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11771383 No.11771383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ says to go to church
>tell people that go to church I study ecology
>they tell me evolution isn't real
Anyone else eagerly awaited fedora wave 2020?

>> No.11771392

Good. There should be a backlash against evolution

>> No.11771399

Modern biology, and all the great things that come with it, doesn't make sense without the theory of evolution.

>> No.11771401

That’s what your textbook says, yes

>> No.11771403

ok but why do pesticides stop working after a few generations?

>> No.11771416

Because artificial selection. Next

>> No.11771425

This is a good point, how do I find a church of /lit/izens? I want to have theological discussions that include some classic Christian philosophy.

>> No.11771428

I want ye olde Quaker life.

>> No.11771435

Lol are you actually this ignorant?

>> No.11771439
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Proddies get off my board

>> No.11771454

How many icons do you need to fellate to get me permab&?

>> No.11771466
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All Hail!

>> No.11771728

I'd say you're going to the wrong churches but I have had a miserable time finding one that's intellectually engaging enough.
Anyway, the current model for macroevolution is extremely flawed.

>> No.11771742

Lol are you actually this ignorant?

>> No.11771745

Anyone else not really engaged with the people at their church?

Maybe this is due to me being Catholic. Every church is the "same" church for me, because the Mass is universal and the Sacraments are the same everywhere. So I don't always go to the same church all the time. But even when I'm there, I don't really engage with the people in the pews. I don't stay after Mass and make friends with the churchgoers. I go, I attend Mass, and I go home.

Is this wrong? Most of my faith socializing happens online. I'm involved with Catholic Twitter, for example. But I just don't see the point in socializing at church. That's not why you're there. You're there to worship God.

>> No.11771749

I think you've got it backwards. You can and should worship everywhere. Mass is meant to be how the Church comes together to support each other.

>> No.11771752

I can tell you're an American as as a compatriot I am embarrassed for my country. You Christians make us look bad.

>> No.11771754


>> No.11771759

fine, I'll take the bait since I have nothing better to do
how is macroevolution "extremely flawed" at the present?

>> No.11771768

>You can and should worship everywhere.

But you can only get the Eucharist at Mass.

>> No.11771784

Artificial selection is different than natural selection. That guy is right to be embarrassed for your ignorance...

>> No.11771794

How does artificial selection account for pesticides losing their effectiveness?

>> No.11771800


>> No.11771810

Did I mumble? I'm saying refusal to believe in evolution is the mark of a cloistered, increasingly irrelevant bible thumping mentality that has no proper place in the modern world with its supercomputers, satellites, and robots.

The only excuse for not believing in the theory of evolution is that you are not educated. Not because "the Lord told me so".

>> No.11771817

Check who you're replying to. I think we're in full agreement.

>> No.11771826
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I'm so glad I'm not American

>> No.11771840

>/lit/ says go to church
>he thought we meant go to a protestant church

>> No.11771849
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/lit/ is about a greater truth than can be found in the liberal media or books

>> No.11771858

It can't present a working model like any science does when it need to validate it's claims.

>> No.11772741

It’s human beings artificially selecting the most important bugs are the ones with the best resistance. Same with bacteria and viruses pleb. Look up Peppered Moth. Same thing.

>> No.11772744

Flat earth is no good. Trust me, a spherical earth is verifiable. You will find some support against the theory of evolution. You will find none for a flat earth

>> No.11772798


>> No.11772803

Why does the South always get thrown in with retarded /pol/fags? They are all midwesterners

>> No.11772834
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Um sweetie

>> No.11772848
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>> No.11772866

this is the larpiest thing I've literally ever seen

>> No.11772890

Thinly veiled scientism post. Why would you equate the theory of evolution with technology? What has the theory of evolution given us? If anything it brought up a lot of evil upon this world with the eugenic movement

>> No.11772892

Go read à book instead for Christ sake

>> No.11772900
File: 119 KB, 700x734, 8E33B9C3-3591-460F-8292-BE22D6BFF8DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything it brought up a lot of evil upon this world with the eugenic movement

>> No.11772901

Pretty based picture, is there one for real conferences?

>> No.11772904

/lit/ likes to go on about christianity as if the average believer or church-goer is well-read and intimately familiar with Aquinas, Spinoza etc. Reality is very different. If faith is your thing you shouldn't let it stop you, but don't expect the average person to be above average in literary knowledge just because they believe in God.

>> No.11772918

how much are the clintons paying you to shill their ideology, globie?

