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11799480 No.11799480 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading The Concept of Law by HLA Hart and it's pretty convincing desu.

>> No.11799493

>natural law
>objective morality
No such things exist.
If you disagree, I'd like you to posit an example of an objective moral stance, that everyone agrees on, and that isn't dependent on time/place/culture.

>> No.11799535

what is this, undergrad philosophy of law? what's next on your syllabus? read dworkin

>> No.11799549

That murder is wrong.

By murder, I don't mean capital punishment of a criminal or defending your country in war, but straight up killing somebody you don't like.

>> No.11799557

What is genocide? Or do you think the Armenians being genocided was not murder?

>> No.11799568

Moreover, just because some culture may have tolerated some particular immoral behavior more than others, does not mean that the people in that culture did not recognize the inherent wrongness of the behavior.

>> No.11799584
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>defending yourself in a war
You do realise that for every time someone is defending, someone has to attack?
Just look how much European art glorified warfare - even in early XX century.

>what were human sacrifices in pre-Colombian America?
>what are honor killings in Islam?

>> No.11799587

People who commit an evil typically rationalize the behavior as a good. Genociders probably rationalize it as defense of their own peoples.
They may call it a necessary evil, but an evil nonetheless.
Fallen humans sometimes get it wrong, but natural law exists and can be known.

>> No.11799593

the death drive is law

>> No.11799598

all thought and reason and rhyme is capital, we can only draw around it in chalk with rational thinking but we cannot see him

>> No.11799606
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>people have been killing eachother by the millions, for all of written history, for all kinds of reasons
>b-but they probably knew it was wrong, so my objective morality is real

>> No.11799609

>that everyone agrees on, and that isn't dependent on time/place/culture.
Surely if it's objective it will still be moral even if some people disagree. Otherwise it's not objective? Just because some people think the earth is flat doesn't mean it is.

>> No.11799619

>Just because some people think the earth is flat doesn't mean it is.
There's a multitude of ways to definitively prove Earth's shape.
There is no such proof in morality (ethics). All you're doing is shouting
>I am right and everyone who disagrees is objectively wrong
which is such a childish thing to do.

>> No.11800330

>There is no such proof in morality (ethics)
Why would I need proof? It's objective, it doesn't need to be proven in some petty empirical way.
Unless you're a retarded nominalist

>> No.11800849

Only if morality is universal, which it isn't. Morality starts with human biases, while the earth being spheroid is not a consequence of our varying biological states.

The best you can do is to say 'this particular moral approach objectively achieves x and y to greater/lesser degree than another'. But then you're back at human bias again, since not everyone will value the consequences in the same way. We just have to work with our value overlap basically, and/or collectively submit to an authority.

>> No.11801332


>my opinions are objectively true because I say so, no proof needed
Like a little baby

>> No.11801482

Just finished reading Hart, after reading Aquinas' "Treatise on Law." I intuitively agree with Aquinas, I can find substantial holes in John Austin's and Oliver Wendell Holmes' reasoning (holes which Hart himself acknowledged), but Hart seems hard to shake. Apparently, Fuller has a pretty good response to Hart — so if something doesn't sit right with you, hold out for Fuller. I myself will be reading Fuller's response later tonight.

>> No.11801489

lel — dworkin is later on in the syllabus, ya doof.

>> No.11801523

To be fair, though, by this reasoning science, math, and logic are also not real. Of course, if logic isn't real, then there's no reason for me to listen to or believe your arguments.

>> No.11801531

>objective morality is not real
>by this reasoning, science and math are also not real

>> No.11801587

>objective morality
No such things exist.
If you disagree, I'd like you to posit an example of an objective moral stance, that everyone agrees on, and that isn't dependent on time/place/culture

There are no moral, logical, scientific, etc. principles that don't depend on those things, particularly given that there are relativists, postmodernists, nihilists, and underground men who will deny no matter what. That poster's whole argument is that if anybody anywhere ever disagrees, then the thing doesn't exist.

>> No.11801704

Math, logic (as a subset of math) and widely-understood science are all studies of FACTUALITY.
They are used to determine whether a hypothesis is TRUE or FALSE, using respective aproppriate tools. If someone disagrees with a statement, he can use those tools to conclusively disprove it.
There is a whole branch of philosophy about what exactly is "science". It's too much to explain in a 4chan post.

Morality, on the other hand, is a study of VALUE STATEMENTS - whether something is GOOD or BAD. However both "good" and "bad" depend on your values and goals. If even one person disagrees with your value statement, it's not objective anymore and becomes just your personal opinion. There are no external means to definitvely prove your opinion is "better" or "more objective" than theirs.

>> No.11801765

Keep shouting my man. People disagree with all that, so by the other poster's criteria, it can't be objective.

If you think no one argues about scientific results, or what they mean, or that at least some of the results you're sure a "true" won't be widely known as "false" in the scientific community in the future, then you're dreaming. And that's not even mentioning that within the philosophy of science there are people who would argue that none of it is "factual" the way you mean it.

But yeah, morals are just opinions that don't ever exist and can't be tested by anyone ever and also can't possibly be more nuanced than whatever you have in mind. Likewise science is basically done, none of what we have will substantially change, and we're always improving it in the only possible way.

>> No.11803095

Dworkin was a charlatan.

>> No.11803125
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>true things are only true if we have proof for them
Like how atoms and bacteria suddenly sprang into existence not so long ago. You can't call other people childish when you're the edgy redditor who needs 'science' to prove it's wrong to kick an old lady in the shins

>> No.11803285
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>this thread
>nominalists begging nominalism
>materialists begging materialism
>scientists begging scientism
What is it that makes a man a stemtard?

>> No.11803583
File: 6 KB, 400x300, clarence-thomas-will-get-his-hearty-laugh-back-after-obamacare-loss-justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please post the syllabus? I'm afraid I lost my copy of it!

>> No.11804425
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Stop posting pictures of me please.

>> No.11804431
File: 35 KB, 527x490, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my opinions are objectively correct, just like bacteria objectively exist
How "enlightened" can a person get?

>> No.11804670
File: 167 KB, 600x793, iFPDr7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morality is a matter of opinion
How euphoric...

>> No.11804688

A libertarian will say "taxation is theft (immoral)"
A communist will say "labor is theft (immoral)"

Which one of them is objectively wrong?

>> No.11804707

>implying they can't both be wrong

>> No.11804713

>waaah waaah everyone is objectively wrong except me

>> No.11804718

You dumb enough to think one of them is right?

>> No.11804730

I disagree with both, so in my opinion both are wrong - but in the end it's just my opinion, since there is no objective morality.

>> No.11804747

>since there is no objective morality.
Au contraire, morality can *only* be objective. Otherwise it's not morality, it's opinions.

>> No.11804783

morality is simply opinions (value statements) about what is wrong and what is valuable.
Opinions which change from place to place, from time to time, from person to person.

>> No.11804928

No, you are describing opinions (and in the long run power) not morality. Morality is like truth, if it's a matter of opinion it ceases to be truth

>> No.11804950

There is nothing to suggest that morality (as you described it) even exists.

>> No.11804959

Reminder that you idiots are all just talking past each other when you say something is right or moral.

>> No.11806546

Congrats on reading a book

>> No.11807748

Go put your hand on a hot stove.