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11773077 No.11773077[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

people have been asking me, how do i become an npc? well, i respond, the end goal is to hold a collection of these values:
>believe in material determinism
>believe free will doesn’t exist
>simultaneously believe in a milquetoast christian morality, but with stress laid on equality
>base all decisions on quantifiable ‘data’
>subscribe to positivism and scientism
>believe that ai is possible in the sense of re-creating human consciousness and that your consciousness is just a biological computer at work
>think all major philosophical issues have been resolved or are on the verge of being so
okay, once you’ve gotten your orientation, you’re ready to take practical steps:
>listen to npr podcasts
>download tedtalks
>upvote inspiring stories
>come up with hypothetical ‘snl skits’ and tel your friends of the funny scenario you conceived
>evaluate advertisements you see based on whether you think they’re good for the advertising company’s bottomline, and discuss how you would’ve marketed the product with your fellow potluck diners
>treat life as a management consulting case study
>watch all the new netflix shows and have strong opinions on their merits
>avoid psychedelics
>wear ankle socks
>describe things you like as ‘interesting’
>move somewhere that has a dedicated eater.com site
>share new yorker articles and nyt op-eds you like the headlines of
>decide ahat you want to do for work based on what you’d feel comfortable telling your parent’s boomer friends
>assure them that life as a young professional in the big city is busy and hectic, but also culturally rewarding
after a couple months, you’ll be ready for group cardio classes and you’ll have forgotten you ever needed help being an NPC

>> No.11773098


Psychedelics are incredibly NPC

>> No.11773099

>>think all major philosophical issues have been resolved or are on the verge of being so
Who believes this?

>> No.11773102

Psychedelics are:

-Incredibly NPC
-Not incredibly NPC

is NPC

>> No.11773106

Probably Sam Harris

>> No.11773116

a lot people nowadays believe philosophy is just an outdated version of science

>> No.11773118

npc's are all waiting for godot

>> No.11773122


I'm being fully serious though mate, psychedelics are the go-to drugs for boring middle class white people who want to fool themselves into thinking they're spiritual to getting mashed out their minds on shrooms or acid or even DMT and then sit and congratulate themselves and their mates for being so openminded and enlightened

>> No.11773127

Have you done psychedelics?

>> No.11773130

An NPC is smashing imaginary forms together again, stop thinking in binary

>> No.11773138

>psychedelics are the go-to drugs for boring middle class white people who want to fool themselves into thinking they're spiritual to getting mashed out their minds on shrooms or acid or even DMT and then sit and congratulate themselves and their mates for being so openminded and enlightened

>> No.11773142

Self-bullying is self-harm OP

>> No.11773144

You've got a point. I hate the circle jerk with psychs even though they're my favorite drug category. I've done a few group trips and its hilarious listening to people have a "revelation" that nothing matters. It's like wtf? Have you not heard of nihilism? Shits babbies first philosophical thought and it took psychedelics for you to come upon it?
I only trip solo for introspection, if I wanna fuck around and be retarded I'll do a group trip.

>> No.11773149

Will the truth of the statment change depending on the answer?

>> No.11773152


Might not be a thing where you're from but amongst younger middle-class millennials where I am the entirety of the festival crowd live for doing acid at Gottwood or Boomtown or whatever and then trying to tell you all about it the week after, they're just absolutely nothing people who live for fuck all beyond the next pissup that they can dress up as a spiritual experience.

>> No.11773155


How is that relevant?

>> No.11773159

>younger middle-class millennials where I am the entirety of the festival crowd live for doing acid at Gottwood or Boomtown or whatever and then trying to tell you all about it the week after, they're just absolutely nothing people who live for fuck all beyond the next pissup that they can dress up as a spiritual experience.

But why does this correlate to

>psychedelics are the go-to drugs for boring middle class white people who want to fool themselves into thinking they're spiritual to getting mashed out their minds on shrooms or acid or even DMT and then sit and congratulate themselves and their mates for being so openminded and enlightened

On what grounds do you claim this? The NPC is in a positive feedback loop, 0-1 0-1 0-1. Correlationism.

>> No.11773160

I think you mean does the answer change the statement

>> No.11773171

>The NPC is in a positive feedback loop, 0-1 0-1 0-1. Correlationism.

That's not the common definition used for NPC mate that's just your own personal autism

>> No.11773178

Common definitions are a disease.

Autists are prisoners from the future

>> No.11773182

90% of the STEMfags

>> No.11773188


>I am much more enlightened because the definition I have for a word is different to the definition everyone else has, this makes me very intelligent and not at all a pretentious moron

>> No.11773192

The flows must always connect.

>> No.11773199

>free will can be proven/exists
>milquetoast Christian morality
t. North American cuck
>not being rational
>not believe that everything is inherently a version of each other and can be replicated dozens of times over
t. Brainlet

Telling people what drugs are is npc.

