intellect might be average but at least im not crazy. Not sure how true this is but it's an observation I've had

>> No.11823453

I'm already great, HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.11823599

this pill slaps

>> No.11823843

What man is great? One who is talked of long after he is dead and gone? What a comforting feeling. Or perhaps one who is rich and famous, living off the backbone of billions alive and dead?

Why do we work? It is a question that many spend a great deal of time thinking about. Some can only find out after they've lived their entire life, while some require it to begin to work. It is not something you should answer so simply.

>> No.11823859

A man is great when he has found a way to lead a sufferable and content life, being famous or rich are irrelevant, only fools would go after those things thinking they would make them happy in the long run.

>> No.11823874


>> No.11823939
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Define "great" and "amounting to much". The effort expended and the realization of at least some of it toward an actual good should suffice, even if the good should never be met.

Ultimately, it comes down to how you define the self. A sane person will see the self as comprising more than just the role they adopt for their work. An insane person will only see the self in terms of their work, thus going absolutely bankrupt if and when they fail at their effort.

>> No.11824233

Take up more responsibility, be more open to change.

>> No.11824401


The idea that even with unfaltering idleness you will still probably not degrade much in the end is exhilarating.

>> No.11825369

How do you accept that no matter how great you are, considering how big the universe is, the idea that even with unfaltering effort you will still probably not amount to much in the end is devastating?
