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File: 15 KB, 551x794, Anti-SJW Field Manual - Cover 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11781901 No.11781901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New release. Book I wrote. SJWs #BTFO.


>> No.11781904

Don't advertise on 4chan.

>> No.11781908


>> No.11781910

What is the difference between an advertisement and a book recommendation in /lit/?

>> No.11781921

it not book recommendation when OP mentions it his own book with link to Amazon to buy it. Why would I want to read something written by fucking NOBODY.

>> No.11781927

Recommendation implies you didn't write it yourself.
Advertisements means you wrote it, which is against the rules. It's also advertisement if you're shilling a friend's work

>> No.11781928
File: 1.49 MB, 5033x3300, 1536657477025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would I want to read something written by fucking NOBODY.

>> No.11781929

People post to this board about their writing. Does it all of a sudden become unpostable once it is published?

>> No.11781936

So people never post to this board about their own writings they have published? I searched for a general thread before I posted mine. It seems like if this is a board for literature and writing, people would be able to post their own writings here. No one ever does that? I don't know what the norms are. I hang out in /pol/ mostly.

>> No.11781938


>> No.11781944

At least give us a fucking sample of the book you are trying to shill jew.

>> No.11781949

I'm displeased about my vicarious embarrassment

>> No.11781951

What about the table of contents?

>> No.11781953

Okay this is epic

>> No.11781954


>> No.11781955

Maybe it's time you headed back there

>> No.11781959

Here is the table of contents:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Documenting SJWs’ Systematic Fallacies
Purpose of the Book
How to Read This Book
The Provisional Nature of This Book
Some Caveats about This Book
The Naming of SJW Fallacies
Overview of the Chapters
Main Points to Keep in Mind
Recommended Readings
Chapter 2: Attribution of Cause and Effect
Main Ideas in the Chapter
Importance of Cause and Effect in SJW Arguments
Ambiguity of Causation
What It Takes to Prove Causation
Burden of Proof
The Meaning of Causation
Ad Hominem
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Attribution Flip from Their Fault to Your Fault
The Paranoia of the Left
Lack of Skill, or Lack of Enthusiasm
Transferral of Negativity
Attribution to Vague Structures
Solve the Problem by Fixing the Cause
Making This All Work for Us
Chapter 3: Tricks of Language
Main Points in the Chapter
The Importance of Language to Thought
The Boundaries of Concepts
The Struggle over Meaning
Two-Step Banishment (TSB)
Hate Speech
Mind Protection
Semantic Stretching
Dissolution of Boundaries
Process of Meaning Change
Abstract Concepts with Vague Boundaries
Words That Presume Conclusions
Tagging Normals to Make Freaks Seem OK
New SJW Vocabulary
Effectiveness of Labeling
Balkanization of Language
Manipulation of Symbols
Chapter 4: Rhetorical Degeneracy
Main Ideas of the Chapter
Rhetorical Degeneracy
Critical Theory
Everything Is Political
Destabilize, Change, Stabilize
Structural Explanations
Right of Interpretation
Faulty Syllogistic Premises
The African Logic of Sherblack Holmes
Legitimization of Fallacious Reasoning
The SJW Personality
Chapter 5: Degeneration of Standards
Main Ideas in the Chapter
The Five Steps to Degeneracy
From Prescriptive to Descriptive Standards
From Universal to Limited Standards
Change Equality from Objective to Subjective
Victimhood as the New Standard
Chapter 6: Silencing Dissent
Main Ideas in the Chapter
Core Principle of Silencing
Silencing Implies Losing
Need for Control
All the Ways to Silence the Truth They Fear
Why Freedom of Speech Is Important
Some Misunderstandings of Free Speech
Freedom of Speech? What about Freedom to Hear?
An Odd Form of Philosophy
How to Get around the Silencing
How We Can Make This Work for Us

>> No.11781961

Product description
Do you get tired of arguing in circles with leftists, liberals, Democrats, and SJWs? Why not stop them in their tracks by calling them on their game? Stop letting them change the subject. Stop letting them get away without proving their claims. Back them into a corner and make them sweat. Doing that is what this book is about.


