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11804031 No.11804031 [Reply] [Original]

Do you subvocalise?

>> No.11804033

Yep. I find I retain what I read better that way

>> No.11804037

We all do. The article wasn't about how many people subvocalize, but about how often, you retards.

>> No.11804042

found the virgin

>> No.11804066
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Isn't it normal to constantly be sub vocalising? My internal monologue essentially never stops unless I'm meditating

>> No.11804105
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>> No.11804119

Only when reading poetry

>> No.11804127

>Isn't it normal to constantly be sub vocalising?
Not for me, but I might be slightly autistic.

>> No.11804134

the only patrician way

>> No.11804177
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Wait, is the right supposed to be what "NPCs" do? Because I do that all the time

>> No.11804205

>Isn't it normal
Don't fall for the typical mind fallacy, anon. There are things in your head that you might assume to be universal that aren't.

>> No.11804226

I loudly recite and put on different voices for different characters.

>> No.11804248

Wait, I constantly subvocalize, I always have an internal monologue going, there are people that don't?

>> No.11804253

it slows me down

>> No.11804254

this. reading in your head was never supposed to be a thing

>> No.11804257

Yeah, I get more out of a text that way.

If I can read it without subvocalizing it's not challenging and not worth my time.

>> No.11804260

you can think also in images or concepts without having to narrate it, may choose to narrate it if you feel like it

>> No.11804275

Most shameful Anglo habits:

1. Subvocalizing
2. Sleeping with stuffed animals
3. Incontinence

>> No.11804277

Maybe on rereadings or with difficult text, but that shit takes too long. Reminds of being in middle school where the class took turns reading out loud and everyone dreaded when it became that one retard's turn and he would take so long going through it the teacher would cut him off early and move on to thr next kid.

>> No.11804310

I split up the subvocalizing part of my brain and the part that reads as visual chunks.

I start subvocalizing the second I see a sentence, and simultaneously read the whole thing for it's general meaning. If the visual reading part of my brain thinks the sentence is important or worth extra thought, I will finish subvocalizing the whole thing. Otherwise I will have skipped to the next chunk of text before I've even subvocalized the 3rd or 4th word.

>> No.11804338

I always read out loud

>> No.11804342

I know that it seems weird and it is even to me. At some point in my life most of the processes that I used to do in a conscious manner became unconscious.
It has occurred to me pretty clearly with learning. As it is not useful for me to just go full in trying to impregnate myself consciously of something when it will ultimetly be understood if I let my mind
the time necessary to digest the idea.

Maybe I just at some point realised that it is impossible to go faster than your mind/brain.

>> No.11804347

and they suck nigger dick

>> No.11804359

Subvocalizing is a matter of taste and preference I think.

Constantly having an internal monologue is very tiring I don't understand why you would put yourself throught that.
And if you have an internal monologue even when listening to someone then you have a problem.

I get caught by internal monologues after a regretful decision but I tend to not have too much of those for obvious reasons.

>> No.11804380

I don't when I'm actually speaking, but otherwise it's always 'on'

>> No.11804390

yes. it helps with retention and understanding.

Ive played with speed reading techniques and sub vocalization but I find I get more engaged with a book when I read deliberately.

>> No.11804414

Same sometimes I wish it would just stop. It's has its own mind

>> No.11804418

It depends, if I'm reading say, 4chan or a newspaper or a book I'm not that interested in, I don't subvocalize any of it.
On the other hand, if I'm enjoying something, I will slow down and subvocalize it as if I were reading it to a room full of people, carefully and deliberately.

In general life I can do both as well, I never thought that it was a one or the other type deal, I use one or both when it's applicable and that's how it always has been.

>> No.11804419

Just embrace it. Let it think and process things for you.

>> No.11804571

I do it only when I'm not reading something, when I do it switches to mostly thinking through pictures and concepts

>> No.11804581

If I'm writing, preparing to write something or if I'm reading something that needs focus. For some reason it comes out when I'm driving or exercising too.
If I'm skim reading or doing anything else then I almost never have one.

>> No.11804680
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Nothing wrong with continuous inner monologue per se but it does have some association with anxiety. Overthinking everything, catastrophizing, thinking while conversing. It also distracts you from your surroundings more generally.

The attached mantra from Be Here Now is pleasant. I have it memorized and internally recite it when I want to silence my inner monologue.

>> No.11804695

I'm gonna kill you for xp.

>> No.11804715

Start recording audio books for me and the blind plz.

>> No.11804742

>can understand “abstract concepts” that are “beyond human speech”

Found my spooky boy!

>> No.11804784

>sleeping with stuffed animals.


>> No.11804841

Only during dialogue. Thinking in complex imagery is much easier to remember and coherently understand.

