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11820342 No.11820342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder Marxism is retarded.

>> No.11820346

back to work wagie

>> No.11820357



>> No.11820361

Stop this at once

>> No.11820373
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Reminder you're a wage slave.

>> No.11820376

I'm actually a Capitalist

>> No.11820386

A Jew hasn’t made a prediction so wrong since Jesus.

>> No.11820422

Marxism is just humanism with better math.

>> No.11820427

Humanism rejects dogma or superstition.

>> No.11820429
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And because digit confirmation:

>> No.11820438
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>> No.11820452
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>he thinks equality among all peoples is feasible
>he doesn't realize that there will always be an oppressed class
>he wants to lessen the suffering of the world
Have fun with your cursed fantasies

>> No.11820454
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I think it has some valuable insights. It's not without its flaws though.

>> No.11820457

One always stands to benefit. Capital is sentient.

>> No.11820475
File: 154 KB, 998x773, MarthaIsCooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camatte says that capital is that second-nature which has entrapped humans into feeding its runaway.
Land says, 'And that's a good thing.'

Begone, unironic crypto-racketeers.

>> No.11820481

So it's like capitalism, except the systematic enslavement and death happens to brown people so it's okay. Fuck this, maybe anarchism is decent.

>> No.11820497
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Anarchism IS decent

>> No.11820514
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Marxism is retardedbut capitalism is sociopathic. National socialism is smart and nice!

>> No.11820524
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>> No.11820526

>Land says, 'And that's a good thing.'

He never said it was a good thing, he said its impossible to resist and aligning with it is the only potentially fruitful exercise (though likely also futile)

>> No.11820531


>> No.11820533

Anarchism could only possibly work in a society of less than 20 lesbians.

>> No.11820555
File: 29 KB, 195x207, anarchist_flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please elaborate

>> No.11820565


>> No.11820592

An anarchist society would have to be covert, and any more than 20 women would end up being hunted by the cops for the occasional semen burglary they would have to engage in to perpetuate their tribe. Butch lesbians can be manly enough to secure the necessities of existence but as a whole they aren't so manly that they would constantly fracture the group with sexual rivalry and concentrated polygamy.

>> No.11820608

You have no idea what anarchism is, m8

>> No.11820617

not him but

>dude anarchism is really everybody just being nice and helpin each other out

you're retarded

>> No.11820621
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Anarchy invisions the illusory state without power. Stirner is no anarchist. He sees through the anarchist fight against what is the spectacle of the state. It is- as the House of Commons is universally proclaimed- government as theatre. It has only a paper sovereignty. The desire that evades the party and the state is not the desire that is enslaved. It is the desire held and engineered by the party in the name of the state that is the path to enslavement. The various kind of antipraxis need to be understood not as the opposite of praxis but as the principle of wu wei as applied to an antipolitical politics. It is understood as human participation as non-participation and withdrawal.
Dream of a society where every man has his own ideology and his morality.

>> No.11820652

Nobody can touch stirner, he closed the book on philosophy and ethics.

>> No.11820663


>> No.11820665

>anarchism is
No it doesn't.
The best argument for hierarchy and against democracy is to spare the future from all that "creating his own ideology and morality" junk. For one, NPCs can't do that, for two, most can't be trusted to do it right, and for three, it's a pain in the ass and a waste of time.

>> No.11820689
File: 825 KB, 1000x1500, AnarchyInTheUK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course anarchism doesn't amount to that and nothing else.
Mutual aid is a core principle of it though.
>>anarchism is
>No it doesn't.
What did he mean by this
>all that "creating his own ideology and morality" junk. For one, NPCs can't do that
What do you think creates those """""NPCs""""" you're talking about?
Hierarchies and coercion turned them into agency-less cardboard cutouts

>> No.11820698

if you're a leftist anarchist it does

>> No.11820702

markets manufacture intelligence

>> No.11820740

lmao you are suck fucking retard that you leftists fags unironically think thats what anarchism is

>> No.11820745

>'And that's a good thing.'
Slowed down x1000 with vocal-fry effect.

Not a very good defense.

>> No.11820763

>What did he mean by this
"Anarchism is not". "It doesn't (be)".
The NPCs I'm talking about are the 74% or so of people who do not have verbal thoughts. I suppose that's the evolutionarily passable drone to agent ratio and I assume NPCs naturally outnumber people who have thoughts because if everyone had thoughts chaos would ensue.
Free markets also manufacture obesity and self-inflicted disease in general.
Leftist anarchism is an extreme example of the "imperialism justified by liberation" meme.

>> No.11820771

Love anarchism, love libertarian socialism
Hate authoritarian socialism, hate capitalism
Simple as

>> No.11820776

leftist anarchism is stateless socialism i.e. a delusion

>> No.11820778

Reminder: The reason why so many writers are marxists/communists/socialists/progressives/etc., is because that shit only works in books.

