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/lit/ - Literature

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11786869 No.11786869 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any actually worth reading or are they all complete trash? Pic somewhat related

>> No.11787320

>that picrel
>still asking the question

>> No.11787350

Man I wish I was a fucking retard working in games driving a lambo

>> No.11787361

So where is tge devastating part that is worse then a death in the family?

>> No.11787369
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1318, 1536963478878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was about him closing down a business

>> No.11787382
File: 147 KB, 640x623, 1536988716993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you all be buying Cliffy's literary masterpiece when it comes out?

>> No.11787387
File: 380 KB, 996x2048, cliffy b book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well deserved praise

>> No.11787603

>The nickname "CliffyB" was given to him derogatorily by "some jock kid" when he was a shy teenager; he then took it and developed a tougher persona around it.

fucking hell these video game nerds are so sad

>> No.11787620

>to see my brother, my best friend, orating this amazing speech and keep it (together) was beautiful and inspiring and, of course, SAD AS FUCK.

>> No.11787687

lol he speaks like a teenage girl

>> No.11787690

There should be some kind of law against this.

>> No.11787726

This is make me rage.
No wonder video games can't make a good story. Let alone have good dialogue or characters.

>> No.11787865
File: 98 KB, 612x491, c7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I flew up to (at the time) Connecticut
is Connecticut no longer Connecticut

>> No.11787873

what a fucking embarrassment

>> No.11788538
File: 127 KB, 466x960, 1536994321151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Bleszinski has something truly special here. Raw, powerful, and ultimately a life-changing piece of literature. Sad that you haters can't see that.

>> No.11788555

Some of the Halo books are actually decent though

>> No.11788566

What the fuck, how can you completely change train of thought that many times in a goddamn page

>> No.11788576

So all you have left to do is switch jobs and get a new car.

>> No.11788578

a lot of people just think that way, talking to them is this excruciating process of trying to respond to something they have said as they veer off into another direction. The only answer is to completly control the conversation such that they follow you and their chaotic minds are tied to something stable.

>> No.11788605

>I suppose that I thank my parents for continuing to fuck because I wouldn't be here
what the fuck

>> No.11788625

How Google Works ain't a tell-all, but a close look into the operation written by the former CEO and the VP of Product Dev - it was a seriously good read. They give an idea of the type of person capable of working at G, and have no qualms abot saying that most of us are P-wave zombies

>> No.11788627

What's p wave?

>> No.11788679

Probability wave.

>> No.11788780


Is this what will happen to my mind if i learn how to code a game?

>> No.11788990

>P-wave zombies

what do they mean by this?

>> No.11789014

>most of us
by this do you mean google employees, programmers in general, or 4chan users?
reminder that good writing avoids parentheses as much as possible (within reason of course)

>> No.11789017

Why is anyone listening to what he is saying he writes like a teenager

>> No.11789021

Americans are soulless creatures of sugar and industry.

>> No.11789066

>America is culturally stagnant. Everywhere else is totally fine though, its just America

>> No.11789104

I'm not talking stagnant, I'm talking retarded. Compare how Americans talk vs the Britbongs. Same language yet it sounds like someone really started poisoning the water over there in the late sixties.

>> No.11789289

America is the Ghost of Christmas Future.
Canada and Angloland will suffer the same fate in time.

>> No.11789302

The caliphate of b*ngistan is far worse off than burgerland and leafraq isn't far behind.

>> No.11789330

Wow, the conversational tone and casualness of this makes me taste copper under my tongue.

It's sad that any talentless dingus who has any sort of status in society can write a crap book as if it were a series of text messages to your friend or tweets and have it not only be published, but praised and sold.

You can't even blame women in the publishing industry on this one. They don't care for videogames.

>> No.11789343

They love gossip though, and so do borderline illiterate faggots who buy tell all memoirs.

>> No.11789362

I think the publishing agent saw that he worked on fortnite and saw dollar signs. I'm glad this guy is posting excerpts from his work though since this will make what the ghostwriter/editor did really obvious.

>> No.11789431

Yeah, the sheer kikery of agents and publishing houses can't be overstated. For those who don't know, fiction by a new author needs a complete manuscript (which won't even be read 99% of the time) to even be considered by agents. Nonfiction only requires a proposal, making it much easier for shit like this to get greenlit. And if you can't get an agent your odds of being published these days are virtually nonexistent.