>> No.11804873

Its so weird for me to think that people aren't constantly sub-vocalizing. I didn't even know that it wasn't just a universal brain thing until recently.
Does that mean that people are just walking around all day without thinking to themselves? That sounds terribly boring to me.

>> No.11804882


0.2166666666666 I realized this as well I assumed that I was just stupid

>> No.11804901

>he can only think through subvocalizing

jesus christ I feel bad for you.

>> No.11804910

You should have the capacity to think without saying the words. I often find myself cutting off trains of thought or making jokes out of it, laughing before I've even made the joke vocally to myself - I'm that sad. However, I usually vocalise it afterwards as I believe that enables it to be properly thought through.

With books, I have read in the manner they are describing but retention was awful.

>> No.11804914

Me 2bruh, reading silently just feels difficult

>> No.11805028

You need to read the Ancient Aztecs, the Greeks can't save you at this point. The Aztecs said that man can only ascend by silencing his internal voice.

>> No.11805038

Well yes I can, but that is not my normal mode of thinking. I find that I don't think with words in situations that need immediate actions and reactions. I guess a good example would be when playing pick up basketball. I'm not like "hm I'll fake the post up and pop out for an elbow jumper," I just think about a move that might work and do it. I don't think with words when doing something, but when not really doing anything important the internal monologue just has its way.

>> No.11805423

imagine having to subvocalize every 4chan post

>> No.11805477

So what do I do if I have a constant monologue? Keeps me up at night.

>> No.11805500

And they lived like shit, so.

>> No.11805510

So the meat portals found a new way to cope with their emptiness.

>> No.11805518

put jews in a camp and their IQ won't seem so impressive either. circumstances.

>> No.11805530

>thinking while conversing

how do i stop this? i can only pull it of when im VERY drunk

>> No.11805531

How come asians weren't so shit then, they lived in fucking island, meanwhile the amerindian live in a paradise.

>> No.11805541

Asia is the largest continent on earth anon.

>> No.11805549

West Asia, and some cities of the middle east, you know the context.

>> No.11805584

I subvocalise, but also think with smells and textures.
>Tfw internal monologue interrupted by violent, sexual intrusive thoughts
>Tfw often internally argue with other self

>> No.11805700

I think in mathematically ordered loops of 80's hit songs. I'm actually having difficulty writing this post because of the lyrics interrupting my train of thought.

>> No.11805788

You're out of touch

>> No.11805856

I subvocalise on two different occasions. First when I'm writing and I want to try out how a sentence "sounds" before I put it on paper. The other is when I'm having a chain of thoughts I'm not enjoying, so I break it with what is probably the equivalent of mental shouting about something else.

>> No.11805902
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Does anyone else like to read out loud

>> No.11805913

Yes, but not when I want to learn.

>> No.11805927

>he subvocalize

Way to out yourself as a pleb

>> No.11805934

Yes. Poetry works best that way.

>> No.11805941

>not having a hybrid of both

>> No.11805945

If you ever want to read faster than 40 pages an hour you can't subvocalize

>> No.11805974

>Not hiring an orator to read everything out loud for you

>> No.11806034

wtf i love anglos nigga

>> No.11806040

Yes but I'm Greek

>> No.11806054

Do you actually subvocalise all the time? I hope you at least don't subvocalise when you read, this makes you go slow as fuck.

>> No.11806075

Reading isn't a race.

>> No.11806080

Obviously, but if I'm interested in what I'm reading it's hard to slow myself down to subvocalize.

>> No.11806086

Language is the only way humans can think, if you’re not subvocalizes your simply not thinking about anything at all

>> No.11806103

I'm a very slow reader. It takes me like 8 hours to read 100 pages. I think I'm cursed.

>> No.11806109

I think you meant deeper thoughts or w/e, children raised by animals are capable of problem solving without knowing any language.

>> No.11806117

It just means you can enjoy a book longer. Fast reading is a curse.

>> No.11806355

They can problem solve on a very basic level, but when children have grown up without language (either due to abuse or neglect), they are never able to fully grasp language beyond a very basic toddler-level speaking ability, they are basically like a smart orangutan. Language is required for any complicated and worthwhile concepts.

>> No.11806369

I think the proper way to see it is that language and thought(the unclear associative process that blends into actual unconscious processes) are in a feedback loop with each other, processing the inputs of the senses and returning action. It is all intertwined in a way, and much of the important processing is non-verbal, but without the development of the verbal process, which is also intrinsically tied to socializing, the mind doesn't create the proper setup of feedback loops to generate complex concepts.

>> No.11806470

This. It just means you can contemplate on each bit longer.

>> No.11806511

utter (words or sounds) with the lips silently or with barely audible sound, especially when talking to oneself, memorizing something, or reading

Are there really people in this thread that can’t think unless they mouth their thoughts? I get doing it when you encounter an unfamiliar word or want to memorize something, but doing that all the time would look retarded

>> No.11806528

No, it's just the voice in your head.

