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/lit/ - Literature

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11807215 No.11807215[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so fucking obsessed with /pol/? You would expect that people here have higher IQs than the rest of 4chan.

>> No.11807222

why is /pol/ so obsessed with migrants?

>> No.11807224

markets manufacture intelligence, we act within causal autonomy. absolute kantian free will is an enlightenment abomination soon to be cast into the dustbin of history

>> No.11807232


because /lit/ used to be a higher quality 4chan board, like /mu/, where you could actually discuss relatively niche and patrician works of art of the board's chosen medium

having every thread have the first comment be "we're a white supremacist board sweetie" is bringing the board down to /tv/ quality posting

>> No.11807240

Over the last two years we've been playing host to a significant amount of /pol/ immigrants. They come here and don't respect the existing board culture, instead demanding we assimilate to them. They come here because they look for books to back up their viewpoints, instead of forming a viewpoint after being exposed to lots of information. 100% of people who post Jordan Peterson here didn't browse /lit/ in 2015. 100% of people who post Evola here didn't browse /lit/ in 2015. I could keep going, but you get the point.

>> No.11807245

Please make threads about books or authors. I do it all the time but nobody replies :(
/pol/ has nothing to do with it, it's more that people just don't wanna fucking talk about books here

>> No.11807250

>that people just don't wanna fucking talk about books here
Yea and those people come form /pol/

>> No.11807255


>> No.11807267

I remember in 2013 Evola threads would get 404'd in like ten minutes.

>> No.11807269

I am sure if you post a book by or about a woman you'll get plenty of responses. Same goes for by or about a Jew. I think the scariest possible situation is that the Bible posters are also the ((())) posters.

>> No.11807276

peterson posters are from reddit. they have flocked to pol as well as lit. Pol would never promote some guy that wont talk about Jews and hates nazis

apart from peterson's band of 'tell me what to do daddy' young men nobody, literally nobody likes him, left or right

>> No.11807281

There's no max capacity you know what I mean, what's it matter how many idiots are here. The problem is nobody talks about books, meaning those that have have moved on or otherwise don't reply

I bet /lit/ would be a much better text board

>> No.11807285

yeah there used to be actual biblical scholars but now they are all /pol/ catholic larpers who are almost certainly converts from some midwestern protestant sect

>> No.11807293
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What would I do with my DFW folder?

>> No.11807296

>Ever high quality

wew lad

You're right about /lit/ though

>> No.11807306
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Is there a single non-/pol/ board that actually likes /pol/, or the people who post there? I feel like if we had a vote on whether to delete /pol/, the vote in favor would win in a landslide.

>> No.11807317

Fuck no the cancer would be even worse everywhere else. Just leave already goddamn

>> No.11807318

/v/ and /tv/ don't seem to mind (because both boards are 90% off topic shitposting anyway)

>> No.11807320

/pol/ will never be deleted because moot didn't do it on the way out like he should have and hiroshimoot only cares about money

>> No.11807321

We could start a Kickstarter to pay him to delete /pol/. How much do you think we'd have to raise? $1 million? $5 million? I'd be willing to donate.

>> No.11807322

thank you
most christfags are raving anti-semites at their core, just give them time and it all comes out.
/tv/ and /fit/

>> No.11807329
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/lit/ is the last bastion of quality on this site.
Appreciate it while you can..

>> No.11807353

i miss 2010-2012 espee and lit lads

>> No.11807356

old/lit/ grew up

new/lit/ is what we have now

>> No.11807358
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>coming on lit to start a thread defending /pol/
>complaining about people attacking /pol/

Do you really not see the problem here?

>> No.11807375

I like /pol/ because I'm not a nigger lover like you.

