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/lit/ - Literature

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11763337 No.11763337 [Reply] [Original]

Britbongs, why is this book being shilled so much? I've even seen it in the Metro for god's sake

>> No.11763462

I must have missed out on all that but it's literally in the title isn't it? Pseudo-profound claptrap that ticks all the boxes of the Grauniad-reading netflix-binging middling crowd.

>> No.11763637
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More like NPC: A Novel!

>> No.11763726

Nominated for the Booker Prize, which probably explains it’s visibility. We had a lovely thread, a couple weeks back, laughing at Rooney’s busted nose.

>> No.11763807

Is a deeply intimate, passionately-unwinding and sexually-explorative reciprocated young love a common enough university experience that it strikes people as normal? Maybe it just makes everyone else nostalgic.

>> No.11763824

yes, the title is always a summary of the themes and ideas of the work and never made by the editors to sell more books.

>> No.11763841

>tfw you graduated kissless

>> No.11763963

never heard of it so i googled it
first results:
>How Sally Rooney became millennial fiction's most important voice
>Sally Rooney teaches us millennials should be written about, not ridiculed
good grief she sounds awful

>> No.11763971

I don't understand how people can network to get a job and not do basic human interaction with other students.

>> No.11764182

You'll get them with that mate

>> No.11764192

>Sally Rooney teaches us millennials should be written about, not ridiculed

The fuck does this mean. Aren't millenials like 40 now

>> No.11764201

Kek and thats why people ridicule millenials

>> No.11764209

>why is a publisher advertising their book so much

>> No.11764217

>a publisher only has one book for sale
The question is why this bitch

>> No.11764220

I'm not mocking people.
Like, you might study in a college with 5% women, and be unlucky and stuff, I wouldn't be shocked if it happened to someone. But complaining online makes it sound like they don't know how to, but they competed and got inside high demand fields? Isn't that weird? What scenario makes you like that? It's a cool topic.

>> No.11764231

Publishers can only give a massive push to certain books. They obviously think this has massive potential to make a good return.

>> No.11764530

Yes because a title has never been unintentionally apt mate. Is it edgy to point out that a popular book is middlebrow and is getting disproportionate attention because it is a bit deeper than the rest of the fiction bestsellers or is even commenting on popular things too trite to begin with?

>> No.11764544

partially this >>11764231
and they also pushed other books, this one worked. you don't look at a gift horse in the mouth when you're a dying industry.

nah, but it is adolescent to focus on the title for an argument.

>> No.11764586
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>A Novel

>> No.11764626

It wasn't the main argument, it was that this type of book has a broader appeal to a certain portion of the public who still read books in some capacity. Also this isn't the Paris Review it's 4chan.

>> No.11764673

>that 40 year old millenial

>> No.11764753

In my case im taking electrical engineering, the course only has about 25 women in 150 people, which 70% of thoose already have a Bf. The total population of the university makes about 45% women. Despite only being on my 2nd year, I already have pretty high chances to graduate and still be a KHV, since my course has little women and i find it really hard to make friendships whith people out of my course and University parties arent really my thing desu senpai despite also going to some sometimes.
Its not very hard to understand, i can make friends and interact with people i know well, but its kinda hard to do it so with women.

>> No.11764811

have you tried with hobbies?
It's hard during most of college, but if you make some time to learn something minor you like you can meet people in the way and it will help you once you have a steady job and real free time.
Like, I have a friend who got inot book binding. I don't get it at all, but he spends hours making his own books and is super proud about it. He took a few classes, met people, formed a group around doing that. It's MUCH better than parties unless you are into that game stuff and like being rejected until you score some borderline rape.

>> No.11765072

I havent really tried "hobbies" that require me to get out and interact with people desu, im not really good at any sports besides swimming, (5'2ft tall and skinny).
And i came i also came back to reading recently, so i still think im too much of a pleb to join in any literature club as of right now.

It also seems a little bit too late to try to look for women after university, most of them already have bf and the single ones are often times single because they are hard core clubers, that really arent my thing.