But I agree psychs are npc af. Relatively easy to get hold of and you can “experience” something out of the tiny world they’re usually from.

>> No.11773201

You forgot to mention people who put any weight in ‘truth values’ and ones that think Zeno’s Paradox is solved by limits.

>> No.11773207

>things only exist if my npc brain logic program can ‘prove’ them

>> No.11773276

any NPCs live in berlin?

>> No.11773286

Ugly and overused word. Even my Facebook friends find any chance they can to use it. Find a new word.

>> No.11773289

>and ones that think Zeno’s Paradox is solved by limits.
This is a really fucking solid one, being completely incapable of understanding even the basic point of what Zeno posits.

>> No.11773290

germany is npc heaven

>> No.11773292
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Metamodernism is sophistric nonsense and is arising exactly how MY logic said it would

>> No.11773294

Solving things with limits should only be thought of as a practical means to make things work which we know to be the actual answer, but have no rational explanation for. Everyone knows Achilles catches up the the tortoilles and limits makes it easier to calculate when it happens, but it by no means solves the paradox itself

>> No.11773297
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>tfw you transcend your NPC-dom

>> No.11773300

new atheists are big ones

>> No.11773355

Go take a look at /his/ and its neolibs. They'll make you proud of /pol/.

>> No.11773356

Rationalism will have its revenge

>> No.11773359

I find it funny that this NPC thing blew up a few days after I posted this:
>To contrast this with a video game one might say that the resolution of values has been turned down, the settings - even at the lowest level - threaten to overheat the GPU. Gravitas, clementia, and prudentia are not only turned down to zero but seem to cause a glitch in the NPCs where they attack any player who attempts to level them. World-building, subjectivity, and process are all wrapped up in a way that the mechanics of value have no meaning, and when we attempt to search for these things in the traditional way we only find ourselves more lost - such is the paradox of meaning in the modern world.

>> No.11773361

>things exist because then my dreans can be real
Sorry to say, you’ll never achieve your dreams though pal

>> No.11773379

Alcohol remains the patricians choice.
Another part of my post on the NPC, related to drugs:
>As for drugs, I don't think we should see them in the sense of addiction. Rather, the purpose of drugs is entirely that of ritualisation - and in modern times the rite begins with that of attenuation to a world in which being cannot keep up without relinquishing its human form. The drug is thus a technique of maintaining capacity, and this explains the prevalence of extreme accelerants and painkillers - while alcohol has lost its position and is instead relegated to performance as an off-switch. Where addiction takes over one is merely becoming out of time with his attenuation, he is no longer using his drug to keep him in rhythm with machinic-being; and this could be his searching for classical rites in drugs, or simply an inability of his character to keep up with such powerful drugs. As the potency increases so too do the numbers of those incapable of enduring the residues of Gods which have overtaken Bacchus in their drunkenness.
>Another way of seeing this is in our being which approaches immortality: the knowledge of our death is lost to us. We are thus caught between worlds by our very nature, fated misanthropes. Thus, the drug may act as a surrogate of our going into mourning - or in the case of impending doom, that lingering collective death which gets too close and threatens us with its knowledge, we use it in our tarrying with Life itself. Death, which is forever lost to us, is not enough of an enemy, and so we enter the tavern to contend with something greater: that which fates death itself.

>> No.11773417

listens to radiohead once: the thread

>> No.11773419

Is there no exception in your eyes?

>> No.11773429

>boring middle class white people
Looks like we got ourselves an NPC here boys.

>> No.11773432

>>move somewhere that has a dedicated eater.com site
Also, reminder that generating a non-NPC uses a lot of processing data, so non-NPCs are generated geographically rather than by population. If you live in a city, or even the suburbs, odds are you are an NPC.

>> No.11773450
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>> No.11773453


>> No.11773471
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Would love a psychedelic/CIA NPCjak

>> No.11773473

how not to be NPC:
>believe anything you feel is right
>don't question anything that has even remote potential to undermine the sense of self/soul
>follow traditions
Now I know how to be True Man
thanks /lit/

>> No.11773500

>how not to be NPC:
you can't. reactionaries are the most laughably tragicomic of the NPCs because they actually believe that they can reconnect themselves to a historical narrative that has been completely and irrevocably destroyed.

just enjoy life bro, there are disadvantages to the comforts we've been given, but if you don't step out of line, no one will have the time or the bother to meddle in your affairs.

>> No.11773508

We are all npcs. We just dont realize it.

>> No.11773510

Objects are ontologically exhausted by their relations with humans.

>> No.11773515

NPCs love shamanism

>> No.11773528

wow I remember when I was 16 too

>> No.11773535

>Needing drugs to experience visual distortions and trips
Must be sad to be npc

>> No.11773536

ego-utilitarian economic consequentialism

>> No.11773556


>> No.11773561

i know, your idolization of your ephemeral self is precisely what i'm notifying you of

>> No.11773563

>tfw dev

pc-cucks have no access to debug mode

>> No.11773566
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>t. The Eternal Samefag/NPC

>> No.11773569

Agree with everything op said plus you must incorporate the following catchphrases into your vernacular:
>that aint it chief
>based and redpilled/ cringe and bluepilled
>ok, got it
>am i the only one who...

