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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 860x397, man booker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11814720 No.11814720 [Reply] [Original]

Here are your six nominees for this year's Man Booker Prize. Thoughts?
So far I've only read The Overstory, I thought it was a weird but very effectively written book.

>> No.11814745 [DELETED] 

>Canadian on list

Dropped immediately

>> No.11814758

Never heard of any of these except Powers, and what I remember of its previous shortlists doesn't incite me to look into the others. How come USA is part of it now?

>> No.11814765

Those are the dullest book titles I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.11814774

true lol

>> No.11814776

They changed it in 2014, I guess to attract more attention to it? I get why it was controversial but when you have all but one Anglophone country eligible it makes sense to just say fuck it and include it.

>> No.11814805

That Kushner is bad. /ourgirl/ got cut out ?

>> No.11814836

Everyone I've spoken to about The Mars Room really enjoyed it, though I haven't read it myself yet. Who's our girl?

>> No.11814848 [DELETED] 

See how it's filled with women and nonwhites. We should get /pol/ on board and take this shit down

>> No.11814850

Just ignore him and we can keep talking about books, don't give him any (you)s

>> No.11814860

That young irish writer... forgot her name. Also, about Kushner : if you enjoyed The Flamethrowers, you will most likely enjoy this one too ; it simply isn’t for me I guess.

>> No.11814875

what's the problem with nonwhites? I understand niggers can get preachy about muh niggerness muh racism, but other than that, who cares.

>> No.11814882

I didn't enjoy The Flamethrowers at all, I thought maybe this would be different

>> No.11814899 [DELETED] 

Poos are disgusting
Chinks are subhuman fish faces
Irish look white but behavior wise are no better than the coloreds

>> No.11814918

Eh, I was talking about literature exclusively, I'm Hispanic btw.

>> No.11814928 [DELETED] 

They are inferior to us as white men

>> No.11815030
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I just want to talk about books

>> No.11815035
File: 47 KB, 403x392, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the last time I tried to report a shitty /lit/ post I got a fucking ban for "abusing the report function"
>even though the post got deleted after you got banned

The moderation on this board is fucking awful.

>> No.11815039 [DELETED] 

4chan is a white nationalist website, sweety. We're into white identity politics

>> No.11815044

Don't be a narc

>> No.11815054

Eight posts in and it becomes a /pol/ thread. And the /pol/ immigrants refuse to acknowledge that they are a problem. Sorry, we can't talk about books, we're the politics board with a thesaurus.

>> No.11815062 [DELETED] 

Roastie or leftypol cuck? Try Culture of Critique if you want the truth

>> No.11815068

If you're being ironic please do it somewhere else. Ironic shitposting if still shitposting

>> No.11815070

I haven't ever had that issue and I'm probably sending a dozen time more reports than posts. Might have been an accident or a new mod that didn't last.

>> No.11815085 [DELETED] 

Publishing is political
The Man Booker is political
Academia is political

This is one of the only places you’re allowed to express a contrary opinion to the establishment without dire repercussions

>> No.11815084

So has anyone else read The Overstory?

>> No.11815089

Well then I'm sure political posts like yours would be more at home on the politics board :-)

>> No.11815090

There's no such thing as "white identity", that's a retarded Muricanism.

>> No.11815108

>it's filled with women and nonwhites
as opposed to whom?
show us the white male writers whose novels released in 2018 are being overlooked by the Man Booker. i'm serious about that, i'll wait for a response.
>We should get /pol/ on board
not until you can show us that you're intentions are beneficial to a literary interest by answering me

>> No.11815115

>Walker is a D-Day veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder; he can’t return home to rural Nova Scotia, and looks instead to the city for freedom, anonymity and repair. As he moves from New York to Los Angeles and San Francisco we witness a crucial period of fracture in American history, one that also allowed film noir to flourish. The Dream had gone sour but – as those dark, classic movies made clear – the country needed outsiders to study and dramatise its new anxieties.