• How SJWs spend most of their efforts trying to distract you.
• Ambiguity and how SJWs use it to their advantage.
• Cause and effect and how SJWs blame everything on white men.
• How skepticism and asking questions can put SJWs on the defensive.
• Word meanings and how SJWs manipulate and distort our language.
• How SJWs are harming our discourse, our standards, and our society.
• Why SJWs are afraid of free speech and try to shut down debate.
About the Author
ZENO GOLDBLUM has a PhD in psychology and has spent a lot of time arguing with SJWs online and analyzing their arguments for crucial flaws. In this book, he presents his conclusions and how they can be used to dominate the political discussion

Oh no no no no no

>> No.11781967

you can look inside it with his link lazy anon, mans actually wrote 214 pages on this

>> No.11781970
File: 13 KB, 510x288, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11781972
File: 213 KB, 450x551, 1516824403105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You done fucked up, you 24-karat retard. This is how you get phony 1-star reviews. At least you used a nom de plume.

No one will bat an eye if you had just shared an excerpt of your writing or even a PDF of the entire thing. Been here for years, and every time I saw someone share a link to buy their work, they get shit on more than just their writing.

Nonetheless, good job on getting something out there. You're already ahead of 98% of this board.

>> No.11781976

Just going to throw this out there-

If I throw a story up on Amazon and charge nothing for it, can I list it here without being banned?

>> No.11781978

Yes you fucking idiot thats what advertising means holy shit

>> No.11781979


>> No.11781981

No, that's still advertising.

>> No.11781985

As long as you are not trying to sell us stuff.

>> No.11781986

Those were distributed for free with physical copies sold at cost. This cunt wants us to give him money for his epic /policy/ drivel.

>> No.11781988


>> No.11781992
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>Zeno Goldblum

>> No.11782001

Here's a section from chapter 5:


>> No.11782004

late to the party anon, SJWs have been so endlessly btfo that it's not even worth writing about


>> No.11782007
File: 18 KB, 462x284, tumblr_lwmlc22dTX1qi1ll7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phd in psychology

>> No.11782013


Here's my whole book. It's not very good, it's worth nothing and nobody wants to pick it up. If you like it, cool, steal it or whatever.

>> No.11782033

Here's all of chapter 2:

Chapter 2
Attribution of Cause and Effect

Main Ideas in the Chapter
• SJWs base much of their theory on causal explanations.
• Causation can be ambiguous, which allows leeway for SJWs to push their agenda.
• The burden is on SJWs to prove their causal claims, not on you to prove them wrong.
• Sufficient causes are more meaningful than necessary causes.
• SJWs attribute their bad behavior to external causes (e.g., the system).
• SJWs attribute your opinions and beliefs to internal causes (e.g., your personality).
• SJWs attribute cause to vague structures (systemic racism), which is unprovable.

The rest...

>> No.11782043

Main points of the book . . .

Main Points to Keep in Mind
Finally, I want to give you some main points to keep in mind while reading this book, that I will repeatedly refer back to and that will serve as common threads through the chapters of this book:

1. Ambiguity, as found in cause and effect and word meanings, is the main door through which SJWs sneak in their trickery.
2. SJWs try to distract from the topic at hand by redirecting the spotlight. Always put the spotlight back where it belongs.
3. Many of SJWs’ tactics are intended to silence people who disagree with them, even if on the surface they seem to be about something else.
4. SJWs cannot win with facts and logic, so they resort to trickery and censorship.
5. It is easier to tear down a theory than to build one up.
6. Emphasize being skeptical and doubting SJWs’ theories.
7. SJWs often shift the burden of proof to you; shift it back and make them prove their assertions.
8. SJWs focus on one side of a conflict; remind them of the other side.
9. Insist that SJWs define their terms.
10. Get SJWs to overreact, and get it on film.

