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1178677 No.1178677 [Reply] [Original]

Hard science fiction for kids

Where do i find more?

>> No.1178709

This is a good question that I'll have to think on for a while.

Fortunately, threads last forever on /lit/.

>> No.1178716

Thanks, appreciate it

if it keeps the thread alive longer;
Good books for kids general?

We've been given 6 or 7 copies of Cat and the Hat, i'd almost swear people are trolling us with it.

>> No.1178729
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There's nothing wrong with Cat in the Hat for young readers, though I do mean generally for early readers.

What age group are we talking about? That plays an important part in selecting texts.

>> No.1178732

Good books for kids:
His Dark Materials
Harry Potter (deal with it. I like the books too, but they are for kids)
the Redwall books
Artemis Fowl
The Pendragon books
The Inkheart books (Inkheart was my favorite book back when I was in 5th-6th grade, highly recommended).
In addtion to Inkheart, anything else by Cornelia Funke (Thief Lord, etc).

>> No.1178744

He just turned 4, his little brother 2

Right now our library is filled with Dr. Seuss and friends, Still learning the basics, so its a good fit for the moment no doubt.

Stuff inbetween Dr. Seuss and this list >>1178732
is probably what i'm mostly looking for

>> No.1178750

I get mad that my 6 year old nephew can't read yet. Is that wrong of me when there are 4 year olds that can?

>> No.1178751

Demand gift receipts.

It's like a gift card that people can pretend they put thought into. ;)

The Giving Tree, poetry of Shel Silverstein in general, the Pinkerton books, Phantom Tollbooth, Encyclopedia Brown, everything by Roald Dahl, and another guy whose name is escaping me at the moment.

Look at the less-circulated/advanced Dr. Seuss too. Bartholomew Cubbins, the Lorax, On Beyond Zebra (it's like the Book of Lies for kindergarteners!), If I Ran the Circus/Zoo...

>> No.1178773


Does it have to be specifically sci-fi?

If not, I think for that age group you should seriously consider A. A. Milne's first two Winnie-the-Pooh collections (seriously!)
If you've never read them, don't be fooled by the mess Disney made of the characters. The stories are of course meant to be read to kids, but I'm sure you'll get a certain amount of pleasure from it yourself.

>> No.1178774

We'll he's not like he's reading technical manuals or anything

But i digress
When i was 6, i remember being frustrated that none of the other kids could read anything but a handful of words. My parents read to me quite a bit. I know for me it's been real hard as a parent to find time to read to my kids, maby you could help your nephew out and read for him when you have some spare time?
How could I forget about Shel Silverstein. Will pick some of that up on the next trip to a bookstore

>> No.1178777

I used to read tons of crap by Gary Paulsen. Something about 2 kids that would go on adventures or something.
Always exciting. And I learned how to make a bomb from fertilizer in 1st grade.

>> No.1178779

Bill Peet is the author I was trying to remember. Thanks, pile of old children's books in the closet.

Babar is good for that age group too.

>> No.1178780

I do read to him, and I try to have him read along. Unfortunately he gets bored too quickly.
Not my kid though, so I guess he's not mine to control :)

>> No.1178795

dosnt need to be sci-fi by any means, ultimately i'd like to find some more 'hard' science fiction for kids, but while we're at it nothing wrong with other suggestions.

Should have seen my face when i tried to explain a black hole to 4 year old and why Icarus went forward in time.

"I dont get it daddy"
"Neither do I"

>> No.1178809

Classic Winnie the Pooh books = great idea.

Look at The Fantastic Flying Journey and related books by Gerald Durrel and Graham Percy. They're grand adventures of discovery in a hot-air balloon house that may have provided a healthy dose of inspiration for Up.

>> No.1178816


>> No.1178843

> "I dont get it daddy"
> "Neither do I"

Oh, I'm laughing so hard. Fuck yeah, OP, I wish you luck in your search.