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11797535 No.11797535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand the /r9k/ and incel types that come around here sometimes. The doomer thread proves to me that these people choose to be unhappy and want to proliferate their worldviews.
I'm in the same boat that they are. No job, unable to make friends or meaningfully relate to people, no gf. But my shortcomings have given me an apreciation for what it takes to be 'normal'. Normal people have anxiety too, and they're often just as depressed as we are. But they still manage to function and have meaningful relationships, and their lives and interactions are bizaare and beautiful to me. I don't know how they do it, or what keeps them from falling apart like we have, but they are alive in a way completely alien to us.
You can call them 'normies' and ridicule them all you want. But the fact remains that they are fighting the human condition just the same as us neet-cave-dwellers.
I think using 4chan has led people to devalue reality. /lit/ in particular looks down on most people for their vapidity and consumerism. Like I said before, the world of normal people is locked in a strange and beautiful dance that we have excluded ourselves from.

We might not instinctually start dancing in time like everyone else, but I hope that we can someday appreciate the bizaareness and splendor of this world. Cynicism runs rampant here, and I feel that these pocket philosophers have abandoned humanity for the intellectual superiority they find in printed words.

>> No.11797542

>romanticizing normies
that's precious, your naivete is honestly endearing op, but lol

>> No.11797550

Incels need to try harder to find love instead of whining aboat it or give up and find a nice hobby to obsess aboat like reading. There more two life than nookie.

>> No.11797551
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>”choosing” to be unhappy
lm@o at total casuals

>> No.11797559

past a certain point, ignorance, a requirement for confidence/ being a normie, negates a higher level of self awareness particularly of the "human condition". not to try and suggest it's an enlightened vs unenlightened situation or anything, of course struggle is a universal.

>> No.11797577

lmao I'm going to kill myself soon
when I do the last thing I'm going to be thinking about is what a fucking sheltered moron the guy who created this thread is

>> No.11797759

I agree that incels are often annoying with their constant whining and over-emphasis of sex and gender dynamics but to entirely dismiss the entire worldview and glorify normies is ridiculous. As someone who was actually a normie at one point >>11797559 is entirely correct, social confidence requires a certain amount of ignorance and I personally don't believe that that's something that should be glorified or idolized.

>> No.11797935

calling normies is kind of a weird thing in itself

at the bottom of it all,

you should never compare Your Insides to Other Peoples' Outsides

something that has stuck with me

>> No.11797952

>social confidence requires a certain amount of ignorance


some ignorance can help with some social confidence, yes. but ignorance is not required.

there is a in-between space where you have superseded one level of ignorance, and still not yet superseded another- that's the place a lot of people who Feel like they are "red-pilled" find themselves in.

They refuse to eat from the main trough but they still haven't discovered their sense of purpose strongly enough to allay all fear and do whatever is necessary to do what is most right - including facing whatever social situation is necessary

enough suffering either pushes you back into ignorance, drives you mad, or drives you to evolve and be committed to banishing all ignorance from your life no matter how difficult it may seem

sense of purpose is a big deal. optimism, willpower, and a sense of duty are as well

>> No.11797983

>they're often just as depressed as we are
No. All normalfags that I've ever heard talk about suicide showed nothing but contempt and lack of understanding towards those who take their life. They cannot comprehend the struggles of someone who is forced to face suicidal ideations every day, because they have never had a similar experience. They are shocked when they have to come to terms with the fact that actual suffering exists. One more thing that really annoys me is that they think that willpower is a near infinite resource and those who struggle just refuse to make use of it. They have had sufficient power of agency in their lives to be safe from depression and don't understand that some people have to work almost impossibly hard to overcome their inhibitions.
As for the 'strange and beautiful dance that we have excluded ourselves from', you're wrong on both counts. There is nothing mysterious about a normal life and I certainly didnt withdraw from it exclusively by choice.
This thread is also off-topic.

>> No.11797992

You'd be very, very surprised.

>> No.11798001

That's my experience and the sample size is only about a dozen, but every single one of them refused to show any sympathy for victims of suicide and were surprised that these cases actually existed. They made a point of showing that the situation is completely incomprehensible to them.

>> No.11798017
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the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.11798073

I am a "normie." I have a job, plenty of friends, and a gf.
However, just because I have these aspects of my life, does not mean that I lack an "inner voice," or that I have had a life devoid of stressors or depression. It just means that I have the social capacity of connecting with others, which is something that is hugely important to writing a novel, or writing anything for that matter. Writing is an observational act,. You need something to observe in order to write. Tarantino had an interview, where he said that if an actor runs over a dog in his car on the way to the set, he has to include that emotion in his scene, even if it has nothing to do with it, if you don't, it's not authentic. And yes, I've read it all, too, even Houellebecq.

