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File: 27 KB, 405x563, 35._Portrait_of_Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11817143 No.11817143 [Reply] [Original]

>(Wittgenstein's) response to female students who tried to attend his lectures was even worse. If a woman appeared in the audience, he would remain standing silent until she left the room.


>> No.11817223

unironically based and redpilled desu senpai

>> No.11817341

Basado y rojoempastillado

>> No.11817346


>> No.11817352

wow what a fuckin BASED jew

>> No.11817365

poor guy was too shy to speak in front of wymin, cute

>> No.11817422

our guy

>> No.11817427

attempt to convince me that Wittgenstein was not God incarnate

>> No.11817429

deleuze invalidated his theories

>> No.11817447 [DELETED] 

>But (Wittgenstein's) response to black students who tried to attend his lectures was the very worst. If a black man appeared in the audience, he would remain standing silent until everyone else left the room.

fucked BASED

>> No.11817448

Deleuze invalidated truth itself, wow!

>> No.11817659

gay jewish cunt destroyed by deleuze

>> No.11817973

deleuze was a charlatan.

>> No.11817988

>Finally, toward the end of my time in Cambridge, I ventured to speak to him. I told him I had enjoyed reading the Tractatus, and I asked him whether he still held the same views that he had expressed twenty-eight years earlier. He remained silent for a long time and then said, “Which newspaper do you represent?” I told him I was a student and not a journalist, but he never answered my question.

this guy

>> No.11818020

>effeminate frenchmen destroys gay german

>> No.11818634


>> No.11818973

was Witty a top or bottom?

I would guess bottom

>> No.11818981


>> No.11819067

Unironically based. If you're attending uni in the current year you have to agree with him. 90% of these thots should be expelled simply on what they're wearing, let alone their lack of intellectual honesty.

>> No.11819306

Wtf I love Wittgenstein now

>> No.11819313

Based fag jew

>> No.11819328 [DELETED] 

Unironically based

>> No.11819331


>> No.11819335

>hates women
>passive aggressive
Definitely a bottom

>> No.11819336
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Had his life taken a different path, I believe that his name would be there with Edison, Einstein, and Hawking. Like Saccheri before him, he had found something abhorrent to the nature of straight lines. He studied it. The logical equations he derived are part of his work.

>> No.11819346
File: 62 KB, 1013x223, kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11819354

Basert og Rodtpillert

>> No.11819376

Wasn’t Anscombe one of his students? Did he make an exception for her?

>> No.11819379


>> No.11819380

How did Anscombe ever get close to him

>> No.11819419

Great Kant,

As a believer calls to his God, I call to you for help, for comfort, or for counsel to prepare me for death. Your writings prove that there is a future life. But as for this life, I have found nothing, nothing at all that could replace the good I have lost, for I loved someone who, in my eyes, encompassed within himself all that is worthwhile, so that I lived only for him, everything else was in comparison just rubbish, cheap trinkets. Well, I have offended this person, because of a long drawn out lie, which I have now disclosed to him, though there was nothing unfavourable to my character in it, I had no vice in my life that needed hiding. The lie was enough though, and his love vanished. As an honourable man, he doesn’t refuse me friendship. But that inner feeling that once, unbidden, led us to each other, is no more – oh my heart splinters into a thousand pieces! If I hadn’t read so much of your work I would certainly have put an end to my life. But the conclusion I had to draw from your theory stops me – it is wrong for me to die because my life is tormented, instead I’m supposed to live because of my being. Now put yourself in my place, and either damn me or comfort me. I’ve read the metaphysic of morals, and the categorical imperative, and it doesn’t help a bit. My reason abandons me just when I need it. Answer me, I implore you – or you won’t be acting in accordance with your own imperative.

>> No.11819424

My vision is clear now. I feel that a vast emptiness extends inside me, and all around me—so that I almost find myself to be superfluous, unnecessary. Nothing attracts me. I’m tormented by a boredom that makes life intolerable. Don’t think me arrogant for saying this, but the demands of morality are too easy for me. I would eagerly do twice as much as they command. They only get their prestige from the attractiveness of sin, and it costs me almost no effort to resist that. […] I don’t study the natural sciences or the arts any more, since I don’t feel that I’m genius enough to extend them; and for myself, there’s no need to know them. I’m indifferent to everything that doesn’t bear on the categorical imperative, and my transcendental consciousness—although I’m all done with those thoughts too.

You can see, perhaps, why I only want one thing, namely to shorten this pointless life, a life which I am convinced will get neither better nor worse. If you consider that I am still young and that each day interests me only to the extent that it brings me closer to death, you can judge what a great benefactor you would be if you were to examine this question closely. I ask you, because my conception of morality is silent here, whereas it speaks decisively on all other matters. And if you cannot give me the answer I seek, I beg you to give me something that will get this intolerable emptiness out of my soul.

