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11784795 No.11784795 [Reply] [Original]

When I read Marx and then look at what self identified communists believe, I kinda feel like it's all a wash

>> No.11784893

I feel you OP. Same thing when you read Bakunin and seeing modern "anarchists".

>> No.11784893,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11785198

>implying they aren’t all helping the capitalist
well spooked my property

>> No.11785211

Marx's version of communism made more sense in the 19th century. You might find use in consulting it as a reference to more contemporary iterations of the dogma, but having Marx as the first and final word on what communism entails is simply foolish. And I'm saying this as someone who isn't that swoon by communist ideas, although I'm a bit of a socialist.

>> No.11785220

What do you mean? Marx isn’t a gospel, but his analysis and language is still used a lot as a cornerstone.

>> No.11785244

Marx's version is obsolescent because it didn't correspond to reality. Agricultural societies ended up being the most amenable to communism, and only in a highly nationalist form.

I'm moving away from the Left in general recently, but I remember being like you and glossing over the contradictions and inaccuracies. I also know enough to know that nothing I say will get you to admit any of those. Assuming you're not a tankie, continue larping my corporatist liberal friend!

>> No.11785250

The existence of Google and its support on the Left kinda dismantles your assertion.

>> No.11785269

Google isn't remotely leftist. No corporation is because if there was a leftist movement they would be hastily eradicated. Google's supposed left wing stances (social liberalism) only reflect the prevailing attitudes of consumers. It's all calculated.

>> No.11785290

No. No one cares about class oppression when they can play Fortnite

>> No.11785293

You mean proves him right?

>> No.11785294

I do. Fortnite is boring.

>> No.11785297

I know. That's what the comic in the OP is illustrating. However, the pact between the Left and corporatism also exists in the form of immigration policy. Further, the attitudes of these corporations is not merely descriptive of consumer attitudes, but prescriptive. They are engaging in social engineering beyond simple appeals to consumer values.

I also can't think of any leftist movement in history that operated in a way that would have caused google any fear. Can you?

>> No.11785298

Nah its just a buzzword now. All thanks to all attempts at communism btfoing itself

>> No.11785306

Just because "self identified communists" have their own personal beliefs does't mean all of Marx's thought has been discredited.

>> No.11785308

You can say the same thing about literally every ideology.

>> No.11785311

Google is literally, and I mean literally, staffed entirely by extreme left wingers, and they would almost exclusively identify as socialists, marxists, or communists.

Is it even possible to talk about left wing beliefs without it immediately degenerating into a no true scotsman? Btw just because you have your ideas about what communism is doesn't mean you're right. Maybe the fact that you disagree with the majority of self identified communists should indicate to you that you're wrong?

>> No.11785330

>When I read Marx and then look at what self identified communists believe, I kinda feel like it's all a wash
>Btw just because you have your ideas about what communism is doesn't mean you're right. Maybe the fact that you disagree with the majority of self identified communists should indicate to you that you're wrong?

>> No.11785386

There's a difference between recognizing contradiction and claiming to have it all figured out

>> No.11785407
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No ideology means what it used to anymore, because they constantly evolve. You think the libertarian of the 1700s would approve of the ones today? or the capitalists of the early 1900s agree with the ones in 2018? no, because ideas evolve as time goes on.

>> No.11785427

Right and some become more untenable and contradictory than others. Like "left" libertarianism or corporate cocksucking leftists who currently make up the elite in western civ.

>> No.11785442

Probably because you're an idiot who mistakes liberals for marxists.

>> No.11785460

Just because the Left has sold its soul to corporate America for the sake of immigration policy and multiculturalism experiments, that doesn't mean the rest of us are the ones that are confused. You're the ones who sold out; some on the right just feel the need to point it out.

>> No.11785465

>patrician axillla appreciator introduces neophyte to his fetish.jpg

>> No.11785469

The identity of communism has been commodified and sold back to impressionable bourgeois youths

>> No.11785475

I feel like you still don’t know what “the Left” is.

>> No.11785492
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It's always been that way

>> No.11785495

I feel like you don't understand the current realities of the political landscape. I have a degree in political science from one of the top universities in the country, so it's always funny to see some neet antifa freak try to talk down to me.

>> No.11785499

No there isn't

>> No.11785500

You’re right, I assume your responses to the straw man in your head are unlikely to change my opinions about most things.

>> No.11785505

This deflection is a lead into to a no true scotsman and quibbling about semantics/definitions every time.

>> No.11785507

The words of an ignorant sargonite. Bernie Sanders, Occasio and so on aren't marxists, they're not even left wing in most countries. They're opportunist apologists for the capitalism state who think it can be "reformed". Also, as long as the west continues to wreak havoc in the third world and carry on imperialism, it only has itself to blame for mass immigration.

>> No.11785511

Add the top hat and monocle to the lolbert too.

Also take this shit elsewhere, not lit

>> No.11785515

The modern left gave up on economics completely in exchange for being allowed on some sort of anti-western crusade by the capitalist establishment.

>> No.11785519

I would argue that in a lot of cases, they're precscriptive in an attempt to control the conversation and steer public opinion into what's beneficial for them. Genuine communist reform would hurt them, vague feelgood social justice and flooding third worlders into first world markets where they can consume their products does not.

>> No.11785522
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It's a sign of immaturity. Young adult's are deluded into believing it's lies. If you are a communist past 25 you likely just have mental issues.

>> No.11785529

>being this preemptively defensive
>I don’t have to talk to you because if I did this would happen therefor I win bugman

>> No.11785533

Sargonite drivel again. You people have literally never read a book, you don't know anything about the west, you don't know anything about the right, you don't know anything about the left and you don't know anything about nationalism. Debating you people is impossible because you don't have the slightest clue about anything other than raging about computers games and whatever emotionally driven garbage Computing Forever tells you.

>> No.11785535

the Left is just this one small group of hardline militant marxists anon. The massive coalition of people who call themselves left wing, are obsessed with equality and progress, and dominate our culture- these are not left wing. It is very simple you see, anybody who is capitalist is right wing, despite ticking off all the other boxes of leftist ideology and not even being hostile towards Marxists. Class warfare is everything anon, there is nothing else happening, the leveling of monarchies, the murder of the nobility, mass publci education, enforced sexual equality, gay, trans rights, mass 3rd world immigration, all these things are right wing because they are not directly concerned with the means of production. The spiritual and moral do not exist, the economic is everything, and i am totally not an atomized resentful prole obsessed with envying the wealthy and feeling inferior to the nobles that once ruled our countries and created the high culture we still ape by going to operas. Utopia will be here soon and nobody will be better than me anymore and nothing bad will occur anymore and we are not even sort of heading rapidly into catastrophe!

>> No.11785539

No true scotsman. The literally is no such thing as "the left" and all your trying to define it is completely pointless.

>> No.11785545

I agree with this. I think you run into trouble at the part about what constitutes genuine communist reform, but otherwise good post.

The contradiction between anti corporate attitudes/workers rights on one hand, and open immigration on the other was what made me move right. Its amazing to see alleged socialists use supply side style rising tide lifts all boats rhetoric when it comes to flooding countries with 3rd worlders

>> No.11785548

some strong arguments there

>> No.11785557

Why not read a fucking BOOK instead of just reeling off talking points you've heard on /pol/ In fact, here's a 4 minute video explaining it in simple terms since you're so adverse to going to the source and finding out what philosophers and economists have to say and instead rely on other people to drip feed you it.


>> No.11785559
File: 177 KB, 1284x1600, gramsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gramsci predicted all of this.

>> No.11785560

Stop posting. You don't realize it but you sound stupid and drone like. There are other leftists taking up your side better. Leave them to it. No one knows what a sargonite is anyway.

Please just stop sperging out. This is a fine conversation otherwise

>> No.11785562

The only solution to the third world is to fix the countries they're fleeing from, but it is significantly easier to exploit or simply ignore them, and it really can't be pinned down as anybody's true responsibility, so anybody there capable of making a positive impact will just come to the us and learn to code instead.