>> No.11773573

Is it hard being dumb?

>> No.11773580

damn op sounds exactly like my ex-best friend rip in peace buddy

>> No.11773581

because.... because if you hadn't then you'd obviously have a view based on less than perfect knowledge...

>> No.11773587

i cut a tab in 8 pieces and take each piece with a lot of whisky like every weekend for 2 months, i might not even go out when i do that.
i just like that bouncy feeling the 8th gives. i dont tell anyone cause i dont wanna share.

am i an NPC?

>> No.11773589

Don't forget

>it's almost as if..

>> No.11773594

Psychedelics don't make you an NPC. Talking about it doesn't either, it just makes you look like a tryhard

>> No.11773601

>refers to himself as a foodie
>travels the world and gushes about how "vibrant" other cultures are
>speaks highly of Black people but internally finds them repulsive
>calls himself a "citizen of the world"
>makes an effort to tell as many people as he can that he has read Sartre, Nietzsche, and Pynchon
>shops at Barnes and Noble
>owns a macbook
>also owns a macbook pro
>judges people's intelligence based on the grammar of their Facebook posts

>> No.11773609

how about

>> No.11773626

I love my macbook pro.
Because it has the word pro written on it.
Short for prolapse.

>> No.11773652

If I am an NPC, what would that mean?

It would mean that I have a set code that I cannot deviate from and that I am not a center piece in a story. A story where the main character gets to fight a boss to save that world. But that seems like he has a set path he must follow.

So it isn't whether one does not have a road he must Traverse, that separates an NPC from a main character, it is how that road is traversed that separates him.

Does this seem plausible?

>> No.11773655

You're only an NPC so long as you think 0 and 1, you can become a main character any time.

>> No.11773656

everyone is an npc but you

>> No.11773657

this is what an npc would post

>> No.11773662

At which point you will always have been a main character. CHIM

>> No.11773663
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Psychedelics are incredibly npc

>> No.11773664

why do you try so hard to highjack this meme, you are a NPC if you dont voted for Trump

>> No.11773666

>so long as you think 0 and 1,
Im having trouble understanding what that would look like in life. You mean having conviction? Black and white? All mind and no heart?

>> No.11773672

There's also the more philosophical of not having an internal, private, direct experience. A p-zombie brain lacking all qualia, see also "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?"

>> No.11773682

Mde fans are more like mini bosses that annoy npcs and non npcs both. While only being barely above npcs in terms of intelligence and originality.

>> No.11773693

Do you mean the ability to become individuated?

>> No.11773727

You sound like a fag who wasn't invited to parties in high school

>> No.11773741

It seems you've made a claim about what being an NPC is by that picture.
You'd say a protagonist is one who isn't controlled by his appetites at the very least.

>> No.11773742

I do. I want to believe otherwise, but I can't.

>> No.11773752

classic npc post
from the creators of:
>you must be fun at parties
>who hurt you?
>uhmmm...sweetie, I...
>who cares?

>> No.11773761

lel, saved

>> No.11773767

No, not in the philosophical sense. NPCs aren't just faces in the crowd, you can interact with them.
Also not in the psychological sense, the collective unconsciousness is something else.

>A philosophical zombie is a molecule by molecule duplicate of a sentient creature, a normal human-being, for example, but who differs from that creature in lacking any phenomenal consciousness. For me, as I lie on the beach, happily drinking some wine and watching the waves, I undergo a variety of visual, olfactory, and gustatory experiences. But my zombie twin experiences nothing at all. He has no phenomenal consciousness. Since my twin is an exact physical duplicate of me, his inner psychological states will be functionally isomorphic with my own (assuming he is located in an identical environment). Whatever physical stimulus is applied, he will process the stimulus in the same way as I do, and produce exactly the same behavioral responses. Indeed, on the assumption that non-phenomenal psychological states are functional states (that is, states definable in terms of their role or function in mediating between stimuli and behavior), my zombie twin has just the same beliefs, thoughts, and desires as I do. He differs from me only with respect to experience. For him, there is nothing it is like to stare at the waves or to sip wine.

>> No.11773771

So you are saying that rejecting social overtures is a necessary component of being non-npc? I believe in NPCs. I think they exist. Doing psychedelics (or otherwise enjoying yourself) doesn't make you one. Full stop. I'm sorry dude but pathological misanthropy doesn't make you enlightened. If anything it makes you too damaged to be accepted as anything other than a nonentity.

>> No.11773807

I'll buy one bronze sword for 20G.

>> No.11773817

I'm going to assume this is a reference to video games. God this board has gone downhill.

