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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 280x280, 4cRlD__0_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11806999 No.11806999 [Reply] [Original]

That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be.

>> No.11807167

I realize and I can see
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

>> No.11807376

who's that guy?

>> No.11807417

Eliezer Yudkowsky

>> No.11807489
File: 19 KB, 219x298, 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that which can destroy truth, should.

>> No.11807528

Rationalists are utterly insane.

>> No.11807557 [DELETED] 

i am pretty sure that that is me

>> No.11807565

that is me

>> No.11808300

You're weak and scared.

>> No.11808448

based bayesian buddha

>> No.11808575

anything more from this guy? sell us on him

>> No.11808877

>without his invented fictions a man could not live
how are you posting nietzsche

>> No.11808879

Race is a social construct

>> No.11808881

redeemed holy trips of cleansing fire

>> No.11808891


>> No.11808948

Mundane Matt

>> No.11809011

I hate this guy so fucking much

>> No.11809012


>> No.11809024

Niggers being human is a social construct

>> No.11809026

Why is his head shaped like a bean?

>> No.11809037

Niggers being social is a human construct

>> No.11809043

>If one would prefer not to make use of a doubter, one might choose a similar figure, an ironist, for example, whose sharp sight has discovered fundamentally the ludicrousness of existence, who by a secret understanding with the forces of life ascertains what the patient wishes. He knows that he possesses the power of laughter if he would use it, he is sure of his victory, yea, also of his good fortune. He knows that an individual voice will be raised in resistance, but he knows that he is stronger, he knows that for an instant one still can cause men to seem serious, but he knows also that privately they long to laugh with him; he knows that for an instant one can still cause a woman to hold a fan before her eyes when he talks, but he knows that she is laughing behind the fan, that the fan is not absolutely impervious to vision, he knows that one can write on it an invisible inscription, he knows that when a woman strikes at him with her fan it is because she has understood him, he knows without the least danger of deception how laughter sneaks in, and how when once it has taken up its lodging it lies in ambush and waits. Let us imagine such an Aristophanes, such a Voltaire, a little altered, for he is at the same time a sympathetic nature, he loves existence, he loves men, and he knows that even though the reproof of laughter will perhaps educate a saved young race, yet in the contemporary generation a multitude of men will be ruined. So he keeps silent and as far as possible forgets how to laugh. But dare he keep silent? Perhaps there are sundry persons who do not in the least understand the difficulty I have in mind. They are likely of the opinion that it is an admirable act of magnanimity to keep silent. That is not at all my opinion, for I think that every such character, if he has not had the magnanimity to keep silent, is a traitor against existence. So I require of him this magnanimity, but when he possesses it, dare he then keep silent? Ethics is a dangerous science and it might be possible that Aristophanes was determined by purely ethical considerations in resolving to reprove by laughter his misguided age. Aesthetical magnanimity does not help [to solve the question whether one ought to keep silent], for on the credit of that one does not take such a risk. If he is to keep silent, then into the paradox he must go.–I will suggest still another plan for a story. Suppose e.g. that a man possessed a explanation of a heroic life which explained it in a sorry way, and yet a whole generation reposes securely in an absolute belief in this hero, without suspecting anything of the sort.

>> No.11809049

God he’s fun to read

>> No.11809055

rationality is gay

>> No.11809099

fuck off you fat autistic sodomite twat

>> No.11809132
File: 27 KB, 817x608, 1462546143954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I turn into a full atheist transhumanist if I read the sequences? I only read the ones linked to from SSC

also that isn't his quote lol

>> No.11809135

You won't but you might start growing a neckbeard

>> No.11809138

His sequences are Dawkins-tier. They may impress you if you're a brainlet, otherwise they would merely repel you from rationalism with their manner of explaining the most obvious things with unbearable smugness.

>> No.11809257

Would you prefer that one person be horribly tortured for fifty years without hope or rest, or that 3^^^3 people get dust specks in their eyes?

I think the answer is obvious. How about you?

>> No.11809281

he says that if you're mugged and asked for $50 or the mugger will detonate a nuclear bomb in the city (but he doesn't have a gun pointed at you), then you should give the mugger the money since it's not impossible that he's lying

>> No.11809330

top intellectual

>> No.11809341
File: 24 KB, 500x331, hacklacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is true, but that if eliezer's entire worldview is a bulwark against The Truth, and if he did encounter it it would surely destroy him

>> No.11809408

based and redpilled and less wrong

>> No.11809421

The Truth: dieting and exercise can, in fact, make you lose weight.

>> No.11809456

>that's what metabolically privileged people actually think

>> No.11809459

>reminder that this is true, but that if eliezer's entire worldview is a bulwark against The Truth, and if he did encounter it it would surely destroy him

Is that just a fancy paraphrase of "I disagree"?

>> No.11809462

He only said that to parody Pascal's Wager and how silly he thought the argument was.

>> No.11809465
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 1382821938226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on board with most consequentialism, but not this and also I'm not a vegan. I just can't bite the bullet.

Is there any hope or should I just switch to virtue ethics like all the other larpers on /lit/?

>> No.11809476

His ideas are basically just Nick Land written in more prosaic style.

>> No.11809548
File: 79 KB, 850x400, 315198-quote-between-hindsight-bias-fake-causality-positive-bias-anchoring-priming-et-cetera-et-cetera-and-eliezer-yudkowsky-280179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11809957

He knows what's up.

>> No.11810023

AI is coming

>> No.11810029

Humans being social is a nigger construct

>> No.11810031

Rokos basilisk when

>> No.11810035

It's already stimulating you right now

>> No.11810053

My life makes a lot more sense in hindsight

>> No.11810089

Pretty much.
At least Land's fantasies let you feel some giddiness about it

>> No.11810090

Truth? This nigga could be destroyed by a flight of stairs.

