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File: 190 KB, 1440x1800, 4D2B1302-B7C2-4ED0-8A69-1ED5D9845FF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11819223 No.11819223 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone actually read this meme

>> No.11819292


>> No.11819316

I certainly hope not

>> No.11819410


the prose is boring as shit but serviceable. the characters and their interactions are pretty great, though i wish they were carried by more spirited writing

>> No.11819450

Who is this qt

>> No.11819509

I wonder how you could figure this out without asking???????

>> No.11819546

How tf is she 27 years old? She looks like a granny lmao

>> No.11819602

Where should I start?

>> No.11819617

conversations with friends

>> No.11819670

I actually quite enjoy her. I think she’s one of the first writers to succeed with millennium minimalism which was always going to happen with how the internet wires our brains. I was however a bit disappointed that the first was a twitterer and not a recluse who cut their teeth on greentexts but que sera sera

>> No.11819681

What’s "minimal" about her work ?

>> No.11819688

Its boring lol

>> No.11819695

The prose, the length, the style of describing things in snapshots rather than rolling scenes? Is this sarcastic?

>> No.11819701

read what?
you have provided no title or author

>> No.11819705

An author is literally provided retard

>> No.11819712

Feck off, potato cunny, we aren’t buying your book.

>> No.11819714

Give me a name.

>> No.11819724

Nothing about that is minimalism. What you're talking about is lack of talent

>> No.11819733

what is the authors name

>> No.11819739
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no potatofu

>> No.11819744


She’s an Irish novelist named Tao Lin. ( I think it’s Gaelic for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)

>> No.11819753

By the time they’re 40, every Irish person has the face that they deserve.

>> No.11819759

You might want to make that 25

>> No.11819761 [DELETED] 

Am I sarcastic ? Are you ? I guess all novellas with white prose are minimal art, then.

>> No.11819763


>> No.11819768
File: 106 KB, 800x1088, F51FD4FB-1390-4D2A-BF2F-D01F4F81A0C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, Beckett’s actually 23 in this picture

>> No.11819771

Wow he's looking well for himself. Still has a bit of black in his hair

>> No.11819798

thin girls with bad faces are the patrician choice

>> No.11819953

mickey rooney

>> No.11820223

This almost sounds like the beginning of a Chandler novel.

>> No.11820231

I like her. I read Conversations with Friends in just a few days and I’m not even a weird shut-in like some of you guys (I say that with love). Her simple style appeals to me but it’s nothing crazy.

>> No.11820268

>and I’m not even a weird shut-in like some of you guys
That’s probably why you enjoy her work desu…

>> No.11820270
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>> No.11820287
File: 304 KB, 426x386, channel 4 news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a meme to you?

>> No.11820320

How mad do you think Mira is that she got replaced?

>> No.11820325

>and I’m not even a weird shut-in like some of you guys
Basically admitting you're an NPC whose opinion doesn't matter

>> No.11820401

>when girls sit like that on the dge of a table and theur hips spread like wildfire

I has a teacher that did this, but her hips were already wider than her shoulders and it was just... BRUHS

>> No.11820405


>> No.11820453

unironically thought that was Agnes Varda from the thumbnail

>> No.11820460

I never understood how Mira was a thing. Especially when that other alt lit roastie had nudes.

>> No.11820504

is there a /lit/roastie chart?

>> No.11820536


>> No.11820557

she was qt back in the day and plus we still kinda had the le secret club thing which made her cool

>> No.11820580

We also got her to react to that hilarious copy pasta story about her. You couldn't even write one about Wayne Rooney since she's so fucking boring and unremarkable

>> No.11820591

>that hilarious copypasta about her

Was that the one where she died?
I think I saw the thread about her reaction rather than the original.

>> No.11820595
File: 230 KB, 1222x870, StopDesiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop desiring pre-menopausal women, misogynist.

>> No.11820643

>millennium minimalism
tfw no one writes like Conrad anymore

>> No.11820647

thank fuck for that

>> No.11820648

I'm in awe at the size of this lad

>> No.11820759

>ywn jizz on her bangs
hold me bros

>> No.11820798

>( I think it’s Gaelic for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)
severely underrated

>> No.11820841
File: 377 KB, 1024x768, 4C4520CF-9571-49D6-8E86-AED267D1F4E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... :(

>> No.11820948

I really enjoyed Normal People.
The secondary characters generally sucking apart from the mum is my biggest gripe;
I thought the minimalist 'millenial prose' actually worked really well,
I felt like she left enough subtle nods to really deep emotion that it was quite moving at times, even without memorable lines - instead of incredibly intense language describing their sex, you felt like an outsider looking in on their experiences through a curtain, you certainly felt something really intense was happening even if you weren't there.

The two main characters were really believable and really moving. I really liked the ending.

I think a fair couple of parts really hit me and I really hope it sticks with me. I'm not certain it will, but I hope it does.

I was really enthusiastic about it at first but that enthusiasm's waned a bit. I still really like it. I hope she keeps up her momentum and writes another book soon, I'll be keeping an eye out. Not very interested in Conversations With Friends.

>> No.11820961

My opinion>>>>>your opinion

>> No.11821098

i want to hug sally

>> No.11821112

Imagine being tricked into reading young adult and taking it this seriously

>> No.11821291

How is it YA?

>> No.11821578

1. Sally


2. Carli
3. Butters
4. Katie


9999999999999999999999. Mira

>> No.11822410

w2c mick gf

>> No.11822418

Oh god yes! I remember my government teacher, my god was she sexy. Whenever she wrote on the board or sat on the table like you described, I was diamonds.

>> No.11822423

Irish names are so cool

>> No.11822428

Its literally the definition of young adult. If it was written by John Greene no one would bat an eyelid

>> No.11822463

you going to qualify that statement in any way faggot?

>> No.11822610

not him but it's literally the definition of young adult
>about young people
>love story
>sex scenes
It's also boring

>> No.11822688

tasteful semen demon desu

>> No.11822812

this poor old hag isn't a meme desu

>> No.11822817

>not a single mention of ontologicool
you're a fucking charlatan you know that? delete your account asap hunny

>> No.11823402
File: 863 KB, 762x580, bns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse you???

>> No.11823537

So This Side of Paradise is also YA then?