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/lit/ - Literature

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11798989 No.11798989 [Reply] [Original]

>The villain was actually trying to stop an even greater evil the whole time

>> No.11798998


>> No.11798999


>> No.11799002 [DELETED] 

>the villain
gas the kikes

>> No.11799004

Based middle east and north africa

>> No.11799005
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>the good guy turns out to be a villain

>> No.11799006

Go back to /tv/ or demap yourself

>> No.11799018
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>the bad guy turns out to be a good guy and then dies

>> No.11799021


>> No.11799027


2 novellas
7 plays
1 opera
and 5 autobiographies

where this happens

>> No.11799028
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>Twist: The Jews are actually fighting inter-dimensional lizard people to stop them from destroying and enslaving our reality, but they only can do this by hording all the worlds gold (to build weapons) and cannibalizing babies (to prolong life enough to finish their task).

Shyalamananed you right there, didn't I?

t. not a jew

>> No.11799029


>> No.11799035

>the hero is a serial rapist and this is presented as comedic

>> No.11799038
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>good guy kills the bad guy but as he is dying he is revealed to be a good guy

>> No.11799040

I like this arc a lot more than the conventional one side vs the others (harry potter, lotr and star wars). It often leads to actual morality discussions than mere assertions

>> No.11799047
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I stand corrected

>> No.11799048

This is why i like itachi so much

>> No.11799059
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>I like this arc a lot more than the conventional one side vs the others (harry potter, lotr and star wars). It often leads to actual morality discussions than mere assertions

>> No.11799064

Any WW2 history book?

>> No.11799089
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>this is what the genre fiction general probably looks like

>> No.11799123

Imagine being a samefag. KYs

>> No.11799144
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>this is what the camus threads look like

>> No.11799148

You don't seem to know what samefagging is.

>> No.11799156

>hero murders both her children.
>burns down her husbands estate and kills his new wife with face melting acid.
>gains approval from the gods

>> No.11799374
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That’s the heart of my new series. The good guy starts out on an adventure to stop the bad guy. Over the course of the journey we learn that the bad guy is the good guy and that the good guy has been helping the supposed good guys who are actually the bad guys. The good guy kills the bad guy who is actually the good guy and now the good guy, realizing what he has done must turn “bad”to fight the good guys who are revealed to be the bad guys. In the end the good guy now turned bad must slaughter his old friends on the good guy side who are now the bad guys and then live with the consequences of the truth that turned him and the consequences of her actions. Moral relativeism for beginners wrapped in a utopia/space opera. Should be 4-5 books

>> No.11799411 [DELETED] 

She should just have stopped plucking her eyebrows and gone into Frida Kahlo cosplay, instead of the shooting.

>> No.11799416

Should have stopped shaving her eyebrows and done Frida Kahlo cosplay instead of youtube videos and shooting people.

>> No.11799502

Who were they trying to stop?

>> No.11799504

sentient capital

>> No.11799506
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>> No.11799508
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>wishy washy protagonist is whisked into a frightening unseen world just below the surface of reality by a charismatic and sarcastic mentor figure

>> No.11799510

they didn't notice they were part of it all along

>> No.11799539
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>> No.11799575

me too

>> No.11799636
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The main character (and by extension, the reader) doesn't know who is the good guy or the bad guy, but just fucks and stumbles his way through the entire plot.

>> No.11799934

Vin best /sffg/ waifu

>> No.11799993
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If only Bourdaine had of crumbled just one fucking packet of msg-infused flavour crystals he'd never of offed himself. Oh well, who's next? Maybe you'll have requests? Didn't you have a certain attachment to a particular soul in a radius of fifty km, say possible N by NW? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11799994

Rand al'Thor, you woolheaded lummox! Get off that flaming worldwide powernetwork, and get your lightblinded behind to Shayol Ghul this instant!

>> No.11800054
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>reader is revealed to be the villian

>> No.11800100

Not a book but that's literally Undertale and SotC

>> No.11800105

You've just described most of YA

>> No.11800112
File: 284 KB, 740x564, 0F95E20F-0B8F-4C2A-AF34-58470E5CD171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reader is revealed to be the author
Why didn’t I see it coming, I wrote the damn thing...

>> No.11800139
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> the protagonist is a villain, but it's never directly revealed in the book and the reader has to find out for himself

>> No.11800291

>Twist: The Jews are actually fighting inter-dimensional lizard people to stop them from destroying and enslaving our reality, but they only can do this by hording all the worlds gold (to build weapons) and cannibalizing babies (to prolong life enough to finish their task).
I wish someone would write a book in this style. The hero starts by fighting the Nazis, then when he almost won he sees the truth he joins the Nazis in fighting the Jews. Then when the Jews are nearly destroyed, the truth is revealed and the hero, Hitler and the elder Rothschild together make a stand against lizard people in the final fight. TTGL-style. Bonus points for using maximal amount of offensive stereotypes for all sides.

>> No.11800315


>> No.11800336
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>villian is revealed to be the villian

>> No.11800365

not just YA. chuck palahniuk, neil gaiman, murakami, lots of npc-core actually

>> No.11800434

dem feets.

>> No.11800455

>after many events throughout the story the protagonist reaches the conclusion that the writer is at blame for their problems and head out to confront them as the final antagonist

>> No.11800459

I hated Deadpool

>> No.11800467

I liked it how The Dark Tower had the protagonists showing up on Stephen King's doorstep to tell him to stop fucking around and get to writing the ending of their story already.

>> No.11800510

Is anyone here burnt out on the cynicism that moral relativism creates in books? Reading classic good v evil epics has been really cosy for me lately

>> No.11800558

to be fair you have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty...

>> No.11800569

I would write this if I had the time. Maybe after I graduate, or it could be /lit/s next big collaborative project

>> No.11801689

that was sheev in the SW Expanded Universe, he built the death star in order to have a weapon agaisnt the Yong Von Zog

>> No.11801788

>reader is revealed to be 20 years older than who the book was written for

>> No.11802490

*SNAP* yep, that's going into my post-modern novel.

>> No.11803469
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>> No.11803761

I actually read this article. One of his asshole neighbours called the police because his dog breed was illegal, but luckily genetic testing proved his dog wasn't a purebreed so he got it back.

>> No.11803767

Just like real life. Woah dude.

>> No.11803802

I came in this thread expecting nothing less

>> No.11803827

it seems like you have something in mind, care to enlighten us

>> No.11804345
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>book's publishing agency is revealed to be the villain

>> No.11805213
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>> No.11805260

That was so awful man.

>> No.11805264


>> No.11805790

literally Fable 3

>> No.11805806
File: 86 KB, 507x550, Crying Guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11805816

>I liked it

>> No.11806241

VNs aren't reading though.

>> No.11806277

The Divine Comedy?

>> No.11806312

she's majestic

>> No.11806518

well, that's a lot less interesting than what I'd first thought