>> No.11772935

That's why I only go to based Catholic churches

>> No.11772940


>> No.11773052

no they're soulless

>> No.11773063
File: 111 KB, 804x601, D5C3B8C7-7F44-4C55-BE07-25F4258D6194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s the one for the only conference that matters

>> No.11773069

What’s the source of this image?

>> No.11773117

I suggest you look at some of the claims YEC make. Passing off an idea just because 'le dum dum Christians' is pretty bad.

>> No.11773133

I am a Christian but you are wrong. Artificial selection is making dog breeds for example. We intentionally apply a selective pressure for our benefit.
When old antibiotics don't work anymore or bugs gain pesticide resistance it's caused by human pressure but the process in which the organisms gained resistance is via natural selection.

>> No.11773166

>I'm involved with Catholic Twitter, for example. But I just don't see the point in socializing at church. That's not why you're there. You're there to worship God.
this is autism

stop using "catholic twitter" you retarded larper

>> No.11773238
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Me neither. I'm tired of all these posers who pretend that they are more righteous when they dwell in the same hole we do; next to nazis, illustrated child porn, furries, and republicans.

>> No.11773324

>human beings are artificial
no wonder he doesn't believe in evolution

>> No.11773347

Why does evolution matter in a world with those things though?

>> No.11773366

Because it's proof of progress and not just a fluke that we have all thoes things

>> No.11773401


>> No.11773443

4chan's unending need to be as contrarian as possible on any topic imaginable has led to a bit of an identity crisis where things we used to be contrarian about (god isn't real silly christians) are less obscure. Even something as simple to grasp and replete with evidence as evolution is now too widely accepted to be accepted here
I can't wait for /pol/'s paranoia to eventually go all the way and reject germ theory as a jewish microscope shill operation and fully embrace four humour medical theory so they can all just fucking die

>> No.11773451
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They already think medicine is controlled by jews, so it won't take to long

>> No.11773455

>le /pol/ boogeyman
yep this one is definitely going in the compilation.

>> No.11773459
File: 60 KB, 425x452, our-lady-of-the-rosary1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray your Rosary daily, Anon.

>> No.11773468

You sound like your yellow bile is building up, anon. I'd suggest immediate bloodletting to get back to balance, as much as possible.

>> No.11773583

You have half a point here, but no one is denying evolution or germ theory and it’s not likely to start. These things are of form founding, rather than political ideals or opaque philosophies. There’s contrarianism, but it’s not /pure/ contrarianism. It’s more complicated than that.

>> No.11773644

*of firm foundation

>> No.11773703

So do we have a like technology creating gene that is only getting better? Or is just being a bipedal with cognitive and advanced thought enough to lead to this? Is there just a cutoff to how usefuk evolution even is if a species becomes advanced enough? Why are we the only advanced creatures on the planet currently if evolution is ongoing?

>> No.11773749
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>>they tell me evolution isn't real

It's not. Inferring transgenerational metamorphosis based on aesthetics is embarrassing. Biosemiotics as the Empirical-Analytic vista into Nature as part of the Phenomenal world Ontologically subordinate to the Self is more sensible.

>> No.11773864
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Browse through David Peters' blog, if you have the disposition, by the way. Everything from Darwin to New Synthesis came to be by the same methodology. Peters being wrong is even more disturbing to Biology than him being right.

>> No.11773876

>no one is denying evolution
I live in America, where lots of people are all the time. I'm curious if /pol/ would go as far as to earnestly say they reject evolution, but it's impossible to tell what anyone genuinely believes in that shithole, so I guess they won't earnestly say anything.

>> No.11773890

>Implying liberals are eugenicists
>Completely ignoring the fact that many on the right are actual eugenicists
This is the problem with godless people, they worship the graven image of man and have no quarrels committing unspeakable atrocities to meet such an end.

Am American. Convince me that all of the components of my eye developed from atoms in unison and by mere coincidence. Evolution is retarded.

>> No.11773896

become Catholic

>> No.11773905

Tried, completely unhelpful. Catholics are all duty and/or familial Christians. They have no sincerity and spend basically no time outside of church thinking about it

>> No.11773906

Its a fluke that evolution even created us to the level were at as well

>> No.11773913

m8 are you taking communion without confirmation or catechism?

>> No.11773920

>Realizing not everyone is a standard deviation above the mean
That's life, dude. Though Catholicism is certainly the faith with thorough philosophical and theological dogma, it isn't made so by the normies in the Church.

