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/lit/ - Literature

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11784839 No.11784839 [Reply] [Original]

Are VN's considered books?

>> No.11784865

For the millionth time, no.

Go away.

>> No.11784888

No, but are there any good lit approved ones?

>> No.11784898

Yes, but only the untranslated ones. Once it's no longer in Japanese the VN ceases to be literature and becomes trash.

>> No.11784900


>> No.11784902

I believe that every 'low culture' medium has at least one fantastic work that works because it plays with the genres tropes (Watchmen, NGE, Shadow of the Colossus etc.) and I would like to think that VNs are no exception, so please prove me right

>> No.11784910


>> No.11784914

The girl with prosthetic legs was so clingy, the definition of easy.

>> No.11784936

someone please give me a nice literary review of umineko
it seems interesting but the only people that talk about it are teenagers and weeaboos and i don't trust them

>> No.11784949

I know Manga is.

>> No.11784953

Saya no uta

>> No.11784954

Why are visual novels so long? I tried getting into the medium, but it seemed like a waste of time reading anime shit that was longer than War and Peace.

>> No.11784980

Why are books so long? :(

>> No.11785011

Fate/Stay Night

>> No.11785041


see >>11784900

>> No.11785052

DDLC is shit it has a very shallow parody of VNs. There are a lot better ones out there

>> No.11785199

oh my god fuck off

>> No.11785205


No, it mostly harry potter tier ya writing meant for teens.

>> No.11785216

Same with Mishima except it was also trash in japanese

>> No.11785222

commit cancer

>> No.11785267

No u commit not feel very good

>> No.11785973

Who was best cripple girl

>> No.11786049

Shizune. I love feisty, deaf bitches.

>> No.11786058

They combine only the worst aspects of books, anime, and vidya. Truly a trash medium.

>> No.11786066

no legs grill

>> No.11786067

low brow garbage

>> No.11786081

Armless Autism.

>> No.11786130

Rin obv

>> No.11786428

I’m actually kind of surprised how infrequently OP's question is asked here

>> No.11787153

VNs are what they are, Visual Novels. They're not books, nor are they video games. It is its own medium.

>> No.11787160


Higurashi was a fairly neat experience when going in blind, but that's about the only time during my VN playing days I felt moderately impressed.

>> No.11787161

Henri Bergson

>> No.11787180

No, but the Rin route was worth reading.

>> No.11787379
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are H games (hentai games) literature?

>> No.11787504
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I'm as big of a weeb fag so I love most of them but people say that Cross Channel is one of the few with genuinely beautiful (or at least unique) prose in the Japanese. Though the current English translation is clunky, even if some overstate its unfaithfulness.

SeaBed is a really good one that not enough people play. It's also a good one for people who aren't used to them yet but are used to novels since outside of the art there's barely anything typical of anime and otaku culture about it.

I don't know if I'd outright recommend SubaHibi as a first to someone who isn't into the medium in general because so many people here seem to think it's too long and bloated (poor fellows). Besides SeaBed, Saya no Uta is a good one to start with because it's short. Kikokugai: The Cyber Slayer is another awesome short one, but it's more of a kickass wuxia sci-fi thing that isn't too deep.

Rin best personality, Shizune best looks.

>> No.11787535

DDLC was pretty creepy but come on, it's obvious the dude just went "hey let's make a creepypasta VN where it seems innocent at first then spooks you"

>> No.11787567

lol DDLC is one of the few games that can compete with other forms of art

>> No.11787583

Why do you think that?

>> No.11787600

triggering VN aficionados is high quality performance art, while all other VNs are just cliched adolescent-tier stories over anime backgrounds and cheap soundtracks

>> No.11787633

I love the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney series. Those VNs are not quite books (they're interactive, especially in the court scenes), but definitely literature.

>> No.11787640

For a high quality performance art, triggering weebs seems very entry level. Yuri the worst girl.

>> No.11787666

Any characters in novels who are Rance-like?

>> No.11787729

seconding Subahibi for /lit/ tier

>> No.11787755

>unlimited potential squandered for pussy
>extreme raep and god-like sexual prowess
>fucks 300 women a year
>somehow love shy
>violent asshole
extra zesty Byronic antihero

>> No.11787785


>> No.11787792

play Rance and read Byron

>> No.11787831

>while all other VNs are just cliched adolescent-tier stories over anime backgrounds and cheap soundtracks

>> No.11787837

He's not wrong though

>> No.11787840

I liked Danganronpa 1 desu

>> No.11787842

He is wrong. All you'd need to do to prove him wrong is post a game with a decent soundtrack.

>> No.11787869
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Fucking this.

If there is one piece of media that should be remembered it is wonderful everyday down the rabbit hole.
Honestly I went though it pretty fast the first time. So when I next read it I am going to read it the same way I would read greek philosophy.


Just go read Subahibi and if you get it on steam make sure you get the adult patch because 90% of the game is unlocked with that. (because steam found the game to 'intense').


Go read Subahibi right now you degenerates.

>> No.11787871

Sucks that the new edition with the extra chapter and full voices (including Tomosane) probably won't ever be released in English.

>> No.11787872
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T. brainlet

DDLC is the 'edgy young adult fiction' of the VIsual novel genre.

>> No.11787883
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>(because steam found the game to 'intense')
Gee I wonder why

>> No.11787885
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Yeah my favourite part of Subahibi was when the main character was gang raped and forced to wear a dress by the bullies. I also liked the part where the teacher fucked her dad in front of the mom and then rode across town naked to appease jesus christ before being made into a human toilet.. And lets not forget The transgender karate master bartender. or the
wholesome lesbian sex scenes. but most importantantly lets not forget when the evil cult rapes a stuffed rabbit and pulls it's limbs off one by one infront of the main girl (guy (guy?)) who thinks it's actually her childhood friend.

