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File: 92 KB, 521x768, St Peter Damian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11786742 No.11786742 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this?

Book of Gomorrah: An Eleventh-Century Treatise against Clerical Homosexual Practices - St Peter Damian

The Synod to be convened by Pope Francis on Clerical Sexual Abuse is to start on St Peter Damian's feast day Feb 21


>> No.11787598

Hi Tradical.

>> No.11787758

Poltard autistic incel

>> No.11787762


>> No.11787775

Schizo MAGAcel feeling triggered?

>> No.11787781


>> No.11787817

Since catholics haven't been able to solve the problem of sexual abuse within the church for literally a thousand years it's perhaps time to reconsider the validity of enforced celibacy on such a large scale. The Aristotelian belief in the practice of moderation alongside the Orthodox churches doctrine of allowing priests to intermarry as a way of keeping them as a part of the community rather than 'above' it, while at the same time advocating for strict moderation and control of sexual desire even within marriage, seem to be as being far more practical and useful solutions than the catholic totalitarian, life denying, anti-sex, guilt inducing ideology.

Total celibacy really is an option only for a select few that come to it through divine conscience, not some misplaced belief in the enforcement of moral values. That just doesn't work, many men are born into total depravity beyond redemption and by pretending they're not you're destroying the lives of young children when placing them in contact with said depravity.

>> No.11787849

Why can't we just ban christianity and judaism already? It's all a bunch of pedophiles, baby forsekin vampires or a bunch of atheist retards. At least muslims tend to be puritanian and more honest about their pedo-prophet

>> No.11787857

This is correct as far as heterosexuals go but doesn't address the prevalence of homosexuality within the clergy.

>> No.11787907

Possibly, but I think a lot of sodomy and even pederasty are simply situational sexual behavior brought on by a social environment that's simply hostile to actual human sexuality, including for those with a heterosexual disposition.

Homosexuality as a sexual orientation within the clergy is largely a non-issue. Straight or gay priests that keep to their vows are of no concern and acting on behalf of those desires within their actual orientation isn't worse one way or the other IMO.

>> No.11787914

Pedophilia really doesn't seem to be bound by the hetero/homo distinction.

>> No.11787930

Pedophilia is not an orientation in the same manner. It's an expression of sadism, control and domination as well as thrill seeking behavior. Very few pedophilic encounters are the result of "attraction".

>> No.11787932


>> No.11787934

Here's what going to seminary is like, in case you were wondering

>> No.11787956

Excellent article. It doesn't take genius to see that this is the sort of environment that the catholic church fosters.

>> No.11788003

>if you're prevented from having sex you'll eventually rape people
You're part of the problem.

>> No.11788025

>Human nature is fundamentally good and if everyone were just a good human like me then this wouldn't be a problem

>> No.11788047

Nope, I'm just stating a fact. Some people are like that. I'm also not saying that this true across the board but it certainly applies to enough many people that catholic clergy is an nonviable form of organization if we care about the safety of children.

>> No.11788053


>> No.11788075
File: 3 KB, 125x104, 1520657725777s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a prophet
>receive a divine book that says (among many other things) that there's a marriage age
>said divine book says the purpose of marriage isn't firstly to have children but to form a relationship built around tranquility, love and mercy
>said divine book says oppression is worse than murder (rape is a form of oppression)
>said divine book says the prophet doesn't know who's a hypocrite and who's not (ie who's a genuine believer and who's not)
>years later some human-shaped devils claim the prophet had sex with a 9 year old in a very strange and dubious hadith (dubious as in "hey guys I'm totally going to tell you when I first had sex with my husband for no reasons or context whatsoever")
>some human-shaped "scholars" claim those people are trustworthy
>even though other hadiths tell of death penalty for rape and others of Aisha having a higher age
>centuries of gratuitous slanders and misunderstandings ensue

>> No.11788104

(youyouyouyouyouyouyouyouYOUDOuouyyoidsjdhod9wydoihdoihfuhfasdfyisdaufiasj././d,.s., asd

>> No.11789387

OP here

So no one's read it?

>> No.11789503

Nobody cares about your schizophrenic poltard retarded delusional beliefs you asperger virgin american fuck off back to pol cancerous inbred bitch

>> No.11789546

So is it a coincidence ???

>> No.11789552

Cope queer

>> No.11789641

WN Americans are the closet sodomites, just look at Richard Spencer

>> No.11790377

I bet you spend a lot of time looking at spencer fagboi mcshitpipe

>> No.11790404
File: 646 KB, 512x481, 1515986347065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone else on /lit/ goes on Weird Catholic Twitter

>> No.11790436

I learned about wct from /lit/

>> No.11790511

It's unironically my favorite Twitter community. Especially because it overlaps with all the other Twitter communities worth bothering about.

>> No.11791417

Cringe and bluepilled