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11795388 No.11795388 [Reply] [Original]

Is Bronze Age Mindset worth reading?

>> No.11795504

anyone got epub or pdf for poorfags?

>> No.11795527


>> No.11795533

Yes it is, now stop shilling here BAP

>> No.11795535

more asinine post-structuralist occultism

>> No.11795547

he is very clearly a closet homo

>> No.11795585

it's like $10 to the homeless guy outside of the liquor store for his view on life

>> No.11795586

>it's a guy who thinks he'd been king in the "ancient world" rages against society for not allowing might makes right
also faggots have been around since forever, look into kin selection.

>> No.11795588
File: 28 KB, 680x486, ER - avatar - DlEUz9GX4AYuBet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a shitload of links in that page, but none of them look like download links that take me to an actual file.

What do I click.

>> No.11795600

yeah, it's pretty entertaining.

>> No.11795603

>Open download
there ya go.

>> No.11795612

Nobody thinks they'd be king, just that they'd get to follow a king and maybe rape and pillage some villages.

>> No.11795617

poast physique

>> No.11795621

you can do that today, just go to Somalia or Syria or wherever

>> No.11795694

The argument I believe is that the West should be doing this

>> No.11795717

>only about 70 pages.
My connection fucked up a little mid download.

Can you just tell me if this is supposed to be the final sentence, or I'm likely missing half the book?

>I know such men of bronze exist…I dream that, as they descend they will keep their eyes above on the great North Star, and I think about how they will feel…I imagine how they will traverse the great labyrinth of shadows while their spirit fixes itself with a great focus and obsession on that fateful star, and that other one…the destroyer of nations… never forgetting the way back….not forgetting its call and the eternal task it whispers into those with ears to listen.

>> No.11795718
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>> No.11795726

we will be soon enough, you simply do not ever get mass migrations like this without violence occurring. it's not going to be pleasant though, the guys who meme about race wars dont seem to understand that the slight inconvenience of 'diversity' in a functioning civilization is still way better than the horror of war, for all but a few strange men who like war.

>> No.11795746
File: 682 KB, 800x1141, kim-alexis-tbt-1983-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks breh.

>> No.11795747

it's fun, even though ignores the is/ought problem, so devolves into naturalism. Also, his critique of Heidegger gets it all wrong. I think there are better books out there to understand the ills of modernism, without feeding to the illusion that they have nothing to do with the "alpha" chad mindset.

>> No.11795758

elementary readings of heidegger

>> No.11795769

its 198 pages so redownload.

>> No.11795791

post your fuckin physique faggot

>> No.11795836

BAP is the giga pseud
Faceberg is one note
Kantbot got stale
Logo is alright
Niccolo is alright
Nick Land posts /pol/ memes all day

Is there anyone else on twitter worth following?

>> No.11795849

shut up mike

>> No.11795871

If everyone's so pseud, then set the example. Of course tho, you're a massive pseud fag yourself as well.

>> No.11795877

what is nick land's @?

>> No.11795888

nobody who posters on twitter regularly is worth following really, land does it to take the piss so he's the exception

>> No.11795891


>> No.11795915

Vince Garton

>> No.11795920

Logo is the definition of a pseud.

>> No.11796561

alright buddy lets see the fuhzeek poast

>> No.11796643

>Logo is alright
He's the biggest pseud of all of these

>> No.11796669

Glad we are having an autistic twitter thread. Hey mods, do your fucking job.
It doesn't matter if you delete now they have clearly already won. You have deleted countless threads and eventually you will give up and stop caring. This is how all shilling works. Might as well SUBMIT x D
Retweet and like this post please. Also add me on discord. autisticanimeprimwithapurpose1488

>> No.11796673


>> No.11796696

Thanks 4 the like julesmokingancap. When you gonna add me to the group dm!?

>> No.11797223

Yeah, it is. I'm not sure if I quite agree with everything he said, but it kinda gave me a new perspective on things.

>> No.11797382


>> No.11798238

>the guys who meme about race wars dont seem to understand that the slight inconvenience of 'diversity' in a functioning civilization is still way better than the horror of war
The horror of war is brief, and will largely only be a "horror" for the losing side. Living in behind barbed wire walls is something several generations will have to do

>> No.11798649

Does the book have information about exercise, diet etc?

>> No.11798728

No, it's Nietzsche repackaged for the 21th century with a little unabomber flavoring.

>> No.11799067

dr stud and that_groyper are the real intellectuals

>> No.11799096
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>what if Kaczynski wasn't a 150 IQ math prodigy, but a narcissistic Twitter memester instead - the book

>> No.11799102

Damn never thought of it like that

>> No.11799108

Honestly this. Wars are brief societal recalibrations - but societal declines go on for centuries.

>> No.11799133

I believe BAP is a Hong Kong chink

>> No.11799331

>will largely only be a "horror" for the losing side
The second world war deeply affected the soldiers on the winning side and it had repercussions on society for generations.

>> No.11799338

you can even become a pirate if you're a proper nigger!

>> No.11799359


This photograph is very powerful.

>> No.11799371


Was Spandrell right?

>Whatever your take on what homosexuals are and how they came to be, one thing is clear, by their own admission. Gay men generally want to have sex with heterosexual men. But heterosexual men by definition won’t have sex with men. So homosexuals have two choices here. They can undergo a sex change, either surgically complete (as they enforce in Iran), or some half-way (as its easy to see in Thailand), and try to convince heterosexual men to take them as women. Or they can give up on heterosexual men and have sex with fellow gay men.

>> No.11799377

>Gay men generally want to have sex with heterosexual men.
that would certainly explain the epidemic of traps and trannies in the recent decade or so

>> No.11799401

Im not sure if theyre even the same thing. There are gay guys and gay guys. One version is the cheerful stereotype we have been memed in media, and those guys actually do exist and are like that and are just gay as fuck, i have met those guys. Then there are the strange kind of depressed, usually drug abusing gay guys, who are ambiguously gay, they exist on a spectrum with like nongay feminine men, it is unclear what is going on there. Traps belong to that second category of gays i think.

In general being a 'woman' is higher status these days than being a man, witness 'the future is female', 'god is a woman', etc. This clashes with the obvious reality of men outperforming women at everything so there are various mechanisms in place to take money from men and give it to women, the government programs centred around child support and general services which women draw from and men pay for.

>> No.11799405
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Twitter can be so comfy

>> No.11799449
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What about these gays like Jack 'hey I may be gay but I'm a million times more manly than 90% of straight guys' Donovan ?

>> No.11799463

They are in the first category with the cheerful gay dudes, they are genuinely just gay. They are less represented in the media

>> No.11799505

well, you could be right about this being a status thing is this gynocracy

>> No.11799580
File: 357 KB, 880x1200, 85KimAlexisYellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you like?

>> No.11799683

no, twitter is for pseuds

>> No.11799714

>effeminate chink-worshiping pseud can think of no better response than “what a faggot”
Imagine my shock!

>> No.11799893
File: 1.03 MB, 1056x1064, Kim-Alexis-1983b-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder.... are supermodels the modern day maenads? men are captivated by their beauty, they are seldom spotted IRL and very hard to catch. mmm.