>While Walker tries to piece his life together, America is beginning to come apart: deeply paranoid, doubting its own certainties, riven by social division, spiralling corruption and the collapse of the inner cities. The Long Take is about a good man, brutalised by war, haunted by violence and apparently doomed to return to it – yet resolved to find kindness again, in the world and in himself.
sounds pretty neat desu

>> No.11815129

Do you mean Anna Burns? She's on the list, for Milkman

>> No.11815174

Making a shitty post isn't a banable offense you retard

>> No.11815182 [DELETED] 

The plagiarism potato

>> No.11815206 [DELETED] 

Prolly meant Sally Rooney
She’s meming herself a lot here lately

>> No.11815211

Rooney ! That’s it.

>> No.11815224


>> No.11815253 [DELETED] 

Man Booker didn’t buy her ‘millennials are worthy of interest’ premise either

>> No.11815312

Get off my board Frenchie

>> No.11815351
File: 352 KB, 790x350, 2018_34_sally_rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on my dick rn

>> No.11815430
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>> No.11815467

The Overstory? You're kidding me! That book was so bad I couldn't finish it. Worst thing Powers has written in a long time. It's filled with cliches and terrible characters and outrage porn. Granted, the first two hundred pages are good to great. But then everything falls apart. It's like Powers began to chug cough syrup after a few hundred pages, and incrementally increased the dosage until he was just smashing things together to force the story to on. And the prose! First hundred pages glowed! Then, my god, the adjectives start to stink! Like really smolder. Jesus. And Powers has it in him to compose long-form, I know he does. Orfeo, his last novel, while long-winded, was able to pierce its length with continual relevancy. The Overstory though, just accumulates within its own waste until it implodes into inorganic cheese.

>> No.11815474

who is this qt

>> No.11815639

is she actually good?

>> No.11815672

Gonna go to B&N after work and marathon her two books. I’ll report back

>> No.11815685

$20 buck on Kushner. $5 on Powers 2nd place.

>> No.11815687

>1 white man
k bro nice political stunt elitist institution yay youre still relevant dropped

>> No.11815693

Is this pasta? The Overstory is a short story collection.

>> No.11815709

It’s actually a novel where the city of Dublin is the protagonist

>> No.11815749

lmao gottem

>> No.11815893

>let me just go over to the bookstore and pound a couple novels real quick, i'll get back to you with a well informed opinion
fuck outta here, its an anonymous board pull your pants back up

>> No.11815935

That Daisy Johnson is only 27 years... Pretty impressive. Ofc she went for the good old classical tragedy rewriting, but oh well.

>> No.11816130

I don't know how anyone could say Orfeo was long winded. I thought it was much too short. Like, at least 100 pages too short.

>> No.11816136

B&N didn’t even have it fucking plens

>> No.11816159

Soooooo, the Goncourt is more interesting this year, I guess.

>> No.11816187

I'm like, two or three years permanently behind on French lit. Any standouts from the list?

>> No.11816549

why is she not my gf bros

>> No.11816865

Who gives a shit about book prizes with diversity mandates? Are any of these books as great as moby dick?

>> No.11816896

sounds fucking boring. So sick of this socialist realism... literary fiction these days is a japanese tea room ritual where everyone tries their hardest to imitate hemingway's style while portraying a humorless episode from the life of some boring nobody somewhere. It's so gay and I'm so tired of it. Unlike videogames, movies, or even comic books, lit has literally no budget whatsoever, all you have to do is imagine something and it'll burst into life in front of your readers eyes. I cannot for the LIFE of me imagine why people neglect this power in the service of tedious stories about real people that are actually more boring, bland, grey, and humorless than anyone in real life

>> No.11816904

why so many exclamation points... also where do you hang out besides lit, this is the first actual real life conversation about literature I've listened in on in a long while

>> No.11816964

maybe you should stick to genre fiction lad

>> No.11816966

It’s fashion. People like to feel intellectually relevant.

>> No.11816974

Isn’t Blood Meridian genre fiction? Moby Dick?

