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/lit/ - Literature

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11808898 No.11808898 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about being a useless, worthless insect?

>> No.11808901

The Trial

>> No.11808903

My diary

>> No.11808908


>> No.11808913


>> No.11808917

The only appropriate answer

>> No.11808920

Fuck off to /r9k/, frogposting NEET incel scum

>> No.11808925

Shut the fuck up leftypol nigger

>> No.11808928

Stupid frogposter

>> No.11808954

I'm redpilled but still want worthless shits like you eradicated. Try reading Hitler before you spout your nonsense. He was firmly against your type

>> No.11808963

See >>11808925

>> No.11808967

Imagine if someone hung you by the neck until you died and then flayed your skin from your body strip by strip in front of your family who watched on gleefully because they hate you haha whoa that would be crazy haha whoaaah

>> No.11808968


>> No.11808975

I doubt your family cares much about you

>> No.11808983

Imagine while you’re hanging there skinless your father stands up from the seat he’s been relaxedly watching from and demands the knife from the executioner whose been flaying your corpse and he turns and winks at your mother and she throws her head back and giggles like usual and then he plunges the knife into your abdomen, and heaves on it, and from the slice your gory viscera uncoils and falls in a pile on the dirt below your feet, which hover above the ground whoah trippy haha weird haha jkjk

>> No.11808990
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Hitler killed himself and so should you

>> No.11808991

basado y rojopillado

also the underground man

>> No.11808994
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>I'm redpilled
Just say you haven't read much or that you lack critical thought. It's more truthful and less reddit.

>> No.11809007

londonposerfrog's diary on /lit/

>> No.11809114


>> No.11809147

for posting on /lit/ your description of post-mortem gutting is kind of vanilla and boring :/

at the very least read american psycho

>> No.11809156

I wish I would have used the word unspooled

>> No.11809230

communist manifesto