>> No.11819426

>Kant thot patrolling.
Maybe he wasn't the most evil man in history after all.

>> No.11819438

please respond

>> No.11819569

Hahahahahahaha, good. Get them the fuck out. They destroyed academia. They care nothing for honest intellectual or artistic work. They only care about their feelings. The harpies would have run Wittgenstein out of town if he were alive and working today.

>> No.11819589

This isn't true.

>> No.11819590

he was a monster

>> No.11819642

Wittgenstein was bisexual and had a couple relationships with women

>> No.11819651
File: 27 KB, 552x742, 1536952450913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wittgenstein would be a /pol/tard today , prove me wrong.

>> No.11819666

He was a literal fag

>> No.11819692

No he wasn't, that notion is based on a book written in 1973 ny William Bartley III with no evidence to back up the claim.

>> No.11819730

>literal fag
>never had sex with a man


>> No.11819731

quote in the OP is sourced from something W said to Anscombe ("presumably an honorary man" in Ray Monk's(?) words)

source? afaik he was never in a relationship and the stuff about him being gay is pure conjecture

>> No.11819849

>afaik he was never in a relationship
Isn't this further evidence he was gay? Especially since there were anti-gay laws on the books...

>> No.11819853

Witty was sympathetic to Hitler's reinvigoration of Germany

>> No.11819886

that's not helping yr case

>> No.11819959

He was gay/asexual and Jewish tho

>> No.11819966

>Wittgenstein, the jew, who volunteered in a hospital because he wanted to fight hitler but was too old to fight on the front, was amenable to hitler’s vision

>> No.11819985

A Jewish guy is the one who made the original Ben Garrison edits and there are tons of gays on /pol/, just wait for a trap thread.

Witty would probably buy everyone he knew 12 Rule by Peterson.

>> No.11820009

>Wittgenstein, the jew, who volunteered in a hospital because he wanted to fight hitler
>Because he wanted to fight Hitler
*Because he hated his University

>> No.11820013

>A Jewish guy is the one who made the original Ben Garrison edits and there are tons of gays on /pol/, just wait for a trap thread.
So many citations needed, I can't even...

>> No.11820333

he literally called her "old man"

he never consummated them

>> No.11820349

Damn . . .

>> No.11820727

That's common knowledge, newfag. I'll throw you a bone though: Joshua Goldberg.

>> No.11820735

sounds like a beta
literally shaking whenever he catches the sight of a woman, too shocked to speak

>> No.11821042


the honest to god truth is that if you haven't been here since 2007, you're still a newfag, sorry. everything he said was right, which is why ben garrison made up with /pol/ and why alex jones watches tranny porn

anyway, wittgenstein probably just read sex & character too early and could never reconcile with women. he probably thought they weren't capable of understanding any kind of philosophy

>> No.11821164

>which is why ben garrison made up with /pol/
Nope, they never did. When did this happen I've been here since /pol/ was created in what 2011
>Why did Alex Jones watch tranny porn
Because he was never really a Jesus freak? It's always been understood that he was a kike shill and degenerate on /pol/. He was always made fun of.

>> No.11821169

That's a Reddit meme, newfag

>> No.11821185

This one just made me sad

>> No.11821194

>never been in relationship = gay
People like you are why I have to consider getting a hooker. fuck you

>> No.11821199

Lmao, there's literally personal letters of his to his college twink love interests. He was gaaaayy.

>> No.11821379


do you lack reading comprehension or are you just a kid?

>> No.11821416

t. manlet or woman. Either way, a really weak specimen.

>> No.11821425

Yet he was known for beating algebra into his female students as well as male. And one of the few people remaining at his side at death was a female student.

>> No.11821433

You can't prove the discrete semiotic ontology. You can only demonstrate the infeasability of all other options.

>> No.11821436

Wittgenstein probably thought G.E.M Anscombe was his most gifted student, as he entrusted her with managing his posthumous estate.

He referred to her as "the old man"

>> No.11821465

He was in a relationship with a woman and even talked about kissing her, very autistically.

>> No.11821474

Didn't he have an affair with an older woman when he was a teen in Vienna?

>> No.11821487

Incels aren't real I suppose

>> No.11821492

>Arriving after Chanology

Newfag. And /pol/ is full of homos. I'm one of them.

>> No.11821496

You do realize there are people who have been here for years and have never looked at pol, right anon?

>> No.11821504

They generally don't claim to be knowledgeable on it though.