>> No.11807387

/mu/ was shit long before /pol/ became relevant

>> No.11807389

Even the old /pol/ hates /pol/. If someone defends /pol/ it is pretty much a guarantee that they came around 2016 or later because all I ever hear from old /pol/fags is how much the redditfugees ruined /pol/

>> No.11807391

After that gamergate debacle, /v/'s population became synonymous with /pol/

>> No.11807393

>There's no max capacity you know what I mean,
No? I am just saying those people come from /pol/ seeing how non-literature threads are related to their pet topics

>> No.11807396

>redditfugees ruined /pol/
they did. I mean pol was always shit but it used to be funny and have the occasional Spengler thread or something. 2016 killed everything.

>> No.11807400

Bullshit at least /v/ is chafing under /pol/ influx. Just look at what happened to bideoposting

>> No.11807404

/v/ is honestly the worst board. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from how those reddit newfriends treated moot on his way out.

>> No.11807407

Unfortunately Moody's integrity is the reason we have this problem. Before /pol/ there was /new/, which was similarly retarded. Moot deleted the board, but then realised he was being hypocritical since he had previously attacked the owner of Encyclopaedia Dramatica for deleting a community simply because she didn't like what was in it. He then brought back /new/ as /pol/ and doomed this site and himself.

Now it's too big to delete without the fallout completely destroying the site.

>> No.11807414

also pol stuff sort stayed on pol back in the day. there wasnt crossposting in the wa there is now, you go to pol and laugh at something leftists are doing, then you go to lit and you talk about philosophy or poetry or whatever. now everything is all intermingled it seems,the entire zeitgeist is just dominated by this pol conflict

>> No.11807415

I want to understand the beast. I have no love for it, but that doesn't absolve me of the need to understand it.

/pol/ is awkwardly relevant given that it is populated with tech-savvy autistic nerds and their chad sympathizers.

>> No.11807418

Does the containment board argument even work anymore? /pol/ is spilling out onto every single board. I'm even seeing on fucking /n/, where people go to talk about fucking bicycles

>> No.11807426

/v/ is one of the most "4chanest" of 4chan boards. It's fully of horny sexually frustrated teenage boys who find memes and crude humor delectable.

Horny pissed off boys seeking stimulation are what forged 4chan into the mighty empire it is today, with pinnacles of human wisdom and achievement such as /lit/

>> No.11807439

Does anyone else use slower boards? I frequent one (I won't say) and it's been really fascinating to watch it turn into a /pol/ sub-board aligned with the board's stated interest. The emergence of /pol/ narratives on it has been rapid and recent and quite depressing.
The worst part about it is I've come to feel this is inevitable. Politics already creeps into every facet of daily life these days, and I guess 4chan is no different. I watched it happen to /lit/, I'll watch it happen to my other board. I just want a place to talk about my hobbies, man.

>> No.11807456

This site would get much much much worse if it was deleted, but there could be an eventual renaissance somewhere down the line if 4chan even still exists.

>> No.11807459

This is precisely why I'm in favor of deleting it. It WOULD get worse, at least at first. But if we rode out the storm and survived, a glorious new dawn would await.

>> No.11807558

Just delete this site and then bring back after some time. /pol/habour: website edition

>> No.11807570

ironically /pol/ is the biggest problem immigrant group on the site, shitting up half my blue boards

keep blue boards racially pure. deport /pol/ crossboarders.

>> No.11807574

The thing is that I don't think it has to be this way. I think there should be a place for discussing politics and current events on 4chan. But it needs to be controlled. Balance and order must be maintained, and we haven't had that in a while now.

>> No.11807583

>You would expect that people here have higher IQs than the rest of 4chan.
no you wouldn't, you would expect the people here to be as braindead retarded as on every other board on this site
almost like shit attracts flies or something

>> No.11807613

100% of the people who post Jordan Peterson don't like him.

>> No.11807619

/mlp/ but only some and only because they browse both.

>> No.11807622

It reminds me more of facebook.

>> No.11807623

Because we're nationalists.

>> No.11807636
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You see crossboarders, I see authors, poets and philosophers..

>> No.11807640

/mlp/'s got a weird cross-section of people who also frequent other boards

>> No.11807643

They're not sending their best.

>> No.11807653

This, the post-election immigrants have degraded the quality of posts immensely.

