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/lit/ - Literature

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11760504 No.11760504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you listen to anything when you read
I’m sure some jazz would be cool

>> No.11760541

I listen to audiobooks while I'm reading

>> No.11760545

>pop a xanax
>turn on some steely dan
>run a hot bath
this is how you /lit/

>> No.11760546

>wet books

>> No.11760569

Based newshitter

>> No.11760576
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>> No.11760586
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1510114496090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music and harmony is its own thing and it deserves all your attention on its own time. Same with books. There's time enough for both in their own order if you just stop wasting time with [insert preferred degeneracy here]

>> No.11760626

The less I hear while reading the better. Any sound, especially speech, divides my attention away from the contents.

>> No.11760635

I only listen to brown noise while reading. Even in a completely silent room I would prefer to put brown noise on.

>> No.11760643

how about the brown note

>> No.11760688

I've been reading and writing lately to the "classical" music of the Romantic period. Stuff like this gets me going.


>> No.11760695

Next time you think of a joke, consider if 100 percent of the other people in the world would make that same joke. If that is the case then what are you really offering? Did you think you were being clever? Did you think you just gleaned some dynamic take on my post that no one else would? Do you think you just manipulated my words in a way that only the top comedic minds only could? Your world play belongs in the sandbox. Utterly amateur. You think a few people are going to reply to your post with golden lels and a barrage of "keks"? You think this epic original post of yours is gonna hit the top ranks of r/4chan? This post is gonna get screencapped and posted over the years, cementing you in 4chan history? I bet you have a tab open on r/4chan right now, awaiting the submittal. Did you giggle to yourself when you made this post. Hehe, I think like other people! Hahaha 2 plus 2 equals 4. I did it. I'm a person. I draw obvious conclusions!

>> No.11760706

Jazz is the SHITTIEST genre of music. I'd rather listen to nigger hip hop rap shit and I fucking LOATHE that garbage.

>> No.11760721

i love it when you get all tsundere on me, you're such a card anon

>> No.11760755

ambient music goes well with reading

>> No.11760766
File: 150 KB, 258x449, 1510868273393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google search a section of this
>it's not pasta

>> No.11760771

usually extreme metal

>> No.11760777


>> No.11760783

i listen to instrumental music of various kinds. anything with lyrics and vocals distracts me from reading, but instrumental music on the other hand prevents me from being distracted by background noises

to the person who said music deserves its own dedicated time and attention, i agree, but I don't think there's anything wrong with ALSO using music in other ways

>> No.11760838

BAROQUE kino only for me

>> No.11760869

mainly ambient/dark ambient music

>> No.11760929


>> No.11760933

rain sound ambiance, especially like the ones where you can hear the raindrops hit a window

>> No.11760936

THIS is gonna get screencapped

>> No.11760951


>> No.11760962

For me, as long as the music is fitting, and there isn't any audible conversation or voices, it works for me. I don't often listen to music while reading, maybe I should.

>> No.11761111

I use the app ASoftMurmur when I read. It's just the sound of rain, which i find helps me focus and also sets a nice mood. Rainy Mood is another popular app for this.

>> No.11761254


>> No.11761325

dark/cool jazz
also >>11760869

>> No.11761349

I put this on and crank it to max.

>> No.11761357

People like this god tier anon are the reason i still frequent the chan. The more I see, the more I feel like it's just a few people who make all the shit I truly love. What I love about it is that I'll never know.

Sending you peace and happiness anon.

>> No.11761368

It's knowing that there's at least one person like you that just gives me hope for the future.

Reproduce and share your wisdom anon we need more like you.

>> No.11761705
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, 1536257781316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any kind of music distracts me from reading