>> No.11782069

this sounds like it was written by a 10th grader / future school shooter. absolute dogshit -300/10

>> No.11782076

Yeah, I know. I was in a rush to get it out for the 2018 election. This was actually a "preliminary rush edition."

I will spend some time tightening it up for the actual 1st edition, which I plan to release in June-August 2020 before the next election.

>> No.11782077
File: 17 KB, 625x626, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hang out in /pol/ mostly

>> No.11782078


>One particularly savage way that standards are destroyed in our society goes like this.

Can't believe you wrote an entire book just to bait /lit/.

>> No.11782082

do us all a favor and stop trying to "publish," at least until you've graduated

>> No.11782098

>This is the second step toward degeneracy: black inability/unwillingness to meet the standard.

>This in itself would not be destructive to society if the standards were kept in place and blacks were just punished or allowed to fail and fall by the wayside like anyone else would be. But under such circumstances of equal treatment, if we were to look at those who have received punishment or who didn’t meet the standards and fell out of society, we would see that blacks are overrepresented in that group, relative to their population percentage, by several orders of magnitude.


>> No.11782101


At least back in the day when they would bait /lit/ they just made a book that was just the word "nigger" over and over again in different sentences.

>> No.11782130

I ended up hitting the note about race more than I meant to which makes it impossible for any mainstream audience, but there are still crucial ideas in there. I explain that in this part of the introduction:

>Also, I will be up front at the beginning and say that I am racist, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. The evidence to prove that the races are equal is sparse if it exists at all, and there’s really no basis for saying that racism is wrong, and even if there were, there could never be a basis for the extreme overreaction people have against racism, even going so far as to get unjustifiably upset when people say the word *n-word*. (This oversensitivity to racism in itself is a trick that has been set up by SJWs, as will be explained throughout the chapters in this book.) You don’t have to be racist yourself in order to go along with most of what I say, because much of what I talk about in this book is not about specific conclusions, but rather about methods of thinking that should be the basis for your conclusions (or methods of thinking that should be avoided). You might agree with me that a method of thinking is sound and is the right way to go for forming conclusions, but you might also think that different conclusions should be reached based on those methods than I have reached. That, I think, is really how we should have our debates. We should start with agreement on the methods of thinking that should underlie our conclusions, and then argue about where those methods lead. If we don’t even agree on the methods of thinking that we should use, then we can’t really get started on any kind of substantive debate.

>> No.11782163

Nice samefagging, OP. Your book is for the brainwashed, the helplessly memed. You're no better than a snake oil salesman.

>> No.11782178

>implying SJW ideology isn't

>> No.11782183

are u even trying

>> No.11782190

>you start to run
>you realize from his swishing legs and 6in gait he is only 4'7" and will outpace you
>you plant your splayed feet and whirl to face him: the Demi-Jew
>he immediately jabs his fingers towards your chest like Boruto, son of the 11th Hokage
>you duck, but only lean into his JewJab - a critical hit
>you slurp all the Heavy Metal BFC Monster from the back pocket of the UnionBay jeans your mom got at a yardsale
>you wish she knew those jeans weren't for whitebois, but nobody has flamed you at school because nobody knows or cares who you are
>you remember your stealth buff and activate DefALT-Right
>you roll for the stealth pass by calling on his clerical Elder-Jew by name, but fail when you mispronounce "Ayn" to sound like "rain"
>Demi-Jew uses Stutter
>you are now confused
>you hurt yourself in your confusion
>you remember the BFC and equip the empty can as a weapon
>"only effective against Hispanics and Homeless"
>you wish they still sold Heavy Metal Monster somewhere besides Big Lots as it always reminds you of poverty, but you keep going back to buy them anyway, despite the cans lack of expiration date
>Demi-Jew uses Antitranny Ideology, but it fails because you aren't trans despite how desperately he screams, "BIOLOGICALLY A WOMAN"
>you take advantage of the one-turn cooldown the Demi-Jew must take to dry out his pants after his surge attack
>you charge BetaBTFO: it is only half as effective when used by a beta against other betas, and doing so it takes one turn of charge and cooldown loss for existential comparison and suicidal self-loathing/nihilistic contemplation of criminal activity, respectively
>he is still cleaning his pants
>you use BetaBTFO against his intelligence by describing his politics as pathological resentment and self-hatred for his inability to fully actualize the masculine ideal in himself - a critical hit
>defeated, the Demi-Jew portals to the nearest Screen and returns to the Digital Realm