>> No.11773823

I see, Im not sure there are many NPC's then. How could you tell? I see that I myself could be that zombie if I were doing something for someone else's sake. Maybe that comes with qualia of my own for that activity but I feel nothing when i'm doing that. I feel everything when i'm doing what I like to do. Is that why you said you can become the main character whenever you like? It has something to do with Authenticity (Heideggerian sense) ?

>> No.11773835
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>he needs something to be true to believe in it

>> No.11773840

>NPC = everything I don't like
What an embarrassing post.

>> No.11773861

The NPC meme only clicks for people steeped in narcissism enough to unironically embrace being the protagonist of their fantasy story and to deride the lives of everyone else around them as unimportant background characters
The Last Psychiatrist is spinning in the rum-soaked ditch he calls his grave

>> No.11773866
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>tfw raised a positivist
how do i break the spell? will heidegger help?

>> No.11773875

it won't hurt

>> No.11773887

low IQ detected

>> No.11773889

The problem is that you cannot tell. And it is possible that everyone else is a p-zombie (presumably you can observe your own qualia). You can't even ask someone "Do you have/experience qualia?" Because they will say always yes, even if they don't.

Ah, you are confusing me with someone else. I only posted, >>11773672 >>11773767
Qualia is a tricky concept. (And mean to talk about with people on psychedelics.)

>> No.11773899

>base all decisions on quantifiable 'data'
what is the alternative to this? make irrational decisions for no discernible reason?

>> No.11773903

Research quantum physics, randomness exists.

>> No.11773909


>> No.11773912

Take the data into consideration and then refine the ways we evaluate said data.

>> No.11773921

What are the most /lit/ drugs?

>> No.11773928

The term NPCs is a reference to video games you fucking mongoloid. Why the fuck are you surprised that people are using video game terminology?

>> No.11773937


t. did them for a few months

>> No.11773943

Stop using quantum mechanics rhetorically when you don't understand it

>> No.11773950
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>Economic man himself has given away to the non-player controlled man of our times – the final product of bourgeois individualism. The NPC is haunted not by guilt by anxiety. He seeks not to inflict his own certainties on others but find a meaning in life. Liberated from the superstitions of the past, he doubts even the reality of his own existence. Superficially relaxed and tolerant, he finds little use for dogmas of racial and ethnic purity but at the same time forfeits the security of group loyalties and regards everyone as a rival for the favors conferred by a paternalistic state. His sexual attitudes are permissive rather than puritanical, even though his emancipation from ancient taboos brings him no sexual peace. Fiercely competitive in his demand for approval and acclaim, he distrusts competition because he associates it unconsciously with an unbridled urge to destroy. Hence he repudiates the competitive ideologies that flourished at an earlier stage of capitalist development and distrusts even their limited expression in sports and games. He extols cooperation and teamwork while harboring deeply antisocial impulses. He praises respect for rules and regulations in the secret belief that they do not apply to himself. Acquisitive in the sense that his cravings have no limits, he does not accumulate goods and provisions against the future, in the manner of the acquisitive individualist of the nineteenth-century political economy, but demands immediate gratification and lives in a state of restless, perpetually unsatisfied desire.

>The NPC has no interest in the future because, in part, he has so little interest in the past. He finds it difficult to internalize happy associations or to create a store of loving memories with which to face the latter part of his life, which under the best of conditions always brings sadness and pain. In a NPC society—a society that gives increasing prominence and encouragement to NPC traits—the cultural devaluation of the past reflects not only the poverty of the prevailing ideologies, which have lost their grip on reality and abandoned the attempt to master it, but the poverty of the NPC's inner life. A society that has made “nostalgia” a marketable commodity on the cultural exchange quickly repudiates the suggestion that life in the past was in any important way better than life today. Having trivialized the past by equating it with outmoded styles of consumption, discarded fashions and attitudes, people today resent anyone who draws on the past in serious discussions of contemporary conditions or attempts to use the past as a standard by which to judge the present. Current critical dogma equates every such reference to the past as itself an expression of nostalgia. As Albert Parr has observed, this kind of reasoning “rules out entirely any insights gained, and any values arrived at by personal experience, since such experiences are always located in the past, and therefore in the precincts of nostalgia.”

>> No.11773958

what could our brains be if not biological computers of sorts. genuine question, ive never understood why people think that's a dumb idea

>> No.11773965

Ten health potions, please.

>> No.11773973

Using NPC to symbolically represent something is okay. Making a joke about buying a sword from me (because I'm an "NPC"?) is fucking gay. It isn't funny. It doesn't add anything to the conversation.

>> No.11773977

Fine, I"ll give you 25G for the sword, but that's it.

>> No.11773981

You aren't even high enough level for a bronze sword. Go back to the starting zone, faggot.

