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/lit/ - Literature

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11788223 No.11788223 [Reply] [Original]

What writing software do you use?

I'm just using Word at the moment.

>> No.11788238

i write emails to myself and on my phone notes, and on pieces of paper

The paper is the best beacuse often i have to make little diagrams, pictures, almost like hieroglyphics to properly explain to myself what i am seeking, and i can make large sections of text that relate to other sections via arrows and stuff, i have some paper that is like 2 feet by 4 feet which is great for this.

>> No.11788245

there's a VERY good chance that you are pretentious

>> No.11788274

post a pic, friend

>> No.11788282

So what?

>> No.11788284

OpenOffice Writer.

>> No.11788289

I write on rizla papers

>> No.11788290

The only correct answer is vim and latex

>> No.11788303

Pencil and paper.

>> No.11788304

STEMfag alert.

>> No.11788322

I am pretentious in the snese that iam constantly trying to find the ultimate key to reality

but i know that i cant do it, i get that im just some random idiot. but i cant not try, if you know what i mean
it's at my other apartment, so i can post a pic tomorrow, ill be there tonight, that is where i sleep

>> No.11788366

adobe indesign

>> No.11788513
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The only correct answer is Emacs and org-mode, then export via LaTeX.

>> No.11788654

I tried to use emacs but the default bindings are godawful and evil can't really accommodate every mode available so I found myself going from Vim's nice modal editing to whatever freakish abomination emacs uses nonstop.

>> No.11788729


>> No.11788734


the only based choice.

>> No.11788787

I don't write. I recite my tales orally.

>> No.11789130

Word is fine. If you can’t knock it out with that then you don’t need to be writing.

>> No.11789136


>> No.11789145

notepad if i'm on windows, vim if i'm on linux

>> No.11789354

If you're actually writing, you're doing it wrong.

True meta writers aren't 'writers'. They just think of drafts and keep it in mind forever without actualizing anything.

No one would understand it anyway. These people are too ahead of their time.

>> No.11789416

I bought a typewriter and use it because my ass roommate bought a mechanical keyboard and plays noisy games all night. I originally used it early in the morning just to spite him but now I enjoy it even if it makes me look like a hipster.

>> No.11789426

Wax tablets

>> No.11789436

google drive to be bh

>> No.11789440


>> No.11789467

I'm using words

>> No.11789469

Have fun with all that carpal tunnel.

>> No.11789561

vim saved in plain .txt files.

>> No.11790126

I have proper typing posture and only use it for three hours at most a day. If 50s receptionists could do it all day I can do it in the morning.

>> No.11790272

I typeset in LaTeX using vim as my editor

>> No.11790279

Yeah but women write at like 20 wpm

>> No.11790285

Typora is the only correct answer.

>> No.11790476

Absolutely based. Haven't written anything in years, I just memorise it like Homer did.

Later fags ;)

>> No.11790688


>> No.11790761

Sublime Text + git + tortoise for writing itself.
Laragon + wikia and phpmyadmin + own code for notes and stuff.

Open Office for the word counter because I'm shallow.

>> No.11790936


>> No.11791343

MS OneNote

>> No.11791632

Pen-and-paper for drafts, LaTeX for submissions to journals and agents.

>> No.11791814

Typewriter because I'm autism incarcerated.

>> No.11791854

Some writing book tried to convince me to get Scrivnr. I told it to fuck off and still use Word.

>> No.11791865

Reminded me of that story about J K Rowling writing the first chapter of Harry Potter on a cafeteria napkin.

>> No.11792095

google drive so it can't get deleted by hardware failure.

>> No.11792130

vim+LaTeX is the contemporary typewriter

>> No.11792184


>> No.11792595

i open the case, remove the hard drive while it's still plugged in and running, and scream at it until the bits line themselves up appropriately.

>> No.11792656

I just paste this into my url:
data:text/html, <html contenteditable>

>> No.11792991

I use AutoCAD (2008).
I write in 1:1 scale and in one continuous line, cyan on black.
It feels good to know how long your text is in kilometers.