>> No.11821509

I suppose you're right about that

>> No.11821569

wow what a qt

>> No.11822271

Even though I love philosophy and hate all the “dude what’s the point of philosophy science BTFOs it” posters, if this is true, it’s a good example of how philosophy doesn’t always apply to the real world. Philosophy develops your mind, can teach you how to think, but sometimes the mind isn’t always best in emotional matters. Sometimes you just gotta stop being autistic and have some commonsense and not meddle in other people’s lives.

based and redpilled

>> No.11822280

>freezing in fear when seeing a woman

>> No.11822290

>empathizing with lonely hoes
nah. And I hope you're at least 6' 2" if you're going around calling people manlets. 6'1" is barely acceptable but glass house territory.

>> No.11822298

History Of Incel Living - 2nd Tome

>> No.11822414



>> No.11822440

I agree. Women have absolutely no agency, and Kant has full responsibility for the advice she sought and the decisions she made.

>> No.11822441

stone kold Kant

>> No.11822451
File: 5 KB, 251x240, 1534343585960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't men be like this anymore? Absolutely amazing.

>> No.11822457

>weak-willed suggestible person dependent on a famous person for extremely personal advice
>”Dude let me give her advice even though I know nothing of the situation and people personally”

Sure, the woman sounds like she already had something wrong with her, but it seems like Kant was letting his role as philosopher go to his head. A truly wise person would have seen that they were dealing with a dependent personality and the best response would have been none at all, to let them figure things out for themselves. “Sapere aude” — dare to think, instead of taking personal advice on everything from Kant.

>> No.11822487

His work is boring and derivative

>> No.11822513


>> No.11822519

I know right, Deleuze is pretty cute

>> No.11822667


He was merely applying 7.

>> No.11822725

really? thats pretty pathetic.

>> No.11823240

Reminder that Wittgenstein killed all his siblings and it was covered up as 'suicides'

>> No.11823254


>> No.11823269

someone post the McMahon meme

>> No.11823274 [DELETED] 

My grandfather saw Wittgenstein at a grocery store in Los Angeles. He told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but he didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
He was taken aback, and all he could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting him off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of his face. He walked away and continued with his shopping, and he heard him chuckle as he walked off. When he came to pay for his stuff up front he saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at my grandpa. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.11823305

is this a DFW pasta?

>> No.11823315

Fucking based man!!!!

>> No.11823318

>all these seething redditers

>> No.11823319

I freaking love this guy!!!

>> No.11823327

making dishonest sluts take their own lives is a great universal maxim though

>> No.11823341
File: 221 KB, 1157x841, wittgenstein humour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Wittgenstein was alive today he would main [s4s]

>> No.11823452

>implying most /pol/tards aren’t

>> No.11823490

Incomprehensibly dumb.

>> No.11823616

wqoiw I gues syoure' a truly wise person anon :) link tumblr page

>> No.11823966

>But - and in this he is also following Weininger - it is clear that for most of the time when he talks of 'Jews' he is thinking of a particular racial group. Indeed, what is most shocking about Wittgenstein's remarks on Jewishness is his use of the language - indeed, the slogans - of racial anti-Semitism. The echo that really disturbs is not that of 'Sex and Character', but that of 'Mein Kampf'. Many of Hitler's most outrageous suggestions - his characterization of the Jew as a parasite 'who like a noxious bacillus keeps spreading as soon as a favorable medium invites him', his claim that the Jew's contribution to culture has been entirely derivative, that 'the Jew lacks those qualities which distinguish the races that are creative and hence culturally blessed', and, furthermore, that this contribution has been restricted to an *intellectual* refinement of another's culture ('since the Jew... was never in possession of a culture of his own, the foundations of his intellectual work were always provided by others') - this whole litany of lamentable nonsense finds a parallel in Wittgenstein's remarks of 1931.
Were they not written by Wittgenstein, many of his pronouncements on the nature of Jews would be understood as nothing more than the rantings of a fascist anti-Semite.

From Ray Monk's "Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius".

Basiert und rotgetablettet.

>> No.11824885

what's your honest intellectual or artistic work, eh?

>> No.11824893

>he wasnt a misogynist -- he also beat the girls!

>> No.11824916

So the greatest jewish filmmaker, greatest jewish sportsman and greatest jewish philosopher are all self hating jews

>> No.11824926

the greatest man who ever walked this earth was an antisemitic jew: the Nazarene

>> No.11824942

>that anecdote isn't a prime example of why philosophy should be applied to the real world all the time
Yourself>Move To>Recycle Bin

>> No.11824960

>Answer me, I implore you – or you won’t be acting in accordance with your own imperative.
gonna use this when a girl doesnt respond to my snapchats

>> No.11824972

>Were they not written by Wittgenstein, many of his pronouncements on the nature of Jews would be understood as nothing more than the rantings of a fascist anti-Semite.
these people are fucking retarded

>> No.11825149

>yours bloodily


>> No.11825168
File: 82 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was it you, was it you?

>> No.11825348

>who is Aristotle