>> No.11816983

LOooooooOoooooooOOoooolll xdxdxd

>> No.11816988

Behead All Satans and Some People Who Were Naked deserve it more than any of the milquetoast pleb shit there.

>> No.11816998

blood meridian yes, moby dick no

>> No.11816999

Sally Rooney?

>> No.11817005

... and another thing—why don't these guys publish any of their work online? Are they still trying to pretend the internet doesn't exist? Cause it fucking does. It makes zero fucking sense that googling these things links me to amazon pages where they expect me to pay, what, 17 bucks just to get a taste of the book? I know there's a look inside feature, just... come ON man, snap out of the fucking past. If your novel was any good you could post half of it online and people would buy the rest, they'd be so enamored with it.

God every single book on this list is socialist realism. What the fuck. You know what's wrong with these people? They have a fetish for irrelevance. Everything in every one of these stories smacks of irrelevance and subalternity, which means that must be how the authors perceive the medium itself. A little put-upon mouse that hides in a nook... good God, is that all we poets are? Calliope fucking weeps!

I can't even imagine what kind of faggot... what a fucking pity it is that this is what "sophisticated" and "adult" means to these people. They have boiled down all literature into a single adjective: realistic. Except it's not even fucking realistic! Life isn't as fucking boring as these stories.

They could literally all be written by the same colorless, humorless person and it would make no difference.

Genre fiction leaves me totally cold. Nevertheless, it actually brings pleasure to some people. I really don't think the same can be said for this bullshit.

It's so fucking sad man. I hate this stupid country, this stupid age we're living in. There's no literature in the entire world anymore. It's a new dark ages.... etc.

>> No.11817063


>> No.11817085

are you seriously mad that writers want to make money for their work
are you a commie or something

>> No.11817091

Did she delete her twitter? I want to tell her about her alt-/lit/ fanclub

>> No.11817098

no I'm mad they're being fucking amish about it. They'd make more money if they didn't refuse to engage with the internet in any way

>> No.11817108

You can buy them all on kindle, what exactly is your issue?

>> No.11817146

Mfa grads are queer that way.

>> No.11817153

Literally none of those books are socialist realism. Are you unironically retarded? I don't understand.

>> No.11817174

it's still a pain/hassle. Why not use... patreon, or gumroad, or kickstarter, or indiegogo, or any of that shit? Those are all viable (if your work is any good), you ditch the greedy middleman publisher, and you can dribble your work out in doses big enough to get people hooked.

Idk what's so shameful and dishonorable about people liking what they read. That's how life should be... the old victorian subscription model where people from all walks of life crowded around to buy the next chapter of Dickens...

*social realism, then. whatever

>> No.11817227

Literal retardation it is.

>> No.11817232

I've never read any of her work but she makes my penis rise. She's probably my favourite contemporary author.

>> No.11817266

Why did all the best writers never go to

>> No.11817358

University was very different 50+ years ago.

>> No.11817401
File: 45 KB, 778x512, giblub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need it

>> No.11817419

Flamethrowers is my least favorite of her books. I think The Mars Room is better.

>> No.11818501

it's copypasted form r/literature, to answer both of your questions

>> No.11818535


>> No.11819085

no she's genuinely awful, so pleased lrb did a hit piece in its recent issue. Was genuinely fuming when she got listed on that new elizabethans list put together by the tls

>> No.11820016


>> No.11820746

What does that mean?

>> No.11820865

I presume anon is talking about how you could work around it. Whereas now everyone goes regardless

>> No.11820884

The only reason for an author to go to university today is for the laziness and free time it grants you.

But if you have to borrow thousands in loans you'll more than likely become a money pinching career human, which might hinder your art a bit.

>> No.11820895

man booker prize more like manlet booker prize amirite

>> No.11820917

>socialist realism

Also maybe you should just go read some sci fi or some shit, apparently you need big bold events and set pieces

>> No.11821275

go to lrb click current issue click sally rooney review lol