>> No.11793000

Libre Office Writer

>> No.11793011


>> No.11793013

Pretentious, judging by the -ous suffix, is the adjective form of pretension and I hold no pretensions in either it's definitions. Firstly my opinions aren't mere pretensions to fact: they are fact, and I can back up every word with an avalanche of arguments; a spontaneous oral essay that would make grad students blush. Secondly, my literary opinions are not pretensions in that they are meant to impress, though they inevitably do, they are merely the honest, crystalised thoughts of a piercing intelligence that surpasses almost all listener's comprehension. As you can see, pretentious would in no way apply to me, nor my literary opinions. Pretentious is actually just a word used by the envious to ensnare their betters; the sooner you free yourself from the word, the sooner you'll be able to truly appreciate and understand literature, like I do.

>> No.11793024

stale bait yet still cringe

>> No.11793032

siri can you type this please full stop i like to eats lettuce with cold baked beans and brown sugar comma its great post

>> No.11793054

Wondering if I should try this, I have all the ingredients.

>> No.11793062

Who here /focuswriter/?

>> No.11793086


>> No.11793365

What's the best app to write while using your phone?

>> No.11793374

I use Word too :D

>> No.11793376

I'd rather kill myself than type on a smartphone

>> No.11793383

Wait, you write in Adobe Indesign? What kind of /gd/ autism is this?

>> No.11793386

Few years back I was on my aunts wedding and I couldn't stand it so I went to the garden and begun writing another chapter of the book I was writing at the time - I wrote for solid four hours and I was so into it that I didn't feel that mosquitoes bit my hands.

>> No.11793417
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Word 2013, pirated version. Sometimes it feels like shit as my writing's so cringey that the clean interface of Word makes it even cringier. Why am I such a shit writer, /lit/? I have good thoughts and ideas sometimes but I can never express them on paper/keyboard as they always turn out too chaotic and sound like something a child would write.

>> No.11793457

It's ok, you just don't have any talent.

>> No.11793464

>Word 2013

Looks like you don't have any taste either.
Word 2007 master race here.

>> No.11793469

>he doesn't use Office 365

>> No.11793474

>he's a university cuckold mindlessly using all the freebies that he gets

nah, the millennial slave aesthetic is not for me

>> No.11793483

mac user, amirite?

>> No.11793498

Speak for yourself, faggot. I have talent, I just don't know how to express it.
Do you also use Windows XP? Being broke in 2018, sad.

>> No.11793526

You don't know how to express it because you don't have talent.

>> No.11793531

>I have a creative urge, I just don't know how to express it.

>> No.11793533

>being broke

Didn't you previously admit pirating Word? Talent less, tasteless AND retarded. I don't envy you, knowing this website's demographic you're probably a broke virgin as well.

>> No.11793538


>> No.11793546

>pirating Word
I could download an older version for free from my uni's freebies but I already have the newer one so I didn't want to bother.
>Talent less
I can paint, brainlet.
> broke virgin
I have a part-time job and a girlfriend.

>> No.11793553

>meticulously print out each note in a sketchbook with faint parallel straightedge-given lines
There you go

>> No.11793556
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Now, this level of pathetic is just what I want to see. Deluded retards can provide such amusement, I know I'm picking on the less fortunate but it's just so fun.

>> No.11793573

It would be funny to know how many hours collectively have the people ITT spent on writing compared to how much time have others spent on reading their works.
Also how much money is that in minimum wage compared to how much money they've actually made, or are going to make.

What a truly selfless selfish undertaking.

>> No.11793584
File: 72 KB, 634x650, cuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Less fortunate"
>he is on an anonymous board on a Sunday evening arguing with a stranger about.. something

>> No.11793593
File: 99 KB, 756x1024, 1530039083078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every wagecuck is by definition less fortunate. Should have at least invested in crypto, buddy. You're like a boomer who decided not to buy a house.