I miss when 4chans problems where furry and gore posts, political posts are just annoying at best, thread destroying at worst.

The problem are the mods. They should be treating /pol/ topics like /mlp/ at this point, the only reason they don't is either because /pol/ would increase raids or, it's too profitable to let 4chan be the banner child for facebook tier 'anti-sjw' discussion

>> No.11807662

Look, this is a stupid two dimensional chart. It's absurd to think that it accurately encapsulates a person's detailed political thinking. It's representational fidelity has to be low.

>> No.11807688

I don't think it's profitability so much. The more infamous 4chan became, the less profitable moot said it was. I think it's more the fear of raids. After the mods banned gamergate threads on /v/ you genuinely couldn't talk about video games for a whole month. Every on topic thread was just spammed with gore and gamergate posting. The board completely imploded. Now imagine that happening site wide. I think that's what the fear is, and the longer they leave it the more pronounced that fear becomes.

>> No.11807693
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>> No.11807698

People in general are waking up to a lot of shit /pol/ has been hip to for years now. It isn't some raid or brigade like Reddit's mods continue to assert without evidence. It's a general trend among the population. It's an awakening.

>> No.11807702

They're cowardly and weak. We need bold men, fearless men, to deal with this problem.

>> No.11807703

You're going to be paying for the wall.

>> No.11807709

where else can i go to talk about books that's cool without /pol/ types shitting on everything

please help me out with some suggestions

>> No.11807720

Only SJWs who want white genocide agree with this

I think raids are a bigger factor too, but I feel more that everyone is too weak to deal with the revolt that would be triggered. At the same time I think everyone would be happy if /pol/ faggots got shit kicked to TOR and forced to live among storm fags for good just like leftypol got banished to eight chan. The first few months after hiro pulls a /fur/ and ip bans everyone who's visited /pol/ would be hell though.

>> No.11807725

This. Brings a tear to my eye seeing traditionalism making a comeback. I would be in grad school if it wasn't so pozzed up.

>> No.11807730

hiro gets far too much money from /pol/ to ban them, and all he cares about is money.

>> No.11807744

IIC the nude leaks almost brankrupt moot coz he had to lawyer up

>> No.11807747

Some, I assume, are qualityposters

>> No.11807749

/pol/ is an ideological infection and acknowledging infiltration is the sunlight

>> No.11807756

It's just another 1960/80 culture war, The western world is floundering on the world stage and starting to decline as a world power causing a great deal of anxiety among older Americans promoting a surge of right wing rhetoric due to 'losing our way.' To be honest if China doesn't start having big problems the political schism will only get worse.

>> No.11807762

The jews in the bible arent the jews now

>> No.11807804

/lit/ is dead, /pol/ killed it.

>> No.11807808

This entire fucking website has become /pol/

>> No.11807809

/lit/ is dead, long live /lit/.

>> No.11807820

This is the whole problem. It's not just /lit/, and it's not just /tv/ or /v/. /pol/ posting ultimately shows up on every single board I frequent. Sometimes it shows up more often, sometimes it shows up less often, but invariably it rears its head everywhere. /pol/ has totally failed as a containment board. Either fix the problem or delete it. I'm tired of seeing political posts on fucking /a/, /o/, and /gif/.

>> No.11807821

You're a complete retard, but what you're saying is slightly correct. There is not, of course, an actual "awakening" in any broad cultural sense. However, the stormfags did succeed in setting up their underage faggot radicalization center that they had been trying to for years (which is the direct reason /new/ was nuked by moot in the first place), which is why you (and this is only if you actually sincerely believe in this in the first place and aren't yourself a shill) seem to believe a general cultural movement is in motion when really it's really just movement on the fringe.