>> No.11782200
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>> No.11782205

A little on the process of writing:

I kept a 5 x 7 notebook of recurring arguments I would have with SJWs, making 2- or 3-line entries to get the gist, with the date, and ended up with about 60 pages of that.

Then I categorized the arguments to put all the same kind together and then made an outline to organize it by heading, subheading, sub-subheading, etc.

Then I started writing, about a paragraph or two for each idea in the outline.

I ended up doing a lot of stream-of-consciousness writing, and it all needs a good edit to clean that up and break up run-on sentences etc. But like I said, it was a rush job.

Here's what the outline looks like (34 pages, what a mess):


>> No.11782221

Why haven't you x-posted this on pol.com yet?

>> No.11782229

I posted it under a book list thread to avoid violating rule against advertising. I would have done the same thing here, but I didn't see a thread of people's writings.

>> No.11782716

The question still stands

>> No.11782721

So basically you saved all your shitty /pol/ posts and copied them into MS Word?

>> No.11782731

that sounds incredibly bad

>> No.11782741
File: 30 KB, 680x461, 861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that your diary lmao

>> No.11782743
File: 13 KB, 125x120, FE6BB494-C873-4C5B-9EFB-3C200695B011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete garbage. The same cliche /pol/ talking points, only someone compiled them into a book and is selling them for money. OP clearly has no distinct voice, style, or thoughts of his own. Awful, generic, and a blatant attempt at shilling.

>> No.11782749

very poorly written work. have you ever even taken a writing class or have a degree you fucking brainlet?

>> No.11782769

Is this why lately there has been an influx of /pol/ threads? To warm up the crowd? The irony here is if you replace SJW with /pol/ not much will change

>> No.11782777

1 paragraph: alienated the racists by pussyfooting, alienates the non-racists by being racist.

Your writing reads like you graduated high school writing for the year book. Did you lie about the psych degree or just get it from a for-profit?

>> No.11782800
File: 8 KB, 210x230, pencil_skirt,x300,front-c,145,17,210,230-bg,f8f8f8.lite-1u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying academic theory and its derivative subculture is in a strong sense equivalent with /pol/, which is a trolling forum composed of dweebs and fringe schizo's? Agreed,

>> No.11782811

Buy a banner you cheapass shill. Put the banner on a board that doesn't know you're too cheap to hire an editor too. Then hang yourself for writing a book that requires a chapter on tumblr because that is lower than becoming a street performance artist or gloryhole apprentice.

>> No.11782824
File: 25 KB, 235x255, 13EB0DE4-9A15-4D34-B5D0-A1D06C838178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>academic theory

>> No.11782834

Buy an additional banner; don't shill your shitty self published genre work on /lit/. It's a literature board, not a vanity publishing advertising outlet for when your mum and dad have already bought ten.

>> No.11782851
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the dfw of theory for white litbro memeing larpers with twitter accounts
this changes everything

>> No.11782861

Sentient capital wrings its hands as its pawns do its bidding once again

>> No.11782869

I read the first "chapter" and i honestly liked it. Might read the rest, how long is it?

>> No.11782923

>SJWs attribute their bad behavior to external causes (e.g., the system).
>SJWs attribute your opinions and beliefs to internal causes (e.g., your personality)
Not terrible point