>> No.11806548

So essentially everyone in the literature boards feels superior with a misnomer

>> No.11806578

That's just inner voice. Not subvocalization.

>> No.11806630

The meat portal is also a fucking autist, fuck off.

>> No.11806654

What was that verbal diarrhea just now sweety?

>> No.11806657

No. I've always thought I was weird for it too. I usually have to make myself think in words.
Anyone care to explain?

>> No.11807050

I too was confused by this thread until I realized everyone is talking about their inner-voice, as opposed to sub-vocalizing. Sub-vocalizing makes the motions of speech, so everyone saying they do it all the time is claiming to walk around mouthing words to themselves (or muttering like the beautiful autists they are).

>> No.11807061
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Taken from the NPC-Nabokov thread.

>> No.11807073

So what does he think when he reads?

>> No.11807074

lol. thinking in images is literal autism

>> No.11807275

"Read". What have you retained by just glancing at the words?

>> No.11807287

so this guy never even truly woke up

>> No.11807626

>Not being an orator so you can borrow your client's books

>> No.11807634

Is that common among you olive eaters?

>> No.11807649

I shift between doing it and not doing it. Sometimes I will suddenly think, "oh wait, I'm not subvocalizing right now", and then I'll have an inner monologue for 30 minutes

>> No.11807819

This is the true chad way.

>> No.11807824

>laying in bed at the end of the day
>occasional fits of laughter take over when I think of something funny
The CIA listening through my phone probably think I'm a weirdo

>> No.11808016

Especially if you do it in public

>> No.11808037
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I honestly can't think in any other way. It's even weirder because I don't have a preference for the language I do it in so half of the time I think in english and the other in my native language.

>> No.11808049

The only caption on that photo should be ‘derp’

>> No.11808053

Dubsposting makes me feel good

>> No.11808055

I do it too. It's hell. My focus is absurdly bad. I am a very anxious person too like someone else said.

>> No.11808098
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1494216346558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it when you visualize something and have a commentary about it at the same time? That's how I solve mechanical problems. Like if I have to try to make parts fit, I imagine them bumping into each other, and I go, "hmmm I dont know that doesn't work..."

Reading very visual novels can get me distracted easily, as I tend to have the book's running narrative going, and my own comments on all the sweet things I'm imagining. doesn't happen in comic books.

>I have also been told that visualizing 3-d objects in space very well in your mind might be a dyslexia thing? cus I'm pretty sure I have that.

>> No.11808121

that's not true. babies think. they want an apple, but dont know the word for it. they know it is sweet, but not what "sweet" is. They hear the word "apple" then are given an apple, you make the connection that the thing you see and know as a thing you like and eat has a name that you can yell to get more of. at the age of two every other word you ask is 'why" mostly cus they are little shits, but aslo to get new words for all these concepts and ideas you have but dont have words for yet. but mostly to be annoying and get human engagement cus all children are narcissists because they require constant help to do literally anything.

>this is such a basic concept that this must be a troll attempt by a butt blasted brain talker.

>> No.11808153

How to Chad Cerebration?

>> No.11808228

I feel then I try to distill into words.

Thank god I have a big vocabulary.

>> No.11808277

>How come asians weren't so shit then, they lived in fucking island,


>> No.11808280

Incessantly and it is dreadful curse which will some day drive me to suicide.

>> No.11808298

Because they can't fake the tests anymore.

>> No.11808303

>If food is tasty I can't gold myelf down from stuffing it in my mouth in a speak that I can't taste it anymore let alone pre-digest properly
That's a sign of a fucked up mind, not someone cherishing a book or food. Speedreeding is the "skill" of brainlets.

>> No.11808309

Yeah fuck this shit
I have dialogues with people while laying in bed, I'll stare at the ceiling until 4am talking to people in my head
I'm not a schizo

>> No.11808317

Animals can "think" as well, but that's not what we mean when we are talking about actual human thought. "I hungry" is not the same kind of thought as "I am hungry, therefore I am?".

>> No.11808361

>anons proudly admitting they only think in sensations like animals
must be a lot of americans itt

>> No.11808371

Chad has solved noughts and crosses forever

>> No.11808417

Everyone subvocalises when they read. If you don't, you are not reading. There have been many "speedreading" techniques around and they all lower comprehension.

>> No.11808519

I found that listening intently to music can quell it, getting hammered also does the trick, but is obviously not a good solution.

>> No.11808610

I decided to subvocalise when reading, because I thought it was a good idea.
I generally don't have an internal voice in my head.

>> No.11808651

>man can only ascend by silencing his internal voice
>especially the voice which tells you not to senselessly sacrifice people to the gods

>> No.11808809

I subvocalise so hard that sometimes I accidentally talk out loud to myself and then literally everyone around me now knows my thoughts. Once I was at Wal-Mart and realized I was muttering while looking at towels that some chick near me looked like the porn star Sasha Foxxx and she heard me and awkwardly fucked off.