>> No.11787889
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To be fair all these scenes are unironically necessary to the authors philosophical discussion with the reader. It's just sex, does it make you uncomfortable?

>> No.11787890

>evil cult rapes a stuffed rabbit and pulls it's limbs off one by one infront of the main girl (guy (guy?)) who thinks it's actually her childhood friend.
You're misremembering. They did that in front of Hasaki, because Takuji perceived Hasaki and her doll as Tsukasa and Kagami. Yuki only found the doll in the sewer afterwards.

>> No.11787892

What does what I like have to do with anything? You can't sell porn on Steam. It has nothing to do with Subahibi specifically.

>> No.11787895
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well it has been a while.

>> No.11787902

Ok now I know I won't play that

>> No.11787941

but it's high art

>> No.11787951

You're a moron

>> No.11787976

The best visual novel is _____Clannad___

>> No.11788027
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>Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.11788032

Muv-Luv Alternative

>> No.11788050

no, you would have to post an expensive soundtrack and not one made by a freelance musical conservatory graduate for pennies on the hour in fruity loops studio

>> No.11788066

What counts as """expensive"""?

>> No.11788070

Full orchestra would be one requirement, or a famous musician/composer.

>> No.11788145

they're all great though

>> No.11788206
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literally boomer-core

>> No.11788261
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I liked Root Letter and Steins Gate.
I realize those are babby's first VNs though.

>> No.11788387
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It's obviously The Silver Case but probably 10 people on this board played it so

>> No.11788405

they are as much books as ebooks and picture books, it's just a "new" medium.

>> No.11788429

Silver Case is kino and Killer7 is art

>> No.11788430
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>> No.11788447

why did you post an image of chandelure

>> No.11788471

Saya no Uta is one of the rare VNs that
1)Has a neat concept
2)Uses "moe" against the reader and not to simply make him buy the game
3)Has actual philosophical subtext without namedropping anything to impress the simple-minded
4)Doesn't take 20 to 50hrs of your life to finish

>> No.11788535

5) is shit

>> No.11788536

Swan song

>> No.11788753

Look at the flames

>> No.11788755


>> No.11788776

Ahah that was cool

>> No.11788781

I remember when the mods made VN's /v/ related, now all they have to do to piss everyone off is allow them on /lit/ as well, that way VN's can have three shitposting boards, /jp/, /v/ and /lit/.

>> No.11788790

Been meaning to get around to this

>> No.11788793

Basically are allowed here anywhere considering mods never come here. Only way something on /lit/ get deleted 90% of the time is if it's mass reported

>> No.11788809

>three shitposting boards, /jp/, /v/ and /lit/

you're not thinking big enough, If I wanted to make a VN thread and get some replies I could make one on pretty much every board in existence. /tg/, /co/, /mu/ (ost thread), /r9k/, /vr/, /vp/, /tv/, /s4s/, /bant/, /qa/, /ic/, /d/, /h/, and so on..

>> No.11788956

Shizune is the sexiest of the girls, with her blue hair and big boobs. But Lily has the nicest personality, and Emi has the best route.

>> No.11788960

VNs are only supposed to be allowed on /jp/ and /vg/

>> No.11789574

Saya no Uta

>> No.11789580

>not wanting to fuck a quadripalegic

What are you, gay? She can’t resist

>> No.11789672

Where would I even download SubaHibi?

>> No.11789754

something called google might be able to help with that

>> No.11791375

Unironically this

>> No.11791501


>> No.11791522
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>> No.11791549
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Was the Tale of Genji the original otome game?

>> No.11791737
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Suhabihi is the most pleb shit ever. It's so up its own ass that its main message is directly referred to be worthless by the end of thes tory, known by everyone unconsciously. The mystery aspect is revealed to be stupid shit. No one should ever have the displeasure of reading Subahibi. The only interesting aspect of note is the mention that we are born and die in a hospital. Everything else is just boring shit.

Umineko. Ever17. Higurashi.

It's a deconstruction of the mystery and detective genre placed in modern fantasy setting in a literal format. It's basically an homage to the classic And Then There Were None then progressively becomes more and more meta. The ending will either infuriate you and make you respect its decision, especially if you know how And Then There Were None ends. I don't think any mystery novel compare to it.

Visual Novels act as basically long form stories the same way you would watch a long form TV show.

>> No.11791759


>> No.11791766
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Visual novels are literature of the highest quality.

>> No.11791779

How is that sentence even deep?

>> No.11791792

damn . . . . . . .

>> No.11791802
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it's kino

>> No.11791936

Just make sure not to read anything by Uchikoshi and Ryukishi07. Massive hacks celebrated by embarrassing teenagers who don't know better.

>> No.11791964

999 is absolute shit compared to Ever17.
At least Ryukishi can write.

>> No.11791980

>Ryukishi can write
Good joke.

>> No.11792009

I couldn't even play half these games if I wanted to, pretty sure they're illegal here.

>> No.11792089

goddamnit rikafag

>> No.11792887
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Your the fucking moron here

>> No.11792892
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>> No.11792978

Fate Stay night is longer than

The Bible
War and Peace

Why would you waste your time reading adolescent shit full of fillers instead of these three books?

>> No.11793082

I don't get why people consider muv luv a masterpiece or even a 9/10.
Not even talking about extra or unlimited, but alternative is just extremely shallow in its writing. It's like any generic hollywood action movie with some war drama thrown in. The action is certainly good, but that's really all it has.