>> No.11773984

>he says while also not understanding it
enpee-c alert

>> No.11774041
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>> No.11774047

It's a derogatory way to refer to someone as an NPC. Hes calling you an NPC indirectly by directly referring to the terminology from which the term NPC came.
Also, acting like you dont understand:
>(because I'm an "NPC"?)
While fully understanding what he meant when he said it is retarded. It makes me think that you dont want people to know that you play/used to play video games

>> No.11774048
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>> No.11774064

I'm not ashamed of playing video games. But they aren't pertinent to the conversation and neither are insults/humor. The argument started because I said engaging in social activities doesn't make one an NPC and not doing so is detrimental to one's intellectual (and life) pursuits.

>> No.11774069

what m8

>> No.11774083

I'm not dying everyone who uses psychedelic drugs is vapid but they often go hand in hand

>> No.11774085

I think you kids need to go back to music and make your scensterism and hipsterism revolve around that. Politics sucks the life out of you. And art. Also, discuss more literature.

>> No.11774090

Why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.11774093

I'm not

>> No.11774101

Most neuroscientists/physicists/computer scientists

>> No.11774142

I love food
I'm a foodie

>> No.11774208

epic comeback bruh

>> No.11774333

>evaluate advertisements you see based on whether you think they’re good for the advertising company’s bottomline, and discuss how you would’ve marketed the product with your fellow potluck diners

>> No.11774371

>georgia tech
everything points to suicide

>> No.11774411

how is this politics?

>> No.11774436

Imagine being such a fucking loser that you keep inventing stupid shit like "normie" and "npc" to feel better about yourself.

The irony is that all YOU sound like the NPCs you're so worried about, drones fixating on not being a typical person.

Useless neet bodies cringey pathetic losers.

>> No.11774443

why are you this mad my friend, are you perhaps sensing some similar process in yourself which you don't like

>> No.11774462

It's funny because it's true

>> No.11774466

NPC meme is one big huge coping mechanism for the losers, when you don't have any other identity, when you're an empty fucking shell, you create pseudo-elitist-otherizing labels that don't even mean anything.

Just look how everyone keeps spamming "NPC" over and over again, you're the real drone, you're the real NPC.


>> No.11774484


>> No.11774493


>> No.11774500

where is this from?

>> No.11774506
File: 377 KB, 1300x1300, 48899430-vector-matemáticas-interminable-textura-con-esferas-geométricas-gráficos-y-ecuaciones-vector-matemática-patr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooo, numbers

>> No.11774516

I stayed away from /lit/ for a month and now you're forcing this NPC meme. What the fuck is it? Did you just substitute 'normie' for 'npc'? Is that it?

>> No.11774525

what is this npc shit that i've been seeing recently
i took a break for the innernets so i'm out of the loop

>> No.11774528

i dont even buy into this npc thing, though it is vaguely funny. I just dont get why it makes you so mad

>> No.11774543

This "newHumour" module does not compute for me either my fellow digital natural language nodes.

>> No.11774549

No, a normie was never said to subscribe to anything but a particular Zeitgeist, a Normie had no philosophy and generally no interests beyond the social.

An NPC has a philosophy, and it points towards the end of thought, the end of inner conflict, towards complete subservience to whatever spooks govern the NPC

>> No.11774557

This is fascist AF

>> No.11774569

>An NPC has a philosophy, and it points towards the end of thought, the end of inner conflict, towards complete subservience to whatever spooks govern the NPC

They are escapists?

>> No.11774572

you mean 'elitist'. Christ you guys need to read the doctrine of fascism so you can at least properly identify it

it's like rednecks calling Obama a communist

>> No.11774573

Anyone saying NPC needs re-education for their alienated false consciousness that the bourgeoisie programmed them with.

>> No.11774580

what is fascist

>> No.11774581

so i guess some study was done and the result was that only 25% of human beings have an "inner voice" or talk to themselves internally so some retard on /pol/ came up with some bullshit that says there are only a finite number of souls and everyone who doesn't have an inner voice is some braindead background npc that just reacts to stimuli without thought and is along for the ride, getting swept this way and that way by the chosen people i.e. every one of us on 4chan who is smart and can think and is above having friends and stuff idk

>> No.11774582

Only in the shallow sense of the world. They're not only escapists, they actively (subconsciously or not) strive to eliminate anything that isn't escape or compromise from their lives and seek to enable the same in others.

The Notion of NPC was initially connected with not having an inner monologue but it clearly transcends that

>> No.11774584

When white people do things

>> No.11774587

Anyone who buys into Kant and Hegel is an NPC

>> No.11774591

it's dehumanizing and resent/hateful

case closed

>> No.11774593

what is white people

>> No.11774607


>> No.11774617

>/lit/ has degraded so much that nobody knows who TLP is

>> No.11774620

>Say someone is X haha guess again you are actually X

>> No.11774625

yeah and that isnt exclusive to fascism, nor is adequate to identify fascism.

>> No.11774630

people who like TLP are the ultimate pseuds tbqh. He is fun to read sure, but 'dude narcissism' is not a very sophisticated way of interpreting the world

>> No.11774650

The not having an inner monologue is the only interesting part.

