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/lit/ - Literature

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11817714 No.11817714 [Reply] [Original]

What did you read this summer? This was a very productive summer for me.

>> No.11817718

bought a copy of mario party ds played that for a while

>> No.11817736

Gravity's Rainbow, Norwegian Wood, Bras Cubás, The Golden Bough, Borges' El Aleph, Plato's Trial and Death of Socrates dialogues, Gorgias, Meno, The Republic, Phaedrus, The Symposium, Parmenides, Timaeus, Aristotle's Organon, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, On the Soul, Plotinus' Enneads, Epictetus' Discourses, St. Augustine's Confessions and The City of God, Confessions of a Mask, Kokoro, No Longer Human, The Consolation of Philosophy, Philosophus Autodidactus.
What took me the most to read must've been either Plotinus' Enneads or St. Augustine's The City of God, and what I found most difficult to get through was Aristotle's Metaphysics.

>> No.11817738

It's Brás Cubas.

>> No.11817753

I can't imagine there must be much of a difference between the two while saying them out loud.

>> No.11817772

There is a big difference, actually. Trust me, I'm huezilian.

>> No.11817779

my ex always told me to read that bras cubas shit didnt realize it was written by machado de assis always kept it blank to the back of my consideration

>> No.11817797

Stopped playing vidya so much and started to read again after a long pause (read Potters like 10 years ago).

Now I read Mythology, Iliad, the idiot, demons, the prince, communist manifesto, protocols of zion, Wheens capital, Ecce homo and 2 of vargs books.

>> No.11817803

What was The Secret History like? I always see aesthic picture of it on Tumblr, why is it so popular on that site?

>> No.11817817

I planned to read a lot, I picked three books at the beginning to start off with, Infinite Jest, The Republic, and The Book of Disquiet
They took me all summer

>> No.11817818

How was the big Vole Man?
Why is Piers Plowman that long?

>> No.11818067
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>Protocols of Zion

>> No.11818090

It's a great book all around and very accessible.

>> No.11818098


>> No.11818113

>Plato's Republic
>Machievelli's The Prince

>> No.11818274
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>> No.11818332

I've read fairly extensively this winter (southern hemisphere):

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Scoop by Evelyn Waugh
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Poetic Edda
Mortality by Christopher Hitchens
The Metamorphoses by Ovid
12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Memerson
The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
Tamburlaine the Great (parts I & II) by Christopher Marlowe
The Tragedy of King Richard the Third by William Shakespeare
King Henry the Fourth (part I) by William Shakespeare
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Epicene, or the Silent Woman by Ben Jonson
Love’s Labour’s Lost by William Shakespeare
The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
The Bhagavad-Gita by Veda Vyasa
The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

>> No.11818338


>> No.11818344

Songs of a Dead Dreamer & Grimscribe by Thomas Ligotti
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Ftizgerald
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
12 Rules For Life by Dr. Jordan B Peterson

I can't remember off the top of my head what I read before Ligotti but I fell off reading a bit from May until July so I'm not sure if I actually finished a book in that time.

>> No.11818347

The Kindly Ones - Littell, White Noise - DeLillo, Crazy Cock - Miller, Society of the Spectacle - Debord, Against Everything - Greif, E Unibus Pluram - DFW, Eichmann in Jerusalem - Arendt, Stories of the Ghetto (Golem shit and other Jewish folktales, old rabbis are essentially wizards). Can’t remember on the toilet what else other than infinite articles on whatever. Child of God - McCarthy. Couple of bad short stories out of Hot Little Hands - Ulsan (trying to get a young female perspective and it was cheap in a bookstore, dont recommend), Mother Night - Vonnegut, Persepolis 1&2 - Satrapi. Kitchen Confidential - Bourdain

Always more fiction and less philosophy than I intend. I’ve a large mostly unread philos section that I keep abandoning for lit.

Couple of these might’ve fallen outside of summer but I can’t remember because the distinction is arbitrary since I left university.

>> No.11818354

>selected tweets
This became a genre
This became a genre
This became a genre
I will LARP Kaczynsky now

>> No.11818390

what on earth did you produce except a false sense of accomplishment?

>> No.11818487

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Cancer Ward
The Painted Bird
My French Whore

>> No.11818602
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This. Reading is certainly interesting and "useful" but it's not productive. If your other hobbies include smoking weed and jerking off I can see you coming to this conclusion.

>> No.11818723

>Piers Plowman

>> No.11818729

>giving a fuck about subhuman babble
Kys nigger

>> No.11818761

Fiction readers are so naïve

>> No.11818820

I don't understand Lime Twig? :((

>> No.11818824

If you do anything cause 'useful' or 'productive' you should kys asap.

>> No.11819308

What's not to understand. It was my favorite book of the summer. Let's talk.

>> No.11819358

it's pleb

>> No.11819365

Eh, I waas working in a conservation corps all summer, so I was unproductive as it comes. I read Lanark, Hero of Our Time, War and Peace, book of essays on Lynch, and half of a History of Madness which, honestly, I will probably not finish. What can you do

>> No.11819412

how are the perec essays?

>> No.11819413


>> No.11819433

>read books
yeah pretty productive

>> No.11819624

>The 12 Rules for Life
>The Catcher in the Rye
Are you less than 20 years old?