>> No.11798200

> waaah I wasn't born perfect so trying is pointless
T. Robot
Seriously consider just killing yourselves already.

>> No.11798447

Yes its also very difficult for them to understand shit like autism or aspergers the way the treat these people is genuinely disgusting and is probably one of the things this generation will be looked on down for in the future

>> No.11798653

That's literally my entire point. /lit/ perpetuates a toxic ideology that romanticizes their own struggles. In a strange way, it makes these sort of people more narcissistic than normal people.
And to the anons who think normal people aren't depressed or anxious: take a look outside. For every one of you, there is a normal person suffering in much the same way. They just happen to relate to their world and others differently than you.
There's nothing inherently wrong with this difference, but people here still tend to belittle normal people. If there weren't normal people in the first place, civilization wouldn't have made it this far.
Additionally, claiming that another person's experience or suffering is less valid than your own is toxic. Especially if the distinguishing factor between you and them is social competence.

>> No.11798667

I think you missed the point entirely. I'm actually autistic, like half the people posting here. But that doesn't mean i have to despise normal people just because have to just because I'm precluded from acting like one. Same goes for everyone on this board.

>> No.11798669

"incel" movements are a form of mental rebellion against the unfairness of the world.
Truth is that the life of a 6'3 man is totally different from that of a 5'6 man, even though neither of them did anything to deserve their respective fate. To many it feels "undemocratic".

>> No.11798674

Yea, hopefully retards will all be killed in the future.

>> No.11798676

And I never said I don't try. I've just come to the terms with the fact that my condition, by definition, makes me largely incompatible with a normal life. And like I said, that's ok.

>> No.11798680

They're lazy, thats really it, they see people with fulfilling lives and never realize the work those people had to put down to achieve that life. They think they """"""""deserve""""""" a fulfilling life without working towards one because [insert anything other than merit]

>> No.11798686

I'm 5'5", and I know this feeling well. But nothing is accomplished by being bitter about the successes of others.

>> No.11798726
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LOL@edgelords ITT.

Being a loser doesn't make you special, faggots. You have no particular insight into the "human condition," and """""normies""""" are in no way intellectually inferior to you. You're just a bunch of posturing wankers trying to portray your crippling defects as some kind of virtue. Cry moar.

>> No.11798898

worst life

>> No.11798924

>nothing is accomplished by being bitter about the successes of others.
There is also nothing to gain from blaming yourself for a "bad personality", when in reality the problem is height.

>> No.11798930
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I'm a normie that knows much even more than 99% of /lit/

Your point is utter shit

>> No.11798935

Building merit usually requires things in life that you dont control to not be total shit. Whining about it incessantly is annoying obviously.

>> No.11798958


Sadness IS yours though.

>> No.11798981

>enough suffering either pushes you back into ignorance, drives you mad, or drives you to evolve and be committed to banishing all ignorance from your life no matter how difficult it may seem
You sound like you dabble in low quality self help occultism. Self improvement is possible without mythologizing it (abd its grimmer alternatives), y'know.

>> No.11798993

the double spacing should have given you a hint

>> No.11799022

It’s probs not lol
You’ve never been outside of you think that. You live on memes and propaganda dude

>> No.11799043
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This was the standout post of that thread and isn’t really describing an /r9k/ thing. Don’t tell me you don’t share some of these traits

>> No.11799061
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Someone who knows they are inferior and are faced with this truth everyday, how do you expect them to react, of course they cave in, close their eyes, cover their ears and sing to themselves 'I am rejected because I am superior'

>> No.11799063
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>height doesn't matter
>looks don't matter
Something tells me you are the one who's never been outside.

>> No.11799078

Arrogant post.

>> No.11799124

I do flip between feeling like an actual fucking genius and a totally worthless retard though.
I spend too much time sitting back and listening to arguments to the point where i have become disillusioned with everyone being so wrong and delusional although i would call myself a very mild libertarian.

The shit in your picture is just the result of having low self esteem or a defense mechanism that comes from low self esteem, nothing crazy to guess about people who browse 4chan.

>> No.11799164

You have no control over most of the things that cause sadness. But you do control your reaction.

>> No.11799180

Ignorance of what?

>> No.11799193

I wrote a post in reply to them but then I realized that we were not on the same page in terms of what we define under the term "ignorance."