>> No.11820794

leftism was a nice little niche the elites liked to play around with that the true elite capitalists promoted for monetary reasons (flood your cuntry with shitskins so we can make moneyz)

>> No.11820800
File: 40 KB, 700x758, the-cathedral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current wave of technological automation – driven by advanced robotics, encrypted neural networks and furtive distributed data channels, machine learning, and big data voodoo heroin – is expelling labour from the production process faster than it can be reintegrated, disrupting the balance between labour and capital, and threatening a phase shift in global capitalism. The Dehumanisation of the Human: The rapid development and increasing accessibility of technologies that modify human biology, psychology, and sociality – spearheaded by the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science – threatens to dissolve the cognitive, reproductive, and evolutionary unity of our common form of life.

Markets manufacture:

>Intellectual Intuition


>Time perception


>Preference Maximisation.

>Disembodied, Affectless, etc. 'reason'


>> No.11820811

capital is sentient

>> No.11820818

there is no phenomenal self, Marx, Kant and Descartes should be burned and banned, all political and economic philosophy based on the idea of actors or agents must be uprooted, extirpated and the proliferating forces snuffed out and permanently subdued by a stronger model, one based in flux.

>> No.11820827

So what do you right-wing cuck unironically believe that anarchism is?
>"Anarchism is not". "It doesn't (be)".
Could you rephrase that in a way that is decipherable for someone who isn't a continental philosopher of the worst kind?
Because I can form tons of grammatically well-formed and informative sentences such as, "anarchism is a political ideology", "anarchism is great", "anarchism is stupid", etc.

A few dozen people who reported that they didn't have verbal thoughts during the course of a study is not a good argument for assuming that three quarters of humanity are mindless drones
>Leftist anarchism is an extreme example of the "imperialism justified by liberation" meme.
Please elaborate. Because anarchism and imperialism are mutually exclusive.
>implying people can only be exploited by the state, by private employers, or both
>implying people can't not be exploited
>implying that's the natural order of things

>> No.11820846

Reminder: this board is for fucking LITERATURE.

The mods need to do their goddamn job and start pruning this shit.

>> No.11820872

This is the correct answer. Anyone arguing for the validity or even lack thereof of 'ideology' or 'ends' in any form is merely an unwitting a pawn of this God. Symbols are memetic.

>> No.11820890

I know.
>Could you rephrase that in a way that is decipherable for someone who isn't a continental philosopher of the worst kind?
I'm just fucking around matey. I don't know shit about continental philosophy. I just meant that there is not an anarchist society, and I phrased it obtusely because I thought it was funny.

>A few dozen people who reported that they didn't have verbal thoughts during the course of a study is not a good argument for assuming that three quarters of humanity are mindless drones
You're right, but the idea that most people don't think (at least most of the time) is compatible with the course of history as something disproportionately influenced by the few with great spirit.

>Please elaborate. Because anarchism and imperialism are mutually exclusive.
Anarcho-communism was the ultimate ideal of imperialist state communism in the same way that "bringing freedom to the middle east" is a justification for U.S imperialism. Pretentious imperialism is a deceit of the people.

>> No.11820904

Homo econonomicus, little domesticated things arguing for the body of their despot

>> No.11820909

Philosophy, politics (as in political theory, not current events), and, to a lesser extent, history (to give context to the above) are extremely important in the understanding of literature. Some authors even merge two or more of these in their works. Remove these and you're only talking about genre fiction. Or you're trying to read literature as if it was genre fiction.

>> No.11820914


>> No.11820926

>I'm just fucking around matey.
Thanks for clearing that up
>Anarcho-communism was the ultimate ideal of imperialist state communism in the same way that "bringing freedom to the middle east" is a justification for U.S imperialism. Pretentious imperialism is a deceit of the people.
I think you're conflating two things here. Communism, or a communist society as proposed by Marx, is a society with no private property, no money, no social classes, and no state. That was the official end goal of Bolshevism and related ideologies, and obviously never achieved by them. I think we both agree that the people in charge never even wanted to attain such a society. They wanted to remain in power.

Anarcho-communism, however, is a political philosophy that shares with Marxism the goal of the communist society, as described above. It takes Marx ideas and adds the idea that the ends and the means have to match. You can't reach a stateless society by taking over and utilizing the state. You can only reach a stateless society by acting against the state along with the violence and hierarchy it represents.

>> No.11820929

im not an anarchist but fyi retard there are different types of things, rich wing anarchism is usually some sort of retarded amoralist survival of the fittest shit leftist is usually "just be nice bro" which is utterly retarded

>> No.11820939

Only Bayesianism can save us

>> No.11820944

And are any of these works being discussed in this thread? No, it’s all pol-level shitflinging. It doesn’t belong on this board; it’s partisan trash and should be beneath us.