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/lit/ - Literature

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11806353 No.11806353 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on japanese literature.

I just Atsumori for school and thought it was based.

>> No.11806446

Good but untranslatable. Whatever "translation" you read is a miserable parody. To read Japanese literature you have to learn Japanese.

>> No.11806516

What makes Japanese any different from other translated texts from different European languages, for example?

>> No.11806535

Western languages are inferential, Japanese is more like a merkle tree root hash

>> No.11806601

You know how you lose a lot of subtlety when translating english to spanish, or english to german, even though they're fairly similar languages? Well, with japanese, that happens with every sentence, even with basic shit like da/desu

>> No.11806702

Yeah that’s why all “deep” sentences in Japanese films books and anime sound fucking retarded, right? Rather than fluid and evocative. It’s not just that Japs are pseuds?

>> No.11806734
File: 842 KB, 2000x2200, OFbTauc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a big fucking think.

Also, yes. American diplomats, studying full time, take more than two years to master the language. Do you honestly think that you can translate a deep sentence from such a fundamentally different language to english without either losing detail or having it sound retarded?

>> No.11806755

To generalise, Japanese literature from the Heian era up to the present tends to be very much style over substance. There's lots of symbolism and lots of imagery, but not very much meaning in the sense that a western reader would expect. Although that's not to say that it's all bad.

>> No.11806919

Nah, that's just what they do, the emotional aesthetic of deepness without any actual deepness.

>> No.11807141

I thought Chinese was supposed to be way harder than Japanese.

>> No.11807174

Chinese pronunciation is very hard (tones), but their grammar is more straightforward than English and they only have one writing system/logographic alphabet. Groriuosu Nippongo has three, THREE alphabets and their grammar is suicide-tier.

>> No.11808338

Could you elaborate on this?

>> No.11808354

Have I wasted my time reading Mishima translations?

>> No.11809357


>> No.11809362

Mishima's prose is a lot more elegant and condensed in Japanese than it appears in English. Maybe kind of like Oscar Wilde