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11812163 No.11812163 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all the greatest writers Catholic?

>> No.11812172


>> No.11812177

>Why are all the greatest writers Catholic?


>greatest writers

>> No.11812185

Not that I'm aware of
No. Not Catholic

Also, you deserve a ban for posting the cringe frog.

>> No.11812191

I'm not OP, but technically Joyce and Proust are Catholic because of their baptism.
I don't know much about Pynchon's personal life, but his Wikipedia page lists him as Catholic.

>> No.11812194

Shakespeare was a good C of E man not some bloody taig

>> No.11812196

are you not aware that T S eliot converted or are you going to say hes not a real catholic or smth?

>> No.11812201

He converted to Anglicanism.

>> No.11812202

don't forget homer

>> No.11812207

Dante is the only Catholic on that list, which is not hard to figure out if you read even a little instead of making shit threads.

>> No.11812213

Dante was atheist if you actually cared enough to read his books. All great authors were atheist, but they were too afraid to come out because they'd be burnt at the stake for being a witch.

>> No.11812232

>Dante was atheist
m8 how did you even come to this conclusion

>> No.11812237

wrong, the greatest writer ever was Kierkegaard.
>catholics btfo

>> No.11812243

Religion can't make works of art because it's not a concrete object. Tell me an instance when an abstract subject created something.

>> No.11812246

religious people

>> No.11812250

Only Catholics have the Holy Spirit within them.

>> No.11812295
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>> No.11812538

you cant even say the difference between the abstract and the concrete

>> No.11812541

Dante is literally in Heaven and one of these days the Catholic Church will realize this and make him a saint, like he should be.

>> No.11812543

>Dante is literally in Heaven
this thought cheered me up

>> No.11812602
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t. catholicuck

>> No.11813531

Ireland's been using the church to funnel it's magical literature powers internationally since the incident in 411ad. You don't really think they left shit unedited all that time. Pro-tip: Halloween wasn't in the original.

>> No.11813563

You mean their priest's cum in their anus?

>> No.11813575

Ireland was a pretty big pioneer of western Christianity, they had their own organised church independent of the Roman one until they decided to join.

>> No.11813654


>> No.11813834

why would anglo moralists write anything of worth LOL? protestantism is proto-capitalism

>> No.11813844

dont forget Jesus!