>TLP == 'dude narcissism'
What the heck are you talking about?

>> No.11774655

I don't like the way he used it as a catch-all for everything, but in the case of this retarded meme it absolutely applies. Literally accusing the majority of the world of being soulless, emotionless automatons who only exist to flavor Your Personal Journey is the most narcissistic thing imaginable.

>> No.11774664

that's almost all he ever talks about, when he's not having memey ideas about RealMenTM

he just finds some piece of media or something and then explains why it's narcissistic wish fulfilment and that we are supposed to care about each other, and 'guilt' and 'shame' are different and blah blah

It's pleb tier proselytizing- find something, call it the devil, and rail against it. There is no real understanding of society or pscyhology, with a detached analysis of factors and causes

>> No.11774666

>Solipsism is narcissistic
dog bites man, anon. dog bites man.

>> No.11774671

seriously though it probably is very irresponsible to push shit like this on a site filled with unhinged outcasts, especially when mental illness can cause this kind of exaggerated perception of people around you being robotic or aliens or whatever.

of course /lit/ doesn't countermeme it with an uplifting spin on the perennial message about the universality of consciousness or anything, oh no they're much too aloof and cynical as diagnosticians of late capitalist culture themselves, but merely screeches inchoately instead

>> No.11774674

>oh no they're much too aloof and cynical as diagnosticians of late capitalist culture themselves,
how will lit ever recover

>> No.11774676

Holy crap anon, >>11774617 meant the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus! Not whatever the hell you are talking about.
Way to prove the point.

>> No.11774679

what is screeches inchoately instead

>> No.11774684

he said 'who TLP' is
The tractcus is not a person

>> No.11774688

I've been pondering this whole "npc" concept the last few days. There is an essential hubris to it that defies articulation. As if from surface appearances and behavior alone one has the insight to deduce that another person is a hollow cut-out automaton of late stage capitalism or what have you.

The idea that other people are just an obedient consumerist mass does have some weight to it in that consumerism does cheapen and dilute individual choices. One's agency is ultimately collapsed to what product one will select to buy.

Political agency, moral agency, broader depth of consciousness, is specifically excluded and negated by this mode of production. It does tend to breed "sheeple" passive chattel of consumption with no interest in the world beyond them.

However, to think everyone but you falls prey to these forces is a narcissistic ego-stoke that one would expect to see on this website.

>> No.11774691

also the post he is replying to literally names the guy
and what does Wittgenstein's Tractacus have to do with the NPC idea? TLP's stuff is more related

>> No.11774697

guenonfag, is that you? You know what, if you can re-meme NPC as that, all is forgiven.

>> No.11774711

Ha, sorry, you right. There is a lot going on where I am.
I wasn't really sure what Wittgenstein had to do with it. Busy trying to not get punched in the balls.

>> No.11774725

>However, to think everyone but you falls prey to these forces is a narcissistic ego-stoke that one would expect to see on this website.

This isn't really implied in the NPC concept

I think not being an NPC entails doing something that has negative objective value, doesn't gain you any social capital, isn't, in the current state of things, connected to any of the established points of contact between humans (which are, now that the public sphere is almost totally bereft of people): school, work, family

So, by resentfully engaging in discussion on whether those around you, those that you see every day (who are likely happier and more alive than you) are NPC's, and doing so on 4chan, you are becoming less of an NPC, by not simply staying within the rules of the social "game" but going outside it

THis sounds so stupid and cringey, damn

>> No.11774732

guenonfag needs to kill himself for believing this shit.

>> No.11774739

Yes no one who's had their already piercing critical faculties sharpened by the likes of Adorno, Zizek and Stirner could be a shallow egotist, but more of a very deep thinker who would never drone repetitiously about the same old shit.

>> No.11774744

the actual core of the concept was about inner speech, a study found most people usually dont engage in it, and some never do at all and can't.

It has very little to do with the normie distinction, I was talking to some guys on pol who said they couldnt speak internally, and they were just typical polacks.

>> No.11774766

I think the main reason it sounds cringey is because you state that one can begin escaping the "NPC" mentality through something as inane as posting on 4chan.

>> No.11774770

So what, it's still fun to explore

Also, the concept of hte internal and external can be expanded upon

What if an NPC is someone who meets the demands the world places upon him by sacrificing the Internal for the External, by eliminating their personality and idiosyncracies in order to become more productive, more succesful etc.

He has no time to talk to himself, because he has to talk to others. In fact, a talking self, whenever it doesn't positively reinforce whatever role he has taken, is an obstacle to be overcome

>> No.11774774

That's the point

It's easy to follow this argument by just thinking about the NPC analogy in the first place
What does an NPC do, what does a player character do?

An NPC acts, on the outside, rationally, stay within the rules of the game, completes his tasks, has a script ready for every possible scenario (these scenarios are of course limited by the confines of the game, everything else would be a glitch)

The player character does inane, irrational, uninformed things.

