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11820132 No.11820132 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had insight during a psychedelic experience?

>> No.11820145

No. I thought truth was to be found using psychedelic but it all I found was non-sens.

>> No.11820157

psychedelics pretty much teach you communism. 'everyones united' 'the world can be anything we want it' 'humans are a small piece of the puzzle'. the message of the spiritual world is fucked because they dont have rules there, they have no idea how humanity works.

>> No.11820170

Yep. After a long, disassociative experience I realized that all it takes is a few micrograms of something to totally fuck with your sanity and I've been much more patient with the mentally ill ever since.

>> No.11820265

I went on /lit/ while tripping and realized everyone here is a faggot

>> No.11820275

It wasn't a trip anon.

>> No.11820972

Yes, I had ego-death on 5g of shrooms 9 years ago when I was 17. I realized that "I" don't really exist, that drawing a distinction between myself and other human beings, or other living organisms for that matter, is as arbitrary as drawing a distinction between individual water molecules in the same glass. It stuck with me, and over the last year and a half it has led me to learning about and trying to follow Buddhism.

>> No.11820988

This isn't true. The strongest trip I ever had I felt a primal connection to my Indo-European ancestors, felt a lust for violence, and decided that the world, as it is, is fucked.

>> No.11820993

>s as arbitrary as drawing a distinction between individual water molecules in the same glass
That doesn't sound arbitrary to me. It has its purposes.

>> No.11821028

I agree that on the molecular scale it has its purpose... I guess I can't really put it into words better than I already did. I suppose it was sort of a realization that ultimately everyone and everything is basically just the same thing. That idea, but not just on the conceptual level, during the ego death I felt it to my core, emotionally, spiritually, on every level. That my self, my individuality, my specific importance was and is basically a delusion. Sorry if this sounds like a bunch of nonsense. Wikipedia is probably better than me at explaining this concept. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatta

>> No.11821038
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I had an acid trip and it's affecting me to this day. I still don't think I'm fully off of it

help me

>> No.11821048

Breathe through your nose and drink some chamomile

>> No.11821283

400μg 1p. I found out that the reason I remember nothing before I was 13yo was because of serious childhood trauma, specifically being molested at 8yo by a guy that attended my 3yo brothers funeral and ebin suicide "attempt" at 12yo ruined by my gf walking in on me, she dumped me right then and I decided to not kick the chair because it would make her happy I guess. I ended up taking a month off to cope with this. Decided to 600μg and was CIA "interrogated" by beings made of condensed light energy to try and get something from me. Don't remember what it was, but I learned that I can't binge eat my internal emptiness away. Gave up on life before these 2 trips, currently in community college to get associates for radiology.

>> No.11821289

DMT made me feel as though I were dying. I realized that this is it. To say anything more, and even that, would be a measure of inaccuracy.I

One implication being that I should start a family so that when it happens my chance of being surrounded by love is increased.

>> No.11821427
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yeah... i read homer on lsd upon the mountain above nederland over the course of a summer i must have dropped acid 20 times.as my trip would come down i would pull out my leatherbound copy of homer and read then set the book aside and meditate on conflict and the human condition.then one day we went into boulder and scored a vial and my friend dosed us all out heavy and i had a thought of being an intellect that was weaponized like in the divine comedy just an intellect with an ethereal form and that some entity was abrasive to my existence and i destroyed it with the keen edge of my thought

>> No.11821428

You should be grateful. Some people never get to have that realization and end up dying alone.

>> No.11821447

Any revelation you might have doesn’t translate.
We are all lost at sea, clinging to the wreckage.
Dumb fags try to make it pretty but that’s all it really is.

>> No.11821750

Sounds pretty tho.

>> No.11822042

It’s more sad than anything else.
You realize You are lost, going to die, and everything you do is ultimately meaningless.

>> No.11822050

The insight comes months after the psychedelic experience, not during

>> No.11822056

Thats funny because i got the complete opposite

>> No.11822073

That means you’re delusional and idealistic.
I’m undoubtedly more fortunate than you, and yet still these are the constant obstacles that come full circle with prolonged exposure to life and alternative views within it

>> No.11822080

>I’m undoubtedly more fortunate than you,
>feel like garbage
Id unironically hug you

>> No.11822088

A delusional and idealistic thing to do. We are god’s shit and are not to be trusted whether you like it or not.

>> No.11822105
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I had a super intense acid trip like 6 months ago where the first stage of it was feeling that generic "dude bro everything is connected we are the universe experiencing itself" stuff. Then the second stage was the universe suddenly forming back together into one conscious thing, instead of a billion little conscious things. And I was that one big conscious thing, and there was nothing else. And it was fucking terrifying. I was just this lonely god standing in a black void for eternity. Worst experience of my entire life, only time I ever truly considered suicide.

