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11803518 No.11803518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>book is over 400 pages

>> No.11803575
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>book is over 2000 words

>> No.11803864

Do you get more money if you publish a larger book? Like if I wrote 1000 pages, would i get more than say a 400 pager?

>> No.11803875

Probably you get less money because printing costs are higher.

>> No.11803927

but that makes no sense. you should make more money because bigger books are more expensive, and so the buyers pay more for them.

>> No.11803940

>bigger books are more expensive
In a free market system, prices are determined by demand, not the weight of the product.

>> No.11803949

>book is over 100 pages

>> No.11803950

but suggested price and properties contributing to it (e.g. size of the product) are also a factor in the free market system. super important books are expensive even if they're slim, but big books get bit more expensive even if they're not very important.

either way, let's get back on subject: do you realistically get more money if your book is longer?

>> No.11804181


>> No.11804193

No. It's actually easier to get higher royalties on shorter books.

>> No.11804204

A big book costs more to produce, store and distribute.
A big book is less likely to be bought, because people generally prefer small ones.
In other words: no

>> No.11804580

>Book is over 100 characters

>> No.11804615
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>book is categorized by word count instead of arbitrary bullshit like pages
Now we're fuckin talking

>> No.11804626

noice b8, m8, can't wait to see them nerd losers lose they're shit lolololololololololol

>> No.11804953

Name 4 books and 7 poems that do this

>> No.11805156

You’re retarded, 99% of nyt bestsellers in the nonfiction category can be condensed to at most a 5 page essay. It definitely pays to write in as much shit as you can to get a thick book so normies can pay 30 dollars and listen to you rehash the same 3 ideas 50 times.

>> No.11805575

>book is under 400 pages

>> No.11805603
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>it's a book

>> No.11805611
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Word count is as arbitrary as page count.
Just like page length and difficulty can can wildly diverge, word size and difficulty can too.
Just like you can take the average word size to extrapolate estimations about content length, you can do so for average page size.

You're just being neurotic about some variation you noticed, but you failed to notice the much more ubiquitous and noisy variation occuring scores of times each page.

>> No.11805616

nobody was talking about difficulty

>> No.11805624
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>1/3rd of the book is taken up by the introduction

>> No.11805647


>book is exactly 400 pages
This is true of both volumes of Habermas' Theory of Communicative Action (+- 3 pp.), and it is nearly true of Anti-Oedipus. I think this range is what continentals think of as a decently-long book, so they pad as-needed to get well over 300 pages, once they commit to writing "a fairly long book".

>> No.11805651

I was, because word difficulty factors into parsing and comprehension time and effort, which contribute to content length. Sorry I didn't make that clear enough for you.

>> No.11805680
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>greater than 400, but less than 900 pages

>> No.11805751
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>translator's preface spoils the ending

>> No.11805759
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>> No.11805767
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>reading books shorter than 1000 pages