>> No.11774775

you don't get it, if you do it under a Matryoshka of ironical false persona's you've cultivated over your posting career you escape the dopamine gamification of social media normality.

>> No.11774779

but what if cultivating fake personas is what everyone in real life does

>> No.11774789

>we all wear masks and perform roles
i can see why it's bad that the cultural logic of incredibly late neoliberalism is obsolescing the humanities department now, when it delivers crucial insights like these.

>> No.11774792

depending where you post on 4chan it genuinely does alienate you entirely from society. mostly along pol lines, but in a sort of general way as well. like this place takes 'subculture' to an uncomfortable level.

I was a mostly socially integrated feminist liberal who found communism interesting when I came here like 7 years ago, I was those things because that is how I was raised, i had never thought about them. I slowly became racist and sexist through people posting links to studies about those things, and then becamse extremely anti-left wing, which is to say not right wing but just very critical of left wing ideas since they were clearly lying about race and sex, among other things.

It basically completely changed my outlook on stuff. It really helped me psychologically actually, because being a leftist feminist as a guy just corrodes your entire soul. I have much more cordial and calm relation to women and other races now, and people in general. I do feel 'apart' and like I can't be honest with people irl, but that's a small price to bear for being at least in contact with reality, nto having a socially determined understanding of what is real.

>> No.11774793

>he said slyly, under a matryoshka if ironical false personas

>> No.11774798

insufferable post, muffled-response-to-boomer-parents-at-thanksgiving-dinner-tier

>> No.11774804

I can’t imagine being so unconcerned with meaning that “it appears that nothing matters” is a) a breakthrough and b) not merely the foundation for more thought

>> No.11774847
File: 173 KB, 2688x2688, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do >we approve of this meme

>> No.11774856

>it appears that nothing matters”
i have honestly never understood why people feel this way. the things that matter matter intensely to me, they are infused with meaning

the fact that we will all die, and humanity will eventually go extinct, or that we dont have free will, or there is no god, which seems to be what nihilists always talk about, i dont see how that even relates to meaningful expereinces. You still have them, they are still real while you are having them

>> No.11774908

Cultivated opium

>> No.11774921

Pynchon flirts with this is a a lot (then again, he was a STEM). I think it's valid. A neuron is either active or inhibited. On or Off. One or Zero. Our brains work in binary signals, so I think their is a similarity to computers. (Yeah, I know there are action potentials that activate at certain mV in neurons so that they are 'half on', but it's still an on off system.)

>> No.11774936

"hehe, checkmate. See my schedule. I win." I bet you have a bookcase of unread books.

>> No.11774937

Coffee, if you're one of those faggots who refer to coffee and alcohol as drugs.

>> No.11774940

it is probably not a computer exactly in that sense, but that it 'computes', it has inputs and it gives outputs, and these are vaguely in the form 'information' about stuff.

consciousness is different question, and conscious is not a computer i dont think, but just in terms of a deterministic way of seeing humans, it seems that the brain is clearly the computer for the sort of robot that we are

>> No.11774942

B00m ROASTED. This guy is boss lvl

>> No.11774946

how are they not drugs lol

>> No.11774960

I'll have five health potions and two mana potions, thank you.

>> No.11774966

>Be NPC in spell book store
>Look at the window at all the other town NPC
>"Fuck those guys, they know nothing of the complex spells I sell."
>Visit other Spell NPCs to bitch about towny NPCs
>"hehe, yeah, fok those guys. They know nothing."
>Go to market and buy shit from other NPCs scoffing to self the whole time
>Return to NPC spell store
>Read more spells waiting for someone, or anyone.

>> No.11775000

>if you're one of those faggots who refer to coffee and alcohol as drugs
>Answers that /lit/s drug of choice in coffee.

>> No.11775024

on single origin high wormwood absinthe, amyl nitrite, LS"Z" and haloperidol rn ama

>> No.11775027

lmao you replied something about health potions to another post i made

>> No.11775034

Based. Does that mean I get a discount?

>> No.11775042

i dont have any health potions unfortunately, i have a bunch of cheap wine though, you may have some of that

>> No.11775095

Not really. People severely overestimate the power of psychs, all they really do is allow for self integration. They show you who you are, but don't change anything. There are cases where serial killers took them and remained psychopaths.

>> No.11775103

so If you are an "NPC" you'll stay one after psychs, if you aren't you won't become one. If you don't know what category you fall under maybe they'll show you

>> No.11775110

pretty much, and I've done a ton of them.

>> No.11775114


on the other hand, the retarded "revelations" I had on them encouraged me to get into actual phil, which is where real growth happened.

>> No.11775116

im pretty sure psychs just merge various faculties and make them all run together, like the senses, the imaginative faculty, etc. at high doses everhthing is so blurred that there is no coherent sense of self because you are just this blur of things, and very detached from normal sense reality

I did them a couple times when i was in middle school and highshcool and they were very fun, me and my friends would go on little adventures at night in the ravine that separates the two halves of my city. But ultimately it was like 'what is the point of this exactly'.

