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/lit/ - Literature

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11779740 No.11779740 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw my mom just said she thinks I'll be a famous writer one day

How is your relation with your mother?

>> No.11779744
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She great

>> No.11779790

she's dead

>> No.11779794

She lets me cook crack in her apartment

>> No.11779796
File: 259 KB, 287x911, BD213849-5620-489D-A114-BF3932B5742E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s nice and I don’t want to dissapoint her. Same with my Dad.

>> No.11779809

>"don't want to disappoint my dad"
>posts anime
kill yourself
t. your dad

>> No.11779815

She tells me that too

>> No.11779817

Neither of my parents ever showed any interest in what I was doing growing up due to my shithead older brother constantly getting in trouble with the law. As such I'm now a full grown adult living on my own and they still have no idea what my interests or talents are and never believe me when I tell them good news in my life.

>> No.11779821
File: 342 KB, 750x490, EAE0E30F-6F63-4B52-B953-E18568E7C65A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts on 4chan
>4chan is an anime imageboard

>> No.11779826


>> No.11779914

>literature board
>posting anime
lmao kys

>> No.11779978

Depressed, bipolar, suicidal, and blames me for everything yet has crazy expectations for what she wants me to do. Feels good. I’m actually gonna kms soon so idgaf

>> No.11780025
File: 28 KB, 563x637, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love both my parents, will be sad when they most likely die before me. I doubt they'll ever know what I'm doing in my life, though.

>> No.11780035

We're fuck buddies

>> No.11780040

Based and incestpilled

>> No.11780246

I feel like this is the background of like 50% of 4chan

>> No.11780316

>posts teh Rei
Is your mom dead?

>> No.11780343

She thinks I should go on Jeopardy even though I'm only ok. Now that I'm a grown ass man I have to secure tendies for myself which has really strained our relationship.

>> No.11780674

My mom thinks I'm an asshole, but she's a bitch so it's fine.

>> No.11780680

what are you doing in your life

>> No.11780724
File: 186 KB, 1000x1144, 1414130288934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mum died last year, which sucks because she was my closest friend in the world and i couldn't even cry

>> No.11780734

Writing genre fiction.

>> No.11780750

/lit/ is an /sp/ board

>> No.11780755

Not crying at a loved one's death, for men, is not unusual. Crying isn't either. But you do feel sad, and that's enough, anon.

>> No.11781833

what method senpai

>> No.11781846
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My mom encourages me to pursue my passions and work for what I want. She convinced me to follow my dreams and is letting me live at home for free while I set myself up. It's heartbreaking because I am realizing I feel like I'm going to fail and it will break her heart because her son isn't who she thought he was.

>> No.11781879

If this aint me

>> No.11782134
File: 1.34 MB, 1667x841, 1523117714208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true

>> No.11782139

She says she's very proud of me and everything I've achieved

>> No.11782147
File: 85 KB, 1440x2560, tf_invert_phone_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a very nice and hardworking person. The other day I was crying in the kitchen and she saw me, gave me a hug and said she would always love me no matter what. I wish I wasn't completely emotionally stunted and could tell her I love her.

>> No.11782148
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>tfw mum is rapidly approaching old age
>tfw already beginning to see signs of regression in how she handles stress and her memory


>> No.11782175

Mom has a hoarding problem but won't admit it. Trying to throw unused things out of the house is met with incessant arguing after which my mom will give me the cold shoulder for a few weeks and then everything goes back to normal, until I try to clean the house again. Glad I'm back to university so I don't have to deal with that but I feel sorry for my dad.

>> No.11782289

>applying to med school
>my mom mentions to me that she always thought I should be a writer
>she keeps casually mentioning that she's not sure I really want to go to med school
She's really freaking me out, and the fact that I'm unironically Jewish makes it very strange that she would try to talk me out of being a doctor.

>> No.11782308

Dumb cunt. Tiny intellect and struggles to reason as a result of learned helplessness. Borderline personality and likes to cute what her parents did as proper parenting. Insufferable when it comes to debate

>> No.11782389

She let me be a neet so pretty ok i guess.

>> No.11782407

Your mom said that to me last night also

>> No.11782410

why was she crying nigga

>> No.11782413

>I was crying in the kitchen
lmao little bitch boy

>> No.11782432

ive been on 4chins since like 2007 and ive never once posted anime

>> No.11782442

She beat me so much that one day I passed out in school. She has also kept me ina room with no light or toys (just a bed) for one month and fed me once a day. At my 12 see threw me out, since then I live with my grandparents. She is nice..

>> No.11782445


>> No.11782454

Yeah I don't even care anymore, now she tries to make up for all the shit she done to me, but honestly i can't feel anything about her.

>> No.11782510
File: 125 KB, 1000x600, screen-shot-2017-01-22-at-5-50-44-pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of us
/his/ is where /lit/ and /sp/ meets /pol/

>> No.11782558

Incredibly intelligent, kind and full of talent, but instead of perusing her own career she invested a lot of her time and money in me. Which in hindsight seems like a rly bad choice, because I'm a dumb, dissapointing loser. She just hasnt realized it jet. feelsbad.jpg

>> No.11782565

I don't talk to any of my family members.

>> No.11783464

You can be both, Peossa was a doctor too.

>> No.11784415
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She's the only person i care about and the only person who cares about me

>> No.11784578

Okay, certainly better than most people’s. I feel bad because a couple of Christmases ago I told her that she wasn’t strict enough with me growing up and undermined my father whenever he tried to be and that’s why I have no self discipline and have been struggling to get through college and acted pretty cold to her and I think it hurt her but she hasn’t said anything which makes me think she agreed on a certain level. I’ve also been a huge burden on my parents with this whole school thing and I think they’re starting to lose faith in me which makes me feel pretty shitty. Just gotta finish this year then I’ll be out of their hair for good, I hope.

>> No.11784678

>anime board
>posting literature
lmao kys