>> No.11819721

Just started reading and browsing /lit/ last April

This summer, (June onwards), I read:

American Psycho
The Fall
The Trial
The Metamorphosis
Infinite Jest
White Noise
East of Eden
Steppen Wolf
A Portrait of the Artist
Notes From Underground
The New York Trilogy
The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Anna Karenina

Currently reading Ulysses, plan to read The Idiot afterwards, then Blood Meridian, Gravity's Rainbow, Demons, Mason & Dixon, and Huxley books in some order that comes to me when I get there. Any reccs?

>> No.11819741

This summer I read:

Life is a Dream
The Book of Disquiet
The Savage Detectives
In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower

>> No.11819822

Incredible, if only everyone could be like you!

>> No.11819836

>species of spaces
good taste

>> No.11819866

cuBAS and CUbas sound different, if you can't tell difference you're most likely some Murifag swine from Ohio.

>> No.11819873

I want this to be a genuine response but since this is /lit/ i don't know if you're being sarcastic or not

>> No.11819925

It deeply saddens me seeing books like Gravity's Rainbow or Blood Meridian listed among books like 1984 or American Psycho.

>> No.11819930

>mfw just started reading and 1984 and American Psycho fall well within literary fiction and get judged upon reading easy books to get into reading

Why, anon? Don't you like books?

>> No.11819952

it's okay I'm not really judging if you just got into reading, but it's high school fiction vs real literature.

>> No.11819989

A House for Mr. Biswas
Ghost Stories of an Antiquary
The Thirty Years War
The Siege of Krishnapur
The Sword in the Stone
Out of Africa
West with the Night
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Memoirs of a Fox Hunting Man
Goodby to All That

I’m almost halfway through Tess of the D’ Urbervilles but I doubt I will get finished in time for it to still be a summer book.

>> No.11820109

Bunch of essays for my philosophy classes + these

A brief history of the Soul
Catcher in the Rye (not american so never read it)
Gombrich's history of art
Houellebecq Submission
Discourse on Method
Crime and Punishment
Crying of Lot 49
Hume's dialogue on religions + natural history of religion
Locke's letter on toleration
Berkeley's 3 dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
3 different Que-sais je (the french equivalent of Oxford's '' A very short introduction to X)
Diderot's the nun (La religieuse)
The perfume
Prochain épisode by Hubert Aquin
Tocqueville's trip to lower-canada and his observations (Regards sur le Bas-Canada)
La révolution industrielle du Moyen-Âge (history book dealing with technical advancements in the middle-ages and how those led to the industrial revolution ; the middle-ages own little industrial revolution so to say, great book)
Lastly, 2 big tomes on Quebec's economical and social history

Haven't read as much as I wanted to, fortunately the year isn't over.

Currently reading Cassirer's The philosophy of the Enlightenment

>> No.11820498

Is it even fun reading that fast?

>> No.11820950

Mishima - The Lady Aoi
Lenin - Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism
Völsunga Saga
The Nibelungenlied
Alexander Petőfi - John the Valiant

>> No.11820963

studying philosophy in Quebec ? you got some great scholars when it comes to greek philosophy

>> No.11820987

between June and now I read:

South Wind by Norman Douglas
Auto-da-Fé by Canetti
The Weavers by Hauptmann
Short Letter, Long Farewell by Handke
Mr Norris Changes Trains by Isherwood
The Children of the Dead by Jelinek
Goodbye to Berlin by Isherwood
Brigitta by Stifter
Your Face Tomorrow #1 by Javier Marías
Your Face Tomorrow #2
The Odyssey
The Complete Poems of Yeats
Stasiland by Anna Funder
Your Face Tomorrow #3
The Renaissance by Pater
The Robbers by Schiller
The Theban Plays by Sophocles
Tristram Shandy by Sterne
Madame Bovary by Flaubert
Doctor Faustus, Tamburlaine 1&2, Edward II, The Jew of Malta by Marlowe
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by Hume
Arcadia, The Real Thing, Night and Day, Indian Ink, Hapgood by Stoppard
Three Tales by Flaubert

currently reading John Donne's poems
Tamburlaine sucked ass, yeah? I hated it, shite plays. How's Ben Jonson?

>> No.11820990

>how to be a sophomoric jerk on anime imageboards - step 1

>> No.11820998

Tender is the Night
The Aeneid
The Master and Margarita
Faust I & II
Blood Meridian
Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky
Reading As I Lay Dying

>> No.11821043

Resumed reading this June after a long time of pursuing other hobbies + university

The Death of Ivan Ilyich
The Brothers Karamazov
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Things Fall Apart
Fahrenheit 451
Journey to the End of the Night
The Art of War
Snow Country
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Handmaid's Tale
The Call of Cthulhu and other Weird Stories

And I'll be finishing House of Leaves tomorrow, gonna read some more Lovecraft before I start with either Lolita or The Master and Margerita

>> No.11821100

So you don't eat or sleep?

>> No.11821157

between June and the first week of September:

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Mansfield Park
Paris Spleen
Madame Bovary
Paradise Lost
The Passion According to G.H.
Selected Poems of Langston Hughes
Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics
On Chesil Beach
Mrs. Warren's Profession
The Interpretation of Dreams
Civilization and its Discontents
A Room of One's Own
The Secret History
Absalom, Absalom!
Trans: A Memoir
The Gay Science
The Hatred of Poetry
Gravity and Grace
Sea Garden
No Exit
The Buddha of Suburbia
The Chapo Guide to Revolution

and the Brothers Karamazov

in a list like this, it was a pretty good summer.

>> No.11821166
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>> No.11821173

how do you define summer? from what date to what date?

>> No.11821210


Yea, not in the town of Quebec though.

The teachers at my university (UdeS) are all competent, but a lot of the students are complete plebs.