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11816529 No.11816529 [Reply] [Original]

What do the philosiphers say about masturbation?

>> No.11816538

Kant says self-pleasure is categorically immoral. Masturbation is the worst thing you can do because it reduces the mind to serve pleasure and places you into an eternal state of heteronomy. Kant is said to have said it's worse than murder. If you see how it directs your life and undermines your very agency over it and self, you'd agree. Even religions with ascetic and chaste ideals place sexual sins as the worst as they are truly a sin against your very self.

>> No.11816539

some be like
>it bad
others be like
>it okay

>> No.11816542
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>> No.11816544

Stirner says if it is in your interests to do so, then do it. Otherwise do not make a sacred law out of lust and masturbation; addiction to self-love is not a love of real individuals but a love of the idea of people, that phantasm of human essence that we should rise above.

>> No.11816635

If only it were so easy to dismiss hunger by rubbing one's belly - Diogenes

>> No.11816641

"it's fucking great, i do it every day"

>> No.11816664

>Kant says
HOW DOES HE PROVE IT? Im starting to think you are a bot.

>> No.11816669
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Your diary desu?

>> No.11816676

Real philosophers do it in a tub in the marketplace

>> No.11816737

Implying 'real' sex and relationships are not equally phantasmatic

>> No.11816845

Based and redpilled

>> No.11816868
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Only to platonic forms of women (also known as 2d in more pedestrian circles)

>> No.11816905

According to Nick Land men are much more prone to use cyberspace as a masturbatory device for their solitary playing, while women are more prone to participate in chatrooms and MMOs, using cyberspace for seductive exchanges of speech and escapism.

>> No.11816909

Deja vu... Haven't you posted this before, verbatim?

>> No.11816918

>real sex is phantasmic
say pseuds with only a priori knowledge of what sex is like

>> No.11816925

Zizek not Land

>> No.11816942
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The life of God and divine intelligence, then, can, if we like, be spoken of as love disporting with itself; but this idea falls into edification, and even sinks into insipidity, if it lacks the seriousness, the suffering, the patience, and the labour of the negative.

>tfw you catch the Absolute yanking it
>maybe it's better if some things weren't known after all

>> No.11816969

Stirner was very paranoid about masturbating.

>In the first joy over being allowed to stretch out their hands toward everything human, people forgot to want anything else, but one forgets that, if in the moment of succumbing he had the force to exert his forces (e.g. bodily forces), he would not have failed to do it.

>> No.11817037
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>> No.11817046
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>> No.11817060
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what did he mean by this

>> No.11817061

What did he mean? Rape or put effort into finding a girlfriend?

>> No.11817068
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>tfw you realize most high tier geniuses were chaste

>> No.11817100

But the truth is
>It's morally grey

>> No.11817117

feel good my dick

>> No.11817128
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if you're in prison it's a little easier tho. being blind also can complicate things. dante's 'i cannot have sex, i'm in exile' is somewhat confusing. unless he was just so into his native land that there were rules for that too, in which case, hats off to him

for da vinci and michelangelo they were perhaps also concerned about how patrons or the church might feel about them getting it on with the lads

newton remains the Chosen One and a true Paladin of the Order

>> No.11817279

Da Vinci was not chaste