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/lit/ - Literature

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11807270 No.11807270 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that btfo socialism and communism
Pic related

>> No.11807347

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.11807361

stop making threads like this

>> No.11807366


This belongs on /pol/

>> No.11807374

It's not on /pol/ because he's baiting us to give him quality points take to /pol/ and use.

>> No.11807385

>huuuuur muh /pol/
butthurt lefties should leave this board your ideology was refuted 30 fucking years ago and you've been crying about it ever since faggots

>don't make threads about literature on a literature board
Wow dude it's almost like the left is anti-free speech because it always means the Right's ideas becoming the most in demand in the free marketplace of ideas wow

>> No.11807397


Very low quality bait.

I'll put this in a way you can understand, pleb.

/Lit/ is home to big brained nibbas. You're wasting your time.

>> No.11807429

>left vs right

you have no power here

>> No.11807483

Wew dude you have to be 18 to post here

>big brained
>being smart doesn't include trying to reach fundamental truths about politics and society

>> No.11807495

1984 was fascism
Animal Farm was socialism and communism

get your Orwell straight

>> No.11807508

Fascism and Communism are the same fucking thing you brainlet

>> No.11807510

>if you aren't right or left you're center!

a true brainlet. how many times did you post "based and redpilled" today?

>> No.11807520

They aren’t, but Nazi Germany rose from fascism and communism so because of them people conflate them all the time, like Hayek

>> No.11807522

Oh because Orwell was actually a socialist himself.
ha ha. I got your bait, OP.

>> No.11807524

Wow dude two capitalist countries can't go to war hahah xD

Not an argument

>> No.11807525

This board has turned to shit.
Try an actual critique of the systems of socialism and communism,such as their downfalls,places where capitalism feel in the gaps etc etc
Just saying >socialism and communism totally btfo! makes you sound immature and idiotic.
A well nuanced,balance critique of left-wing ideologies,fine
A >lol leftists buttmad xdxd, fuck off

>> No.11807533

you are right. this is a bad bait thread anyways

>> No.11807535

Absolutely not. If you don’t think that Nazi Germany was socialist, you don’t know the origins of Nazi germany.

Italy’s brand of fascism was less socialistic than Germany’s

Japan pre-wwii, or any country which is extremely hierhical militaristically is essentially socialist in design, Hayek actually had that one RIGHT. Which is why socialism is an internally militaristic regime, which can be extremely hostile and atheistic (Communism is an inherently atheistic ideology)

It’s why you see all these new age Darwinist

They think they can push the race forward or something. It’s a completely evil ideology. The good side won, trust me

>> No.11807537


He's an NPC through and through

>> No.11807548

Don't bother with this idiot from /pol/,anon
Seriously the inbreds over there stick out here.
To them,this board is just an extension of their circle jerk,but for books that they have misinterpreted to be """"anti-leftist""""

>> No.11807560

Unfortunately yes...

>> No.11807571

Honestly this is a shitty book. Poorly written with no sense of subtlety, just the same stupid message over and over, and every single political position has used it against their opponents in what can only be intentionally retarded ways. The world would be a better place if Orwell never wrote it.

>> No.11807577

>it is another let’s use an avowed socialist’s work as an indictment to socialism episode
Kill yourself or read Road to Wigan Pier

>> No.11807605
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And I'm right wing

>> No.11808362

lmao what a dumbass
t. capitalist who thinks you're even dumber than commies

>> No.11808556

The writer was a democratic socialist you sperg. Read Mein Kampf(stalag edition).

>> No.11808568
File: 462 KB, 900x900, 18557052_641177239410209_5220881013911817166_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he literally doesn't know the definition of socialism
>the most basic and easy-to-understand thing in all of leftist discourse
>he thinks militarism is compatible with socialism
>he thinks darwinism is compatible with socialism
>he thinks religion is incompatible with socialism
most brainlet take i've seen in three years, congratulations

>> No.11808607

only socialism, not communism. communism inherently requires there to be no state so that the workers can produce good for themselves without regulation