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11756951 No.11756951 [Reply] [Original]

>quadrillions of balls of light and energy populating a black void
>something as familiar as relaxing in a hammock on a summer afternoon exists side-by-side with the eternal Mystery
>people think nothing matters and everything is boring

where did it all go so, so wrong?

>> No.11756964

Right before >reality

>> No.11757363
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It makes sense that people are psycholgically dissatisfied with scientific explanations. As fascinating as they may be, it is in our nature to project ourselves onto the rest of existence... The notion of a universe with intention, values and personality is both comfy and dramatically appealing to us at a subconscious level. Even if that weren't so, the great majority of people don't have the mental capacity to truly appreciate the wonders of the universe.

Combine that with the tendency of modernity to degrade us in important ways (disconnection from nature & community, lack of mental/physical challenges) and disastrous social trends (feminism, postmodernism, political correctness).

People are having magic and their traditional roles taken from them, and in return they get to be good little passive economic units. No grand ambitions, no comfy trad community (for most), no connection to a worthy human trajectory, just 'muh equality' and bland, stultifying culture.

>> No.11757386

We need to go to space.

One of us needs to break through this mire of mediocrity and dissatisfaction. Take a man to Mars, maybe. It could break many others free, free to look up to the sky once again.

>> No.11757500

Contrived appeals for people to marvel and wonder at the universe don't inspire actual wonder - they make the universe banal, just turn Existence Itself into another lame popsci fad. There is room for both awe and ennui in the human experience, and you can't force either of them.

>> No.11757604

>quadrillions of balls of light and energy
read up on quantum mechanics and priority monism

>> No.11757671

Literally pointless, this obsession with going to a place that could not possibly be more inhospitable obscures the real issue that we don’t appreciate the earth for the absolute miracle it is

>> No.11757689

t. soul weighed down by gravity

>> No.11757701

We must turn the inhospitable into hospitable, or else this absolute miracle will be wrecked into a climate-fucked, overpopulated garbage dump. Then we'll have nowhere to live.

>> No.11757702

Its "God" experiencing himself.

>> No.11757743

Well then we better work on getting our shit together or resign ourselves to the inevitable because feasible space colonization isn’t happening anytime soon.

>> No.11757764

>dude the MYSTERY of life lmao
>isn't it crazy how complex it all is, I mean woah like I exist but I'm also a bunch of particles that exist and I can cook a pizza that's particles as well and pepperonis are like cosmoses which are like children's birthday cakes
you have to have lived an extremely sheltered to life to think this level of optimistic pseudo-religious reductionist drivel
nonexistence > existence

>> No.11757768
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I know, right.

Frankly, I'm not holding my hopes up for the future in any way at all. By the time we wake up to the need for spreading out, it'll already be far, far too late.

>> No.11757801

existence by definition is unremarkable

>> No.11757823

I agree anon, grand projects are important.

Not pointless, it is inspiring. Eventually we must become space-faring if we want to decrease the probability of being wiped out. It could inspire technologies which otherwise might not (or take longer to) arise... Imagine how earth-borne life might further evolve in space habitats or on other planet. It's not antagonistic to appreciating earth, what a sillyhead you are.

Indeed, so we should stop fueling the African population boom with foreign aid and stop bringing fecund immigrants into white countries. Some population contraction would be healthy. I dunno what to do about India and China though... They'll be a blight.

Wow that's edgy. You really would've rather not existed?

>> