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11783304 No.11783304 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans create high syllable count words that are actually just synonyms of low syllable count English words?

>> No.11783313



>> No.11783321

Your answer is in allcaps.

Cog-ni-zant: 3.5 syllables.
A-ware: 2 syllables.

Why did Americans invent Cognizant when Aware has exactly the same meaning?

>> No.11783339

Their country is basically just larping.
>Be British colony
>Pretend to be independent
>Be protestant
>Pretend to be Christian
>Be jewish slave cattle
>Pretend to be the land of the free

>> No.11783354

>3.5 syllables
You’re a fucking retard

You’re a fucking retard too, cognizant isn’t from America, blame the English for it.

>> No.11783360

>Why do Americans create
>Americans invent Cognizant
do you even etymology mr trash quality bait

>> No.11783368

The g~ is counted as a half-syllable retard.

Okay I see it's from the 14th century but that doesn't explain why Americans use it in preference to Aware.

>> No.11783447

Your country doesn't have synonyms?

>> No.11783453

Why didn't you use "instead" instead of "in preference to', could have saved yourself 3 syllables.

>> No.11783472

Because USA is destroying the west with their return-to-infancy ideology.

>> No.11783701

Because "in preference to" conveys more information than "instead of".

>> No.11783714

Because cognizant doesn't mean aware. It's something closer to a materialistic view of world rather than spiritual awareness and so on.

>> No.11783717

English is not a curated language

>> No.11783726


>> No.11783728

In that respect, 'cognizant' conveys a different sort of information from 'aware.' Generally speaking its ignorant to ask why someone uses big words when they could use smaller words. Language-construction in real-time isn't as cookie-cutter as 'I'm going to use a larger syllable words here...' it's an incredibly complex process and often the size of the word plays no role in the user's choice of the word. Also take into account poetry, where a poet might've wanted to imply 'aware' in a particular case where 'cognizant' fit better metrically.

>> No.11784135

>Why do Americans
Guaranteed replies kek

>> No.11785015

Gee, it's almost like having more expressions might help clear up interpersonal language semantics.

>> No.11785029

seppos need to overcompensate for rabid anti-intellectualism

>> No.11785056

a syllable is a syllable, you can't say it's only a half

>> No.11785060

because it's stimulating to use different words, even if they have very similar definitions to simpler ones

>> No.11785112


>> No.11785173


>> No.11785217


Cognizant is a butchery of a word. They took a perfectly good latin stem, cognoscere, and fucked it up.

>> No.11785242

If you think anti-intellectualism is bad in America, wait till you go to Australia.

>> No.11785335

> 3.5
Where's the 0.5?

>> No.11785362

How the fuck has no one given a straight answer?

Cognizant entered through Latin. Aware entered through German.

English is a bastard mutt language stitched together like Frankenstein's monster. We use the big French/Latin words when we want to sound smart and the small German/Anglo words when we're speaking casually.

Thus the difference between fuck & fornicate.

>> No.11785660

This. English is an amalgamation of other European languages. It’s no wonder semiotics started as a French pursuit and is borderline confusing within an English/American context.

>> No.11786274

This is valid but op is also ignoring subtle differences in meaning between words that ostensibly have the same definition. If I call something a stench, it means a smell. Aroma means a smell too, but what I'm communicating is drastically changed. Cognizant and aware are closer related than that, but if I hear someone say they're cognizant of something it usually means they're more focused on it, and consciously paying attention to it in a way that "aware" doesn't imply. A good sign that somebody is a shit writer is when they use uncommon words like that but clearly don't know those connotations. That's what makes somebody sound like they wrote a paragraph and randomly switched out words with synonyms they found in a thesaurus.

>> No.11786305

Good post.

>> No.11786530


>> No.11786547

>Implying fuck and fornicate mean the same thing
>implying any synonym pairs actually mean the same thing
You people need to get a fucking education. All of your supposed reading doesn't seem to be getting the job done.

>> No.11786592

because it sounds better.
>These fags are barely cognizant.
sounds better than
>These fags are barely aware.
due to the -ly and the hard consonant sound at the beginning of "cognizant." -ly and the soft vowel sound of "aware" makes it sound like you have a stutter when reading aloud.

>> No.11786597

But Protestantism is based on the same ooga-booga sandman writings as Catholicism.

>> No.11786711

We should ban aware and cognizant and replace them with consciousfulthereof.

>> No.11786719

Every language is a bastard mutt language.

>> No.11786993

Only rootless Amerimutts say this. English before the “englightenment” was a beautiful Anglo-Saxon and Old Norman pure lovechild qt waifu.

>> No.11787016

10% of the time they're legitimately used based on differing connotations for different fields and that kind of shit. other 90% is larping of some sort

>> No.11787024

It's taken to mean you're inwardly or covertly aware

Guy you're replying to is doing satire, idiot

>> No.11787034
File: 8 KB, 225x224, 1512299920154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck she's pretty. thanks for the reminder that i'll never get a girlfriend anon

>> No.11787194

Some words have the same technical definition but carry different context or imply certain ideas

>> No.11787204

because latin and german both own turf on the language, just as anglo-saxons, welsh (and at one point the french) scots and irish own turf in great britain.

>> No.11787247

Americans are active in promoting these nonsense words, but ultimately it's academics in general who invent them. They have to make new words and terms otherwise their simplistic observations or complete nonsense would be far easier to oust.

>> No.11787258


t. Chinese person


>> No.11787262
File: 33 KB, 358x358, 1536932680488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Protestantism is based on the same ooga-booga sandman writings as Catholicism.

>> No.11787371
File: 24 KB, 500x500, dden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to enter all of her holes

>> No.11787533

can i smell this cutie????