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File: 29 KB, 350x510, SatanicBibleOldFrontCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1175771 No.1175771 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/. I don't usually lurk here, but I thought that this would be the place to ask.

I've read about LaVeyan satanism on Wikipedia, and I want to learn more. However, the library in my town does not have any books by LaVey. Should I bother buying any of his books, especially the Satanic Bible? While I do not approve of everything I have read so far about satanism on Wikipedia, there is much that appeals to me.

ITT: Discuss LaVey's books.

>> No.1175781


>> No.1175786

i have the satanic bible, and it's filled with interesting ideas and concepts. i wouldn't say its an actual religious text by any means, but i definitely enjoyed reading it.

>> No.1175789
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i think you should grow up and real big boy's books

>> No.1175791

The Satanic Bible is definitely a good read. What do you not approve of that you've heard?

>> No.1175806

Reading the Satanic Bible can't hurt but Lavey wasn't exactly an intellectual heavyweight.
He seems mostly concerned with denunciating hypocrisy which is normally a worthy fight. But then, shouldn't a satanist embrace hypocrisy if it serves his goals?
In other words, sometimes he reads surprisingly moralistic.

>> No.1175807


It's how some things are formulated. Referring to masturbation as "magic" seems a bit off. But I find interest in the philosophy in general, which is why I want to learn more.

>> No.1175812

>too intellectual to discuss anything

Its a bit ironic, don't you think

(in before someone says I used the concept of irony incorrectly)

Never read it OP. Something i'd be interested to learn about, but probably just stick to cliff notes. I don't care enough to read a whole book about it though.

>> No.1175820

I'm handing in an assignment on this in a week's time. Is there anything I should include that is -not- stated on Wikipedia? There aren't by chance any satanists lurking here?

>> No.1175824

You should read about chaos magic. It's basically about destroying your believe system so you can afterwards use any idea that suits your goals. Sure, a lot of it is nonsense but I like the way occultists treat philosophy as a way of life and not only as a thought experiment.
Phil Hine might be the most accessible, Austin Osman Spare the most interesting.

>> No.1175836

The Satanic Bible is just watered-down Nietzsche with some occultism slopped into it. If you're curious about the "philosophy" espoused in the book, you'd be better off reading Nietzsche. If you're merely interested in worshipping Satan, you should probably just read "Paradise Lost" or, if that's too difficult, sell your soul.

>> No.1175839

Just read the Harry Potter and Twilight novels if you want Satanism for the modern times.

>> No.1175852
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really? ....really?

>> No.1175862


Chaos magic is very interesting. I don't actually believe in the magic part(but admittedly I've done a little Morrison masturbation magic just to see), but the ideas it has about belief are definitely worth checking out.

And the Satanic Bible, pretty much what >>1175836
said. Take any selfish, uber-individualistic philosophy, add a little ritual and mysticism to it, and you've got LaVeyan Satanism.

>> No.1175866

OK, I can tolerate the marxists but wtf is this shit. I know you people aren't all 13 years old, and I doubt you're trolling so..wtf.

>> No.1175990

There's nothing actually occult in the book, though. In fact, it even admits to all of the rituals being "mental-motivation" (believe it will happen, and it will).

>> No.1176022
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The Satanic Bible's alright but I'd recommend instead Aleister Crowley. Similar mindset but Crowley's a much deeper thinker.

>> No.1176156
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Real deep.

>> No.1176204
File: 18 KB, 287x374, Anton_LaVey_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think LaVey was a bit of a nut, personally, and I consider myself a Satanist. The idea of LaVey -- a wise old man who has seen the world for what it is and isn't afraid to denounce hipocrisy -- is worthy of notice, but the man himself tends to ramble and send mixed messages in The Satanic Bible.

I own a copy of the work to which OP inquires (The Satanic Bible,) and I believe that the books of Fire and Wind are pretty cool guys. Earth and Water (dealing heavily with supposed "magic") seem a bit far out for my tastes, but, as had been stated, LaVey pointed out his own doubts of the existence of paranormal miracles and the like.

I tend to stray from the original topic when I type too long (lol, 4chan rite?) so I'll just say: OP, don't buy the book if you can't shell out ~$10 for a half decent read. Otherwise, DO IT FAGGOT!

>CAPTCHA: "morality borght"

You said it, captcha. Hahahahaha...