>> No.11773925

>. They have no sincerity and spend basically no time outside of church thinking about it
Every Catholic I know including the atheist ones spend more time thinking about their religion than they do in Mass. The only people who spend more time in Mass are old ladies who see three a day. Most people don't even show up for Easter and Christmas any more but they all still spend as much time on how we're all going to hell.

>> No.11773926
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>developed from atoms
>in unison
>by mere coincidence
You're making the mistake of arguing against what you've been told evolution is by people who don't understand it, not arguing against what evolution actually is.
I work in a different field of stem so my bio knowledge isn't the best but evolution isn't "a bunch of random shit happened and a monkey gave birth to you." The idea is very gradual change over generations selecting advantageous mutations. These adaptations eventually accumulate enough to make distinct species that can no longer successfully breed with each other.

>> No.11773939

Evolution is the supposed explanation for how formless matter developed into what we see today over billions of years via mutation. You simply cannot have a mutation to create something as complex as an eye out of what was not an eye before. Matter doesn't all of a sudden acquire sensitivity to light, let alone arrange itself in a fashion to perceive images and transmit them to your brain in a coherent way. It sounds plausible if you just don't think about it in detail.

>> No.11773942
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Honest question to people who believe evolution isn't real. Where do dinosaurs and fossils fit into creationism? Iv'e never had it explained to me.

>> No.11773953
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No replies, typical. Cowards.

>> No.11773959
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>If I don't understand how something works, there is no way it possibly could
No evolutionary biologist is making the claims you're attacking, that anything "suddenly" turned from flat skin into a fully functioning eye or that it "arranged itself" magically.
>It sounds plausible if you just don't think about it in detail.
I assure you that many, many people think about it in much more detail than you do every day, and if you could come up with a better theory, you would be lauded as one of the most famous geniuses the world had ever seen.

>> No.11773979

It's not that I don't understand, I just understand that it's a metaphysical problem and a probabilistic one. It's nonsensical.

>> No.11773988

Stop mixing Our Lady with retarded 4chan memes, please.

>> No.11773995

Lol. let me tell you how eyes work. There is a chemical in your photoreceptors called Retinal. It has a specific shape. When a photon from light hits this chemical a molecule chain reaction happens that causes certain neurons to fire. This leads to the brain processing vision. EARLY mutations of this technique require only the retinal to hit by a photon and a mutated protein that uses the retinal to conquer a task. Over MANY generations you get complex vision. at first vision was really only light and dark. Read a fucking biology book, faggot, before you act like you know shit.

>> No.11773999

Bullshit. Every argument you've brought forward has been along the lines of "It just makes no sense." Explain the metaphysical problems plaguing evolution if you're not just backpedaling.

>> No.11774002
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You should pick this up. It'll help you understand the minutiae aspects of how cells and the chemicals inside them work.

>> No.11774128

>people are still using the old eye argument
Lmao next you fucks will say there's microevolution but no macroevolution.

>> No.11774138

they lived at the same time as early humans 5000 years ago.

>> No.11774139

A test by God of your faith in him.

>> No.11775353

To clarify, when I said “anyone,” I really meant any of the people on 4chan. Young people rejecting evolution seems bizarre, and besides mostly I see evolutionary science as a tool to justify racialism, not as something they would deny.

>> No.11775393

This. I can pretty easily imagine, as someone who doesn’t specifically know, how a light sensitive cell could have evolved out of a normal nerve cell. There are amino acids that are light sensitive (three of them) and could cause cascading changes to a larger structure. If the cell is already a nerve cell, the mechanism for communicating this to a larger structure are already in place, and if this cell reproduced, it could create an array which moved towards complex vision. If that array were put into a concave pocket to protect it, it’s another step closer to an eye, and I think you can see where this is going.

>> No.11775434

What about fossils that date back millions of years?

>> No.11775521

billions of years is a lot longer than you think

>> No.11776004

The current theory as it stands cannot explain sexual reproduction. For example, there are no working theories for how gametes have only half the needed genetic material or how male and female sex organs developed simultaneously during the transition from asexual to sexual reproduction.

>> No.11776016

This is a very harsh reality that I'm currently coming to terms with. How has no modern Christian read Kierkegaard or Augustine?

>> No.11776025

1.) the scientist who say that they date back millions of years are only saying that to undermine your faith and spread cultural marxism

>> No.11776035

>You simply cannot have a mutation to create something as complex as an eye out of what was not an eye before.
maybe if you guys keep saying this long enough it’ll be true
jk lol your an retard

>> No.11776052
