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/lit/ - Literature

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11775341 No.11775341 [Reply] [Original]

>Yes, I am very much into literature, I adore Joyce, Nabokov, Dostoyevsky, Pynchon, Dante, Homer, Melville, Borges, Calvino, Hesse, Gaddis, Cervantes, McCarthy, Tolstoy, Kafka, Mishima, Milton, Soseki, Ishiguro, Beckett, Gogol, Kawabata, Faulkner, Shakespeare

>> No.11775351

I like all those except Milton and kabawhatever

>> No.11775355

you didn’t name thoreau, hawthorne, miller, byron, goethe, etc. fuck you, fag

>> No.11775360

Hi NPC, are you going to catch the game next sunday?

>> No.11775364

I don't even have a computer

>> No.11775371

Is maximalism the artistic form of choice for NPCs so they don't have to extrapolate any meaning?

>> No.11775375
File: 46 KB, 800x450, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a monolingual

>> No.11775421

I recognize some of these words.

>> No.11775430

That's because those writers are actually non-NPC.

>> No.11775449


>NPC fodder

Please, you big bitch

>> No.11775487

Daily reminder that there is nothing more NPC than fantasy and science fiction

>> No.11775499

Not jk, what you guys actually consider non-NPC?

>> No.11775500

haha, i get it, because those are popular authors and npc is funny meme

>> No.11775510
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>> No.11775515


you know every board on this site has that image with the spirit of the board greentexted

whose paying you?

>> No.11775528

Nigga, wtf are you doing?

>> No.11775535

Isn't that exactly how the boomer meme spread? Is it the same guy?

>> No.11775538

>Tolstoy and Dosto
This is the only thing that makes this believable. Only a pleb or a brainlet would like both

>> No.11775555

It's called a meme

>> No.11775598
File: 118 KB, 500x297, porque no los dos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11775605
File: 47 KB, 620x465, spectacular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its probably a fucking collection of them. and its not always malevolent posting, shit catches on, but the seeds must be planted. and this meme is forced af. nobody, absolutely fucking nobody, actually likes it.

and this shit is clearly on the uptick. probably experimenting with techniques for advertising. theyre fucking with language.

none of them are relevant its just a collection of words people who frequent this board are likely to identify with.

this particular flavor of OP is even targeting canonical works, but thats what they want us to see. theres a preceding layer available for analysis.

for us to conclude, if this is funded duplicity, that the duplicitous element is that they want us to think works of the canon are for unthinking subhumans, we would be incorrect in our assessment. what (((they))) want here is for us to equate the things we consume with the essence of our being, or what most people would call their personality.


chekd, but they can be engineered and given youre the first posting in favor of OP, against the engineering, and considering OP is likely a funded cyberterrorist posting engineered threads, its not beyond reason to think a thread engineer would also engineer a post in such a way as to make it more identifiable with a certain demographic, say kek followers who worship gets.

so pls kys. any idiot whose means of acquiring currency is being a cyberpawn posting cooked bullshit to see how people groupthink isnt capable of executing with the necessary opacity to avoid detection

>> No.11775607

>porque instead of por qué

>> No.11775611
File: 253 KB, 611x474, 235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This frame looks a bit better

>> No.11775612

It's a meme you brainlet, no one fucking cares.

>> No.11775636

Don't you dare faggot

>> No.11775648

>I subvocalize Joyce, Nabokov, Dostoyevsky, Pynchon, Dante, Homer, Melville, Borges, Calvino, Hesse, Gaddis, Cervantes, McCarthy, Tolstoy, Kafka, Mishima, Milton, Soseki, Ishiguro, Beckett, Gogol, Kawabata, Faulkner, Shakespeare

>> No.11775655

This. If you subvocalize you are an NPC.

>> No.11775667

npcs literally cant subvocalize lmao that is where the meme started

>> No.11775743

Shut up NPC, you don't know nothing.

>> No.11775767

I'm sorry, my monolingual friend

>> No.11775772

take out kawabata nobody reads him here

>> No.11775785

I like all those save the Japs (and Gaddis whom I havent read).

>> No.11775790


>> No.11775795

This whole NPC thing started as a result of /pol/ finding that study about how only a quarter of the population has an internal monologue.

>> No.11775805

porque means "because", while por qué means "why". It makes all the difference in the world.

>> No.11775812

>not subvocalizing
why even "read"?

>> No.11775906

It makes no difference when it comes to understanding the phrase. Stop going full autist, it's just a shitty meme.

>> No.11777163

Retarded thread. Most normalfags probably haven't actually read more than 3 or 4 authors on that entire list, let alone any books at all