>> No.11810153

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.11810175

Of all the words
Of tongue and pen
The saddest are these:
/pol/ was right again.

>> No.11810230

Pure cringe.

>> No.11810315


>> No.11810367

Yudkowsky, Rationalists and AI fetishists in general are all shit and reddit

>> No.11810385

Does this guy have anything to do with terrible "rationalist" novels i see sometimes?

>> No.11810526
File: 48 KB, 313x500, 51XZzZ0OlEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he writes many of such novels

>> No.11810774

Kant's categories are the immanentization of Platonic form. May God help us all.

>> No.11811265


>> No.11811470

I hate that this stupid fucker is almost right, but he gets so caught up in masturbating himself for being "Smart" that he turned his little "Science is cool and we must make the world a better place" club into a "Our lord Elizer is amazing, listen to his sermons- I mean sequences and donate to his patreon and AI research charity! He's a self-taught AI professor so only he can stop the robot armies from uprising and killing us and making an AI god that'll simulate us a hell for eternity!" circlejerk more cancerous than even his own self-aggrandizing My Little Pony and Harry Potter fanfiction.
Elizer Lolcowsky is the worst human being on the planet, a snivelling liberal who thinks all people thinner and healthier than him have "Genetic Privilige".

>> No.11811487

land is better

>> No.11811496

So fucking gay

>> No.11811501

he is just so fucking entertaining

>> No.11811570


>> No.11811578

Yes, he wrote the Harry Potter fanfiction which started the whole trend.

>> No.11811601

>That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be.


>> No.11811763

based and redpilled

>> No.11811778

based and redpilled

>> No.11812034

I love him.

>> No.11813070


>> No.11813080

I mean technically that's true. Humanity is a social construct.

>> No.11813106

This but less mad

>> No.11813383
File: 79 KB, 750x564, DMvcFbEXkAIk7FW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you never grow out of your teenage rationalist phase.

>> No.11814089


>> No.11814100

Sentient AI

>> No.11814228

i feel bad for him

>> No.11814259

can't you just reduce your calorie intake? idgi

>> No.11814262

its not guaranteed to work

>> No.11814281

self-immolation will work

>> No.11814287

He closed the book on philosophy, politics and social science with actual facts and logic.

>> No.11814814

what a legend

>> No.11815105

Isn't he that cuckold ("polyamorous") guy who believes in AI God from the future retroactively torturing you if you don't help bring him into existence?

>> No.11815124

yes and it's the truth

>> No.11816643
File: 1.29 MB, 2200x3037, lol (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ... Who claims Truth, Truth abandons. History is hir'd, or coerc'd, only in Interests that must ever prove base. She is too innocent, to be left within the reach of anyone in Power,—who need but touch her, and all her Credit is in the instant vanish'd, as if it had never been. She needs rather to be tended lovingly and honorably by fabulists and counterfeiters, Ballad-Mongers and Cranks of ev'ry Radius, Masters of Disguise to provide her the Costume, Toilette, and Bearing, and Speech nimble enough to keep her beyond the Desires, or even the Curiosity, of Government...

>> No.11816666

he's not the cuck variety of poly i think he hasa literal harem of whatever girls are weird enough to be attracted to him. he's like a cult leader, but it's the gayest cult to ever exist

>> No.11817620

>"big Yud" would give prospective subs literal math problems in the middle of play. Those "lucky" ones who passed got to wear his leash while doing calculations for him.

>> No.11817871

I don't think this post is revelatory.
Too bad brainlets still believe otherwise.

>> No.11817881

But that's every philosopher in these ages.

>> No.11817886

Should be:
>How dare you question the balfour declaration goy?
Just leave them the holocaust. It's not like they haven't killed and tortured a greater number of people in the interest of their ethnostate at this point.

>> No.11818188

The state of this guys head

>> No.11818229

This is surprisingly good, but I was disappointed he pussied out and didn't actually write porn.

>> No.11818240

Matthem Heimbach

>> No.11818248

Running enough to increase your caloric requirement beyond what you can meet without literally eating tubs of butter

>> No.11818657

I can't stop eating tubs of butter though

>> No.11818790

Then date a blind person or a person with a feeder fetish.

>> No.11818967

wtf i thought he an herod

>> No.11820352
File: 66 KB, 1203x802, Why You Lying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying we should just tell cancer patients they should off themselves.

>Not realizing truth is much more than about objective reality.

>> No.11821161

But what actually is wrong with holding rationality above all else?

>> No.11821165

>gives shit example
>thinks point proved

>> No.11821179

nothing, people are scared and cling to a sense of finitude

>> No.11821300


>> No.11821636

because the rational is incapable of grasping the mythological, the divine and the occult. It is essentially intellectual self-castration

>> No.11821651

it's an example of keeping your mind so open your brain falls out. the probability of sentient evil AI is higher than 0 so you're fucked

>> No.11821675

The midochlorians do that over time.

>> No.11821825

what about $30

>> No.11822013

I think you posted Kierkegaard in this thread without citing him so as to get people to criticize it, presuming that it was written by YUD.

But it doesn't work cuz Kierk is so good.

>> No.11823686

he's based

>> No.11823717

There’s actually something called bias bias or bias blind spot where it’s been determined that even if people know what cognitive biases are and can see them in other people, they’re not any better at seeing them in themselves than the average person.

>> No.11823721

>this fucking thing is still going

>> No.11823728

I love him

>> No.11823730

>the truth
nice spook

>> No.11825216

he based