>> No.11785565

what are you talking about anon i am agreeing with you the left is defined by opposition to capitalism. i just expounded upon this eminently sensible viewpoint above

>> No.11785570

Looks like Trotski

>> No.11785572

Communism has never been a real thing. Every "communist" will tell you a completely different thing when asked what it is. It's a big No True Scotsman mess and so I agree with OP that there is no such thing as true communism and the whole idea should just be disregarded.

>> No.11785576

Yeah hes pretty much spot on

>> No.11785580

They were both Semites

>> No.11785588

The left is not defined solely by opposition to capitalism. That would be something more like communism. The left in the broadest, most abstract sense is simple political inclination toward egalitarianism.

Stop pretending like your one trite little classification system designed as propaganda negates the wide range of political philosophical explications of this issue.

>> No.11785597

that's what i said, equality and progress. yet socialists inevitably ree and come in and say neolibs arent leftist because blah blah, while neolibs blatantly shill for various egalitarian and progressive agendas.

>> No.11785606

I will probably get called out on "b-but muh not true scotsman" but I just think of Communism as a classless society where capital is publicly owned. I don't know how that could be considered meaningless as long as there are class struggles. It's irrelevant if some of the left isn't seeing the big picture.

>> No.11785622

Oh maybe I was responding the wrong person. I had meant that for the one retard who was posting communist propaganda from Youtube and insisting everyone watch it. It made me laugh, but then it made me >:(

>> No.11785631
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No it isn't though. This is the reformist socdem bullshit version. The left is anyone who is for socialist revolution. Berniebots and Labour supporters might be "left" in a superficial way, but not anyway that matters. They're still capitalists and they're right wing status-quoist supporters of the bourgeoisie to anyone with an understanding of theory.

Marx didn't even ant equality in a abstract sense you fucking idiot. Jesus fucking christ, READ A BOOK! You people are infuriating.

>neolibs arent leftist
That's it, you deserve the fucking pickaxe.

>> No.11785637

Predicted and did nothing!

>> No.11785640

I was being a dick and parodying socialists. I think left-right is most sensibly seen as differeing on view of hierachy in society, so yeah egalitarianism. Socialists want to go all the way, democrats are content with a sort of half way solution. On the right you have your 'hierarchy creates order and is necessary evil' and your 'hiearchy is good and just'. People are massively inconsistent about where they land on various questions.

Same dichotomy wiht tradition, but that is less important.

>> No.11785644
File: 1021 KB, 1315x3841, KekIsWithTheWagies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Kek is a Marxist:

>> No.11785646

>he left is anyone who is for socialist revolution.
which is literally just 'fuck capitalism' you absolute brainlet. your definition is retarded in the first place

>> No.11785647
File: 49 KB, 360x451, Blank+_2bcd52281120e0b1f677e08402146681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marx didn't even ant equality in a abstract sense you fucking idiot
Marx doesn't decide what the Left is, unfortunately. That's what you're not getting.

Aaaaand now the Stalin memes are out. Typical of a lost, unassertive, feminized male who found acceptance in an extremist ideology and uses it to posture aggressively/live out violent fantasies.

Pic related. You're the one who would go to the gulag, kiddo.

>> No.11785657

Yeah, I've even heard the left right dichotomy described more reductively, as the left believing fundamentally in a tabula rasa sort of conception of man. This naturally incorporates egalitarianism, but the blank slate aspects also explains the left's tendency for prescriptive statist programs.

>> No.11785667

yeah i guess you could see it that way. i think the right is also more prone to thinking of things in a game theory sort of sense, at least libertarians obsess over incentive structures

>> No.11785672

Das Capital is still a sound economic analysis to this day but you need to remove the mystic subjectivism and fantasy elements to appreciate it fully.

>> No.11785673

Why don't more libs talk about the fact that yuri gagarin was black? whitey a guest in da housa a da stars

>> No.11785677

Is 99% percent of what leftists do just reeeeeee about definitios these days? Pretty funny. Libs won you dorks lost and stay losing.

>> No.11785678

Culteral marxism fucked over the west big time. It's just the disease of all sjws

>> No.11785690

No it isn't. Marx didn't write thousands of pages just to say "lul fug capitalism", it was Marx who fucking explained what capitalism was. This is as dumb as saying "hurr capitalism is just "fuck feudalism!"

Yes we do because we stand in opposition to capitalists whether they call themselves left or not.

>he thinks Stalin was this edgy reactionary retard like Hitler was
lol, fuck off "bucko".

>> No.11785693

Not much different than the 99% of rightists that reeee about leftists

>> No.11785695

>explained what capitalism was
marx invented a meme conception of 'surplus labor' that misses the fact that value is assigned by markets and that the entire system- the corporation, the social structures in place- contribute to the value of the item in addition to the value added by labor

>> No.11785697

Marx wasn't even against capitalism lol. He just pointed out some of the problems that arise with it.

>> No.11785702
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>cultural marxism

>> No.11785711

Stalin shot gays.

>> No.11785723

Soviet authorities and leaders officially condemned nationalism and proclaimed internationalism, including the right of nations and peoples to self-determination. However, they conducted opposite policies in practice, including systematic large-scale cleansing of ethnic minorities, political repression and various forms of ethnic and social discrimination, including state-enforced antisemitism.

>> No.11785727


Disagree. A lot of self-identifying leftists acknowledge differences in aptitude, racial or sex based or just individual, and they simply don’t value making specific societal rules dictating classes off of those differences. Unless they’re nationalists, which has historically existed in socialist states traditionally considered “left”.

Disagree, tankies value hierarchy. Look at the DPRK, or China. They self identify as socialist/communist states. They absolutely value hierarchy, just “for the people” or whatever.

The labels are almost always reductionist and pointless to discussion. Its just semantics about who is in some category, it rarely has significance. The fight over who is and isn’t classified as a fascist during the various protests, mid-term campaigns and proud boy marches only served to pejoratively label certain groups as untouchables who needed to be banished. The fretting over who is a “communist” or “Venezuelan socialist” or whatever by the media is the same shit. It usually has zero substance for assessing people’s positions or whatever, it’s just signaling the enemy and attempting to levy up your allies by rhetorically challenging them “are you with the untouchables? There is one right there! I dare you to defend them and out yourself!”

>> No.11785729

>value is assigned by markets
No it isn't. This doesn't even mean anything when you think about it, an ethereal idea doesn't create value. Value comes from the material world. What you are referring to is "use value" and "exchange" value.

>the corporation
A corporation isn't a "thing", its an abstraction. Labour creates value, it doesn't just pop out of nowhere.

>> No.11785735

look up the recently leaked internal videos. The CFO of google is a literal cat lady who LITERALLY cries about Drumpf. They have a giant group hug over getting rekt in the election as well. These people are not money making robots, they are emotional man- and womanchildren and they are in charge of the average NPC normie's mind. Even the FBI are a bunch of crying cat ladies and s0ib0is.

>> No.11785748

>However, they conducted opposite policies in practice, including systematic large-scale cleansing of ethnic minorities, political repression and various forms of ethnic and social discrimination, including state-enforced antisemitism.

Western lies with no evidence behind them. Also, yes the USSR was internationalist and against bourgeois nationalism, but almost everyone on the left aside from trots accept Lenin's theory that nationalism in socialism will always be a stronger pull than internationalism, and therefore socialism should be implemented in each nation according to its material conditions and these nations should not monopolize or exploit each other until the world has become socialist. Then we can move towards an international world.

>> No.11785749

value is how much people want a thing, the markets are the distributed manifestation of people's desires for products. The material world is the origin of everything but it is people's behavior that ultimately dictate what things are worth. This is why sociology should start at the level of the individual and not at an abstracted theory of economics, especially not the wrong theory lol.

>> No.11785752

>These people are not money making robots, they are emotional man- and womanchildren and they are in charge of the average NPC normie's mind. Even the FBI are a bunch of crying cat ladies and s0ib0is.
when you realize this the world starts to actually seem like a circus

>> No.11785756

>Western lies with no evidence behind them.
lmao it's like arguing with pol about the holocaust

>> No.11785785
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>Western lies with no evidence behind them.
I literally cannot stop laughing. Back to leftypol and your illegal porn, clown pie.

>> No.11785787
File: 247 KB, 500x1303, 1534362069820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>value is how much people want a thing
No, that is demand.

>the markets are the distributed manifestation of people's desires for products
No they're not. There are other ways to make and distribute products without markets. The goal of capitalism is not to create things people want, its to make profit for the capitalist.

>but it is people's behavior that ultimately dictate what things are worth
No it isn't. If you set the supply and demand of a pencil to be in equilibrium, and the the supply and demand of a car in equilibrium, the car is still going to be worth more because takes longer to make and the cost of the resources to make it are higher. The pencil and the car and aren't going to be worth the same if the demand for them is the same are they?

>his is why sociology should start at the level of the individual
But individuals on a broad scale don't matter. Think of all the great kings and queens, they came and went but none of them upon attaining the throne managed to change the fundamental system of feudalism did they? They only changed its character. It took bourgeois revolution in the form of the English Civil war for society to truly change.


>> No.11785789

>labor isn't an abstraction
>value isn't an abstraction
>the concept of the material world isn't an abstraction

>> No.11785797

So you are content with being /pol/ but shittier.
Might as well make a food analogy next. Oh wait

>> No.11785800

the holowhat?

>> No.11785801

>literally a pol tier infographic

also m8 you are aware of things like the Tulip mania right. nothing is worth anything inherently, it is worth something if it is useful to a person. A chair doesnt have any inherent value

>> No.11785819

Well maybe they are "abstract" in a hyper-philosophical way. But like science, Marxism-proper doesn't really concern itself with broader philosophical questions. It just looks at things that can be observed in the "real" world.

>hurrr socialists and fascists r the same i am very smart becuz i don't take a consistent stance on anything using theory and evidence

The "crimes" of the USSR are different from those of the fascists because they basically have no source. Like, the first mention of the "holodomor" appeared in a yellow-journalism rag called "Chicago American" (owned by a member of the american fascist party) by a fake journalist called Thomas Walker. And he didn't even get his lies right, he claimed the famine happened in 1934, not 32-33 like we know it was.

>> No.11785823

>But like science, Marxism-proper doesn't really concern itself with broader philosophical questions. It just looks at things that can be observed in the "real" world.
Marxists thinking they are 'scientific' will never not be hilarious

>> No.11785826

Ok so you were a troll the whole time. I feel foolish.
>putting crimes in quotes

>> No.11785827

But I can't play Fortnite because I'm allergic to shit.

>> No.11785836

Marx never said it was "scientific", that's a poor translation from German. What he actually said is that dialectical materialism is "systematic knowledge". You go out and look at the material conditions of society.

>> No.11785897

It's literally illegal to be homeless in the United States. Capitalism is absolutely fucked.

>> No.11785982

I hope you realize that most "Democrats" and "liberals" are hardly considered "left" that is anywhere other than America. Most Democrats are not in favor of completely getting rid of capitalism, instead they want to add more regulations to it. Conflating the American "Left" with Marxism is completely laughable and is probably the biggest delusion Americans have been fed since the Cold War. There are many Americans who will criticize corporations and aspects of capitalism, there are very few who will outright say we need to get rid of capitalism altogether

>> No.11785988

haha whatever retard
*braps in your face*

>> No.11785992

In terms of social policy, the American left is far ahead of the European left, and is in fact very prescriptive and influential in terms of agenda setting. Corporate policy and broad economics aren't the only components at work.

>> No.11785994

>that pic
yeah that's totally how it happens, absolutely
no doubt

>> No.11785995

>social discrimination, including state-enforced antisemitism.
Bullshit. Jews were conducting their natural misanthropy, whilst pretending to be correct.

>> No.11786001
File: 127 KB, 900x594, off my block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a sign of immaturity
>posts a meme comic for dipshits

>> No.11786006

If the old man only needs to hire 1 worker that is a valid point. I somehow doubt that this is the case however.

>> No.11786010

>In terms of social policy, the American left is far ahead of the European left

How so? Who is the "European left" here? I don't know if you're talking about affirmative action or something.

>> No.11786132

>Marx's version of communism
>I'm a socialist though
>Thinks there's a difference between socialism and communism

>> No.11786141

We got an amerimutt here

>> No.11786156
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Being obsessed with the US isn't an argument

>> No.11786182

>edgy socdems who's schtick is angrily claiming they aren't liberals and expounding on boring autistic readings of marx that are usually not even accurate and/or derivative of ancient soviet propaganda
if any of you were serious and not crypto-brainlets in a cult you'd have developed a coherent positive vision for postcapitalist society by now, instead you refuse such a procedure by mumbling about how it would be utopian and idealist to even try

>> No.11786396

same. I used to call myself a marxist around 10 years ago, lefties now are destroying everything marxists fought for.
I guess the tables turned a bit when marxism and communism became mainstream and popular in the 1960s, that was when the elites began using it as a larp rebellion against their own families. Now it's just larp.

Orthodox Marxism has more in common with conservatism than it does with modern socialism.

>> No.11786494

Yep. The fact that the largest corporations in the US are using Marxism as a way to consolidate their data collection and manipulation powers should be a giveaway that hey maybe something went wrong somewhere.

Instead the lefties here put their heads in the sand and blame conservatives for it. Trump is the only politicians I've heard mention anything about trust busting Google.

>> No.11786518


>> No.11786751
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>Musculature visible through clothing

>> No.11786757
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That's how I feel about Nazism actually.

>> No.11786760

>tfw paleo-libertarian
Daniel Shays and Job Shattuck did nothing wrong.
No more'a Maura.

>> No.11788002

Marx literally makes distinctions between the two.

>> No.11788008

So what now?

>> No.11788044

>Bosses don’t do that shit, they hire others

There is such a thing. Just look whose philosophical and political heritage leads back to where. The current Left’s birthplace is the Paris Commune.

>> No.11789201

>fuck you nazi scum
>hits you over the head with le bike lock
>tfw you just wanted some chili cheese tops from MacDonald's
I'm reading an intro to anarchism, and there is some distance between this meme and real anarchism.

>> No.11789219

What passes for marxism today with edgy college kids and their crackpot professors is not marxism. It's actually a vitiated representation of marxism that is intentionally drained of its revolutionary character in order to be palatable to the corporate donors and their pocketed henchmen who run the modern universities. They would never allow actual revolutionary theory and activism gestate on their turf.

So instead you get "marxism" about feminism, gender and race and sexuality issues, rather than the socioeconomic and class issues which are the conceptual core of Marxist doctrine. It is a neutered, un-manned form of marxism that is as dead in the water as it gets. It's a diversionary tactic to deflate the left.

Whens the last time a leftist kidnapped a politician or kidnapped a businessman like the marxist revolutionaries of yore?

>> No.11789285

just call yourself commies or something, the left is too broad a term

>> No.11789342


>HE analyzed the market and build the machines
>Not a team of experts


>> No.11789347

>I remember being like you and glossing over the contradictions and inaccuracies. I also know enough to know that nothing I say will get you to admit any of those.
>but I'm not going to outline any of them or make any defensible claims because that would require me to have a spine

>> No.11789379
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>getting aroused from Sharman
Real talk tho sometimes he's ok, his obsession with buttholes is what kills it for me

>> No.11789437

What's the fucking point of them labeling any of it Marxism then? Can't they just say the socialist states and Marx himself were racist and sexist in practice? It's not like there's rhyme or reason to the poststructural hokum they peddle anyway, a lot of it's straight up gibberish.
As for diversionary tactics, that's conspiratorial talk. Have you got evidence of a chain of command issuing this as a directive? And I don't mean US counterintelligence from the 70's, like ongoing and recent operations.
>Get them interested in McMarx it's not like the students will ever bother to crack open Capital and learn the horrible truth about us!
What do you make of the descriptor "liberal communists" for the woke elite? Here's Zizek talking about it:

>> No.11789448

Then why the fuck is there so much homeless out there?

>> No.11789583

Not that guy and not a Marxist.

It's not necessarily a conspiracy.
A lot of it is uncaring and cruel market forces.
People like to buy from companies that label themselves as left-wing.
But more Marxist policies such as giving workers stock in the company aren't profitable.
So the companies that thrive best only have a fake veneer of Marxism.

>Ignoring all the other countries besides America
You're cherry-picking a third world shit-hole.

>> No.11789590
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Look at Augustine and Aquinas, then look at what Christians today say they believe in. It's not even the same religion

>> No.11789626

>Google is literally, and I mean literally, staffed entirely by extreme left wingers, and they would almost exclusively identify as socialists, marxists, or communists.
*citation needed*

>> No.11789919

>Marx's version is obsolescent because it didn't correspond to reality. Agricultural societies ended up being the most amenable to communism, and only in a highly nationalist form.
Basically feudalism.

>> No.11790974
File: 44 KB, 720x699, 1536955311941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly yeah, look at Vietnam's idea of communism. They have a fucking king lol. And much to the chagrin of Marxists, this is the only kind of communism that went anywhere.

You never hear Marxists attempt to explain why no industrial society turned to their side. Why was it agricultural economies?

The answer is that it doesn't matter, because no matter what it means communist thinkers were so hilarious wrong about their predictions, it was actually impossible to be any more incorrect.

>> No.11791922

A team of experts he hired and paid with his money.

>> No.11792865
File: 6 KB, 284x178, america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google and its support on the Left

>> No.11792873

>I also can't think of any leftist movement in history that operated in a way that would have caused google any fear. Can you?
is it possible to be any more ignorant than this
the vitruvian man of stupidity

>> No.11792895

>Google's supposed left wing stances (social liberalism) only reflect the prevailing attitudes of consumers. It's all calculated.
They're not supposed, corporations like google are extremely biased towards social progressivism.
>only reflect the prevailing attitudes of consumers.
Except this is an extremely simplistic view of the topic. Corporations like that don't just answer to consumers's needs, they also create and shape them. And there's plenty of rad-libs inside Google and similar corporations that want ideology over profit.

>> No.11792945

>Google and similar corporations that want ideology over profit
yes, that's why they were desperately trying to get onto the military gravy train, because they're choosing ideology over profit
the only thing that stopped them is that their employees started being vocal about the moral bankruptcy of a company whose purported motto is "do no evil" working on fucking drones

>> No.11793028

This is true for literally everything -religion, political ideologies, even things like history. Everything is a copy of a copy of copy, with very little relation to it's original.

>> No.11793156

What? there's still plenty of Catholics that sound exactly like Augustine and Aquinas.

>> No.11794246

>hugging over drumpf

this is what liberals think

leftists think trump is a symptom of liberalism

>> No.11794258

Capital is sentient

>> No.11794279

All critical thought in the US has been completely btfo by to the CIA disinfo war going on since the 60's. Divide and conquer is a much better tactic than shooting students in the streets.

Also why working class burgers are all cucked mongoloids fattened for the slaughter.

>> No.11794295

The entire political spectrum has been discredited. Bring on instead, Utilitarian Economic Rationalism.

>> No.11795254

Destroy all nations.
Internationalism is a prerequisite for communism.
As long as people keep taking these yokels and their immigration dogwhistles seriously instead of putting them camps, there will be no communism.
The peasant that stands between the people and the grain is a dead peasant.
The rancher who stands between the people and their grazing land is a dead rancher.
We seem to be incapable of learning the lessons of the past. Political formalism cannot bring socialism. The only way to wrest control of any state from the financiers is violent revolution.
Socialism isn't inevitable. We are on a clock. If we don't radically restructure society in the next four or five generations, there won't be any means of production left to seize.

>> No.11795418

It means death