>> No.11822109

Stop feeding on you being right about negative things, you will hurt yourself

>> No.11822183

Psychedelics isnt a gurantee to having insightful experience. I think smart people are predisposed to having those experiences -- rather, people who are open with their beliefs.

anyways, when i did 400-500 ug of 1p lsd, i think i really understood stirners concept of spooks. I found that society, over the course of human civilization, has developed in a way that has made life more problematix than it actually has to be. In that we have set up these identities and social constructs for ourselves, and we genuinely buy into these ideas as if they were real. And we did that so much that now it is almost impossible to escape the dogma and ideology society binds you with.

Yes, psychedelics in the sense led me have a more "communistic" ideal, but that is just a mis-definiton. A libertarian, socialist society seems to be the most ideal in respect to the notion of wanting to advance humanity to understand the world in a more objective way. But that requires most, if not everyone to stop deluding themselves with spooks and truly understand what compassion, love, and knowledge is.

I digress, but essentially, i understood how important education is, not in the typical sense of education where everyone needs to go to school. For example, DARE was an attempt to "educate" children on how and why drugs are bad mmmay? What we should do is teach children what the actual definiton of drugs is, and how the body uses many different drugs - we create this category where all drugs are bad, even though in mainstream society, people are ignora tly consuming millions of different drugs.

>> No.11822187

>And I was that one big conscious thing, and there was nothing else. And it was fucking terrifying. I was just this lonely god standing in a black void for eternity.

nice, its always in the back of my mind but i've never fully experienced it like that

>> No.11822221


Which brought me to realize that learning about the philosophy of language is so important to expanding our knowledge and understanding. In fact, learning about science and philosophy hand in hand is important to learning about what the universe and reality is.

>psychedelics showed me that knowledge is essential to enlightenment
>capitalistic culture is ruining our chances of learning and exploring the universe.
>ignorance is not, not knowing things, but refusing to open your mind
>people are too attached to the "realities" they constructed, and are scared/refuse to see the truth -- which is why i think people of bad trips, they cant let go of their spooks.

Also, buddha was right. Not the mystical storiws surrounding the buddha, but the essential teachings of what nirvana is, is right.

Eastern philosophy, with a grain of salt, is true redpill.

>> No.11822231

>mainstream society, people are ignora tly consuming millions of different drugs

our society is running on drugs, from wall street to the 'runts' just trying to get through endlessly repeating shifts of moving stuff around

>> No.11822847

Yes thats true. Im saying evem the foods we ingest have drugs in them. Society creates some broad category of chemicals and call them drugs and that they are bad.

>> No.11822866
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Yes but I forgot them all. Probably because I was tripping too often and all the experiences got muddles together. However on my last trip I decided to stop taking drugs to cope with life and i've been weed/cigarette/lsd free since April. Only drinking on social occasions which isn't that often. It was also after that trip I started working out and reading daily. It just hit me like a ton of bricks how much of a loser I was becoming.

>> No.11822906

Well just this evening while smoking copious weed after being up most of last night after shooting method I had the insight that my life is a complete fucking wreck

>> No.11822914

This is why I hate Buddhism. It devalues the human existence to nothingness for a spiritual existence that we may never actually to experience in its purity. Taoism teaches you to actually embrace and enjoy the human existence.

>> No.11823770

No. Like all other drugs it is mere folly compared to the pure insight one can achieve through sobriety and privation.

>> No.11823806
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the closest i've come is when i took a shit load of edible weed and went to starbucks. about an hour later, when i had finished my iced coffee and was listening to the ecco the dolphin ost, i had one of those "we live in a society" moments.

i realized that as a software engineer in california i was a tool of america's projecting of power around the globe. i belonged to a narrow slice of the world, a wealthy upper-middle class slice which had constructed a virtual reality for itself consisting of starbucks, macbooks, and rapid response police. i realized through my taxes i was funding efforts to kill people with drones. i realized it was all an illusion, this thing we call society, that it's a prison we have constructed for ourselves through language. we're a bunch of large mammals kept in check with 18th century french pieces of paper. ultimately, if i stepped out of line too far, i would be thrown in prison or killed.

>> No.11823810

Nothing wrong with Communism in theory...

Well, okay, Marx didn't know dick about commerce and production, but otherwise top shelf.

>> No.11823846

that is one of the cringiest thing ive ever seen. top 10

>> No.11824427



>> No.11825126

the very same institution that presents itself as the ultimate benevolent benefactor has its dirty hands in *everything*

>> No.11825136

i like how in the beginning it would be random but eventually it was just me indulging in a coping mechanism that i've been dragging since my teens.

if anything i feel guilty to the plant for misusing it

>> No.11825157

more like a hundred u pussy