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/lit/ - Literature

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11789150 No.11789150 [Reply] [Original]

Why is contemporary culture, not only /lit/related, riddled with "subversion", "deconstruction", and "witty tropes manipulation"?
Have we run out of creativity?

>> No.11789175

It's nothing new, the modernists started this a hundred years ago. Just look at Borges.

>> No.11789192

Western civ has shot its wad. Now it can only rehash its greatest hits.

>> No.11789249

When you reduce everything to their constitutive elements, or at least believe you have, then all that remains in the creative process is to arrange those elements in "creative" ways.
What your complaint really is about is the sterility of this mechanistic view of everything, even the creative process.

As long as we have this machine symbol, with its individual and separate parts working together but independently, as the basis of our very reality, then nothing will truly change

>> No.11790321

Was it ever different?
In any case, the "witty tropes manipulation" surely was always there. Today the references in a 1950's book just go over your head.