>> No.1176488

LaVey is a faggot, just look at him with a fucking snake and shit. His philosophy is just simple rational egoism (which he just picked up from rand and others), with a bunch of rituals and 'magic' thrown in to appease the lovers of the occult and fat goth teenagers. The whole "satanism" name was just a ploy to attract attention. If you want to learn about egoism, read Marx Stirner's the ego and it's own, it's a highly influential philosophical work which is the key text for egoist philosophy.

>> No.1176869

Very good read, and why don't you just try reading the pdf before you buy??

>> No.1176872

How can you live in Western society and embrace Satanistic thoughts?

I just don't get it. You are ALL ethnic Judeo-Christians. Rebellion is fine for young teenagers, but the requirements of this site are 18 or older. You are therefore not Satanists. Please stop trolling.

>> No.1176880


>> No.1176887

That's nice. I'm serious.

Anyone willing to give my message a serious thought can answer as well.

>> No.1176888

just download it, it's nothing special
a lot of stuff ripped off from might is right too, pretty blatant plagiarism
most likely he was just in it for easy money, which pretty much suits his ideas

>> No.1176913
File: 25 KB, 490x322, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're serious? Everyone who lives in Western society is automatically an "ethnic Judeo-Christian"? The fuck? That doesn't even make sense. But even if that were true, then that still doesn't explain why they can't follow a certain philosophy.
Satanism as symbolic egoism arose in Western society from Western philosophy.
Even if Satanism were non-Western, your argument wouldn't work unless you are also saying that those living in Western society cannot adhere to non-Western ideas.

The philosophy of Satanism contradicts their (non-existent) ethnicity? I don't even

You have to be trolling.

>> No.1176927

>That doesn't even make sense.

Yeah, you proclaiming "That doesn't even make sense" doesn't make it not make sense.

Learn to comprehend words, idiot. I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your retarded post. Post Captain Picard facepalms all you want, it still doesn't justify your willful idiocy.

>> No.1176958

Your non-argument is that a certain Western philosophy is inconsistent with Western society and you reach this conclusion based on the philosophy contradicting a specific strain of backwards mysticism.

Well, I agree completely. From now on, I will help you convince these kids to grow the fuck up.

>> No.1176973

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.1177037

I own and have read the book. The book is more of an angrys mans rant on the world. I agree with most of the nine statements but the book isnt really worth it.

>> No.1177076

dull retard

>> No.1177487


Good suggestion. I should have thought of that. I found the book on pdf after some googling, and I'm reading into it now.

Crowley seemed more interested in the occult and supernatural than what I'm after, as far as I understood the wiki article on him.

>> No.1177504

>read Satanic Bible because from what I read online it doesn't seem full of shit
>first 2/3rds are all atheistic stuff, talking about how there are no deities to worship, worship only yourself, be your own master, etc, etc
>"mhhh this Satanism thing is alright"
>last 1/3rds are 'infernal names', 'enochian keys' and other bullshit
>what the fuck am i reading

>> No.1177527

From purely an intellectual sense I got more "knowledge" from the gnostic satanism and the anti-cosmic varieties as I was forced to research what religion they were distorting and borrowing from.

LaVey felt silly and it ended up being a retarded rant against Christian society. It felt really dumb when you do get more into the books he wrote.

I read a lot of occult literature over the summer, I don't think I learned much. The Hindu ones were interesting and a few books about the Thugee were nice as well.

>> No.1177532

As a non theistic, "satanist" (the term is in poor taste I'd say) I consider the book to be somewhat ridiculous. It's theatrics and never makes the attempt to hide that fact. It's a fashion, a scene. There's nothing in that book that you don't already know. It is good for a laugh though.

>> No.1177560

I liked the first book of the satanic bible. It was when it started to talk about magic that I severely lost interest.

>> No.1177585

Basically grow up

>> No.1177590
File: 9 KB, 224x225, haters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure is haters and trolls in here.
/mu/: "Grow up and listen to better music"
/lit/: "Grow up and read some better books"

>> No.1177594

It is contradictory in it's condemnation of religious pomp and uselessness while also advocating rituals and hanging out in 'grottos'.
It's commandments are interesting but arbitrary. Basically if you have some measure of accord with the ideas in the book, you don't need to be part of a religion in the first place.
Apart from that it's fine to read.

>> No.1177595

I think perhaps your understanding, of what a satanist is, night be a little skewed.