>> No.11809160

if you're like the virgin in this picture look up image streaming and do it regularly

>> No.11809162

>dude I have really good ideas in my head, I just can't express them
>trust me dude they're not just basic emotions that seem important in my head but are shit written out

>> No.11809360

I don't usually subvocalize but I find that when I force myself to, I can express myself a lot better.

>> No.11809363

This triggered me.

>> No.11809396

>languagelets coping
linguistic ability is directly tied to the complexity and richness of thought. literally impossible to think without language.

>> No.11809418
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>i have to narrate how i build an ikea nightstand

>> No.11809448
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>literally impossible to think without language.

>> No.11809475

Subvocalization makes you programmable. Heck, I started visualizing things after reading about the map model of thinking - getting rid of the STEM entity possessing me.

>> No.11809502

I see your non-attempt at an answer and raise you a genuine consideration: Remove the language processing from man and see what you have left.

>> No.11809543

You only need language for I/O.
If you think in language you are artificially limiting yourself.

>> No.11809604

>My internal monologue essentially never stops
The kind of thoughtlet that uses the NPC meme, everyone

>> No.11809611

I realised this kind of becomes a moot point, this shit is unprovable. Good day.

>> No.11809613

Language is more than words.

>> No.11809634

if you stretch language to include any conceptual or visual thought, but at that point we are not talking about subvocalizing so it's irrelevant to this thread

>> No.11809975

Your phrasing not mine. Anyway I'm reading at a pace that lets me digest and enjoy the text properly. Who the fuck cares how fast it is in comparison to other people. It just happens to be faster than subvocalizing. What are you going to do, bitch that world doesn't toe your arbitrary line?

>> No.11810120

Your comprehension is evolutionary linked to subvocalizing. The less you subvoc the less you understand, that's simply how it is. That's why speedreeders only get like 60% comprehension, let alone get an new insights out of it as that requires your brain to actually think and "voice" it. While you might be able to enjoy simple entertainment lit this way, you will not be able to actually get anything from proper lit. Try reading Plato in speedrun and you will be just the same brainlet later one, at best able to quote some of the thoughts of Plato without deeper understanding. Nothing personal, kiddo.

>> No.11810154

>evolutionary linked
I'm reading at a pace that's comfortable to me. Being embarrassed how slow you are and getting a superiority complex as a result is retarded. You should be happy you can enjoy a book longer.

>> No.11810172

I'm reading 400wpm at a leisure speed, 200wm being average. Far from needing to be embarassed like those priing themselves in animalistic thinking and thinking that stimuli based reaction speed is comparable to higher thought.

I am simply telling you that you would do better in actually slowing your gluttony down.

>> No.11810184

>priding themselves
Kindly point me to quote that supports your baseless claim or fuck off. I think you misread my posts.

>> No.11810194

Being able to clearly express your thoughts using words is literally the #1 ability a writer requires.

>> No.11810493

It's called that because of the tiny muscle movements in your throat when you consciously think of the pronunciation of the sentences you read. You can't feel them and it's not something you can stop either, I think

>> No.11810560

i kept hearing about this and thought it meant fully retarded murmuring to yourself, but it just means thinking in language? i feel like i'm fucking choking how do you not do that i've done it my whole life i thought everybody did it

>> No.11810639

Anyone else has internal dialogue instead of monologue? I'm no schizo, but my mental speech is delivered as a conversation, and my mind even refers to myself as "we".

>> No.11810816

I subvocalize when reading English, but I'm starting to think that's because English is actually my second language. I first learned how to read and write in Japanese, which is a language that has the added bonus of being written partly in Chinese characters. Often I can just scan some Japanese text, perceiving the Chinese characters as images, and quickly make sense of the writing.

>> No.11810840

Why is this the new meme? It's starting to come to /his/ as well.

>> No.11810861

Most people are boring, not exactly breaking news.

>> No.11810879

German here, it depends what you read as humans usually only scan the first and last letters of a word plus lenght to "get it" not actually really reading it in full. Similar to your eyes "autofilling" in everything outside the center without you getting the faked envoirement. Meanwhile a foreign language often, even for adcanced speaker, has uncommon words or letter-combinations which don't allow for this auto pilot. But I would still say that I subvoc in german, just at a far quicker speed and more subtle, it's more like a soft breath of the first letters than actually "speaking" them in my mind, matching the method of native reading. But not sure how that behaves in a language in which words are symbols, not seperate letters.

>> No.11810892

Yes, but it's only screams.

>> No.11810904

"Inner voice" is just thinking in language. "Subvocalization" is a stronger invocation of your inner voice where some people may even subtly move their muscles as if to speak, or even mutter under their breath.