>> No.11775122

holy dubs

>> No.11775124

I’m not seeing a problem in any of this.

>> No.11775135

I have a friend who used to be the exact stereotype you describe here. Full on wannabe T.Mac. Now he's a huge corporate type who changed majors solely for money.

>> No.11775139

Where do I get absinthe?

>> No.11775175

>Your judgment on other people hinges on whether or not you've taken psychedelic drugs


>> No.11775217

The lord speaks through you with blessed dubs

>> No.11775220

You weren't judging people though. You were judging psychedelic drugs (in relation to their use by people).

>> No.11775222

It does though, you don't have the faintest idea of what it is like to be a NPC on LSD.

>> No.11775225

The temporal myth is man. Reach heaven by violence. The enlightened are those uneaten by the world.

Look at the majesty sideways and all you see is the Tower. The secret Tower within the Tower is the shape of the only name of God, I. AE GHARTOK PADHOME [CHIM] AE ALTADOON.

Six are the formulas to heaven by violence, one that you have learned by studying these words.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI. I give you this as Vivec.

>> No.11775254

>study has a sample size of 30 people
>it's a psych study too

>> No.11775259

Hang on isn't enlightenment about emptying yourself of word-think?

>> No.11775263

Why does no one mention this? Is the study supposed to simply jumpstart conversation?

>> No.11775277

Good post anon, I feel you. I do feel like I have to lie to make friends though, which is a shame; it does however work as an indicator for who I should spend more time with. I probably only talk truthfully with one person in my life.

>> No.11775294

You’re just describing the redditor, an important class of NPCs but not the only.

>> No.11775319

No, he's describing the anonymous STEM student. The redditor has an identity entirely dependent on other redditors and people in his social group, his every thought is warped by his desperate need for social acclaim.

>> No.11775323

If you cut me with occam's razor, do I not bleed?

>> No.11775368

>not wearing ankle socks during the summer

>> No.11775447

I tell them the opposite

>> No.11775455

>Why does no one mention this
because they’re all stupid

>> No.11775478

>these things I don't like are npc things, guys

>> No.11775654


when the context of the argument is judging people a certain way for consuming a certain substance, whether or not the speaker has the authority to make the claim hinges on whether or not the speaker has consumed the drug being categorized, and i should note, negatively connotated

>> No.11775818

Honestly an interesting idea. Though certainly we should exclude normies doing shots on friday nights from being anything but NPCs. I think you would like Baudellaire's essay on alchohol and hashis. He makes a similar argument that alcohol allows the inebriated to form authentic connections with themselves and their fellow men while pot (and most other recreational drugs) merely produce a pseudo enlightening and narcessistic introspection.
Even though its currently a hillbilly drug I think we should consider opium as a definite patrician candidate. It produces an oceanic feeling of peace similar to alchohal while being less mentally impairing. Ocasional opium consumption can therefore give the user the emotional calm to seriously engage with their own mind or with beauty. It is therefore in some sense an easy route of achieving the Kantian aesthetic ideal of disinterested appreciation of the beautiful (see Thomas De Quincy). Of course this is talking about small doses of codeine or morphine or kratom. Getting destroyed on heroine is stupid and narcissistic escapism even if it is not NPC.

>> No.11775825

I guess most of 4chan are NPCs. Makes a lot of sense.

>> No.11775829

i use alcohol to stimulate the part of me that feels beauty so I can write poetry. I dont do it in the healthy way anon describes though, i overdo it. My entire life is actually off balance precisely in that way, the obsessive all consuming need for beauty and not caring about anything else.

>> No.11775839


Dude, do you even know what an NPC is? You sound like a CIA shill who gets payed to post on 4chan without knowing what people are even talking about. At least bother to look up trending words and read the wikis.

>> No.11775842

I kind of enjoy this meme because unlike similar meme insults (i.e. soiboy and normie), everyone experiences the urges of the NPC, and we may sometimes fall under it's control. There is a little npc in all of us.

>> No.11775849

The paradox assumes that its impossible to traverse infinite points in finite time.
This is not true.

>> No.11775898

Damn nice triple dubs. Though new atheists are a dead meme gramps, weve all moved on to autistic race bait. Moralistic therapeutic deism is pretty npc. At least new atheists take their NPC commitments to the most autistic level possible whereas non serious Christians, spiritual but not religious, astrology thots, and worst of all western buddhism (shudders) are so NPC that they can believe in liberal materialism without ever realizing the massive contradictions in their beliefs. Basically a shitty calculator that is too slow to turn up the error message that its entire existence amounts to.

>> No.11775952

see everyone's shitting on you but as a junior (comp eng) my schedule is a lot easier than that and also emptier, and I don't even work. and I struggle to get halfway decent grades. I feel like I need to try adderall or something