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/lit/ - Literature

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11813182 No.11813182 [Reply] [Original]

>Master and Margarita
>Berlioz gets head cut off
>according to the weird foreigner's prophecy

>> No.11813192
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>Lays of Ancient Rome

> then none was for a party, then all was for the state
>and the great man helped the poor, and the poor man loved the great
>then lands were fairly portioned, then spoils were fairly sold
>the romans were like brothers in the brave days of old

>now roman is to roman more hateful than a foe
>and the tribunes beard the high, and the fathers grind the low
>as we wax hot in faction, in battle we wax cold
>wherefore men fight not as they fought in the brave days of old


>> No.11813200
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>1984 (no h8 plz)

> i love you


>> No.11813206
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>canterbury tales

>And up the window did he hastily,
>And out his erse he put full privily
>Over the buttock, to the haunche bone.
>and therewith spake this clerk, this Absolon,
>“Speak, sweete bird, I know not where thou art.”
>This Nicholas anon let fly a fart,
>As great as it had been a thunder dent
>That with the stroke he was well nigh y-blent
>But he was ready with his iron hot,
>And Nicholas amid the erse he smote.


>> No.11813210
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>starship troopers

>Dubois' letter


>> No.11813218
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>literally anything by Evola

>> No.11813244
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>Virtuous Goodguy character is fighting against Emotionless Murdering Machine character to protect love interest
>8 straight chapters of the good guy getting stomped
>whips out some Dragon Ball Z shit halfway through
>hype is through the roof because /ourguy/ is about to make the anime comeback after being riddled with bullets
>forgot to mention that Emotionless Killer is also a savant so learns /ourguy/'s martial arts kata just by watching
>attacker discards gun and they continue in melee
>continues to go well for /ourguy/, is whipping this literal autismo's ass
>remembers he is filled with bullet wounds, adrenaline wears off
>gets absolutely fucked by the autist because he is better at karate than him AND he has guns
>Hyper Lethal Autismo comes out victorious after a bit of a beating
>"Well at least the love interest got away."
>/ourguy/ looks to the right
>she was standing there watching the whole time instead of running away because "hurr durr i luv yu"
>Me and him simultaneously explode in anger at her retardation
>Autist lands killing blow on them both
>The absolutely copious amounts of disrespect when Kool Karate Kid is killed is jarring
>just gets his face turned into swiss cheese as if he was just some throw away character
>/ourguy/ died for literally nothing
>missed opporutunities with several more attractive women because he's that cool of a guy and wanted to be with his waifu
>my and his face when all this stupid cunt had to do was run away

tl;dr stupid cunt love interest has her bf die for nothing

>> No.11813544
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>the rainbow
>ton brangwen's corpse washes up on his wife's doorstep
don't have any reaction faces saved but it was a fkn full-on bit

>> No.11813588
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>when Constanin Levin and Kitty meet again after a long time
>when they start playing silly games
>when they use the game to slowly reveal their true feelings for each other

>> No.11813595
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me when reading Merchant of Venice

>> No.11813606

t. pleb of the soul