>> No.11807836

He's gone heavily into debt repeatedly over this site

>> No.11807859

the guy was a huge faggot but he put himself through a lot just so we could have a few brief, stupid, wonderful moments in our dreary lives

>> No.11807925
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This is exactly why this time capsule was written

>> No.11808071

fine by me

Don't waste the money. University in general needs to wither and die with the exception of STEM

This is different. The seeds of the 1965 immigration act have fully blossomed and white kids born after 2000 have lived without ever knowing anything besides our diverse melting pot. Those kids are rapidly turning far more radical than any 80s cultural shift. Fundamentally different issues are being discussed this time around. It isn't a tax debate or cold war chest thumping. We're having to fundamentally change the way we see the world. Taboos are being dismantled the more we talk. The silence is breaking.

>I'm going to say the exact same thing as you except I'm going to play the cultural shift off as smaller than it is, categorize it in a way that seems shittier and call you a retard

>> No.11808430

>Don't waste the money. University in general needs to wither and die with the exception of STEM
>these are the kinds of people we now have in /lit/

>> No.11808456
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This is correct
I have pretty much lost hope of /lit/ or any other board actually making a recovery at this point and am mostly just ready to leave the 4chan phase of my life behind
It's been a good nine years, but I've outgrown this place, I think

>> No.11808457

when the institutions we revered rot from the inside and become dogmatic, platitude-regurgitating churches the only reasonable option is to wait for their inevitable decay and destruction so something better can take it's place. University no longer cares about what we think a university should care about. They're self-perpetuating debt machines for the government and propaganda ministries for the international elite because everybody in academia will kill to suck a circumcised Goldman and Sachs dick. See the art world.

>> No.11808466

>I don't like recent changes to universities
>therefore universities as a concept should be abandoned and replaced with a glorified trade school

Okay, this is epic

>> No.11808485

>I don't like recent changes to universities

Damn, you really got me dude. That's exactly what I was saying.

>> No.11808528


>> No.11808531

I've been here longer than you've been a teenager.

>> No.11808538

Nice, you aren't the majority though.

>> No.11808553


/pol/ got obsessed with /lit/ because it's essentially different than /his/ (which is leftypol)

>> No.11808559

I actually do see your point. There are a ton of boomers there (I thought it was larping but a ton of them do stupid shit like timestamp pictures of their houses). More what I'm saying is that /pol/ wasn't really an import, it's been an organic community since the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore. Prior to that, I can remember it being spammed by Stormfront. It used to have more libertarians, but honestly the decline could just be veterans figuring out Ron Paul is never going to be in office and that a vaguely maybe-racist philosemitic New Yorker is the best a nationalist can hope for in this day and age.

>> No.11808562

/his/ is still majorly reactionary and even a lot of the lefties there are racist from having been here so long.

>> No.11808566

>most christfags are raving anti-semites at their core

>> No.11808569
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Oh please, were you even on this thread?

>> No.11808570

Sure, but it's become the gateway that people use to come to 4chan. It's the new /b/ and that's not a good thing.

On that note, does anyone even touch /b/ anymore? I honestly forget it exists these days.

>> No.11808571

hello reddo animeposter
just in case you havent realized it yet - all the discussion on this website is done by people from /pol. the rest is kids like you who cant deal with having to argue with reason and have a discussion about a subject in a thread and just keep saying hurr ban this delete that

>> No.11808573
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>> No.11808578

No, none of the good posters visit /pol/

>> No.11808601


>does anyone even touch /b/ anymore?

I remember laughing my ass off at memes when I was in high school, usually finding out about them from Encyclopedia Dramatica and Uncyclopedia. But I actually abstained from going to 4chan until after I turned 18 like a moralfag. I expected /b/ to be full of epic memes, or at least people trying way too hard to become internet famous. Instead it was just a bunch of vanilla porn that I could have gone to /hc/ for.

>> No.11808726

It became the most popular board so it's memes infest everywhere. Due to being the largest board it also has the biggest proportion of newfags. anti/pol/ shit has become a meme in itself. Majority of the shit posted on /lit/ related to /pol/ is just shitposting and probably by the same people who constantly complain about /pol/ in the first place.

>> No.11808741

We have to stand up against what we don't believe

>> No.11808744
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>> No.11808754

Slit your fucking throat.