>> No.11793604
File: 27 KB, 500x539, 3209_adobe-FrameMaker-product.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pro writers know there's only one real answer

>> No.11793612

what the fuck is a pro writer

>> No.11793627

"pro" is a commonly used abbreviation of "professional", anon. meaning someone who does something as a living or for profit. so, "pro writer" = "professional writer" = "someone who is a writer for a living or for profit".
honestly i didn't think it was that difficult a concept.

>> No.11793636


How to be a professional writer?

>> No.11793654

You mean like a freelance writer? Sure, that's a fine source of income while you're still in collage, but come on.

>> No.11793675

lol okay republicuck

>> No.11793717

i'm a contract technical author working for a data analytics company in the city of london.
currently i'm writing technical documentation for the API that their product makes available to their customers.
in addition i've written magazine articles and contributed sections to a few books.
it won't make me rich but it pays the bills.

>> No.11793762

T. Shlomo Goldstein

>> No.11793789

Came here to say this

>> No.11793792

Scrivener. SingularWriter. Ulysses.

>> No.11793872

Literally the only reason to use that instead of Word is because it has "Adobe" slapped on it

>> No.11793882

Wait, now that I think about it all my other work tools are from Adobe, it might integrate nicely.
Mhm, I may consider it.

>> No.11793900


>> No.11793915


>> No.11793954

>sunday evening
What third world country do you live in?

>> No.11793976

Why the fuck does google docs lag when you have more than like 10 pages. it's fucking unusable.

>> No.11793981

the reason people use framemaker is because it is designed from the ground up for handling massive structured documents like catalogues or reference manuals.
Word is great, and really good for writing documents up to a couple of hundred pages, but if you wanted to write a 600 page technical reference it wouldn't be suitable.
framemaker isn't an easy tool to use (although it's got better, since about version 10) so i wouldn't recommend it to everyone. i certainly wouldn't use it for non-work related stuff or for simple unstructured documents that are mainly text or with a few pictures here and there. but for the work i do it's the best tool for the job.

>> No.11794116

Pen and paper so the Illuminati can't read it. They can take my 4chan posts, but they can never have my magna opus

>> No.11794475

>using free spywares
Anon, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.11794487

Does anyone write on their phones? I’ve been hearing it’s a growing trend to do so

>> No.11794790


>> No.11794802

notepad++ for small file size

I'll have a highly formatted doc when I'm done

>> No.11794810

I tried a few times, managed to write a total of 7500-ish words in two or three sessions before giving up on it.
It can get annoying, especially if you have fat fucking fingers like me, but it's always better than nothing. And if you're using google docs it also means that what you're writing will be available on any other device that allows you access to google docs, be it another smartphone or a pc.

>> No.11794813
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this stale pasta, but unironically

>> No.11795334

LibreOffice for writing, Mendeley for research.

>> No.11795412

You're not gonna get published unless it's in LaTeX, that's not really research what you're doing

>> No.11795424

>, that's not really research what you're doing
lel what does this even mean

>> No.11795432

you're doing a very pretentious form of autistic masturbation

talk to me when you're actually published

>> No.11795464

>reality is dictated by social confirmation
high estrogen levels detected

>> No.11795482

No, it is reality which dictates social confirmation or "peer review" as I like to call it

>> No.11795523

Either pencil and paper, or Sublime Text.

>> No.11795670

Ommwriter, not even memeing

>> No.11795682

Mine is an oral tradition.

>> No.11795685


why? he speaks weird but it just sound like mind maps to me.

>> No.11795696

lol made me laff fuck that other guy

>> No.11795710

lmao’d while roflcopter’ing

>> No.11795786

LibreOffice Writer

>> No.11796951

notepad backed up with google cloud
Used to use google docs a little because I was writing a 'serious book' but it upset my autism.

>> No.11797142


is tht bad?

>> No.11797834

there's that word again

>> No.11797844

i'd like to feel the softness of her wares if you know what i mean

>> No.11798402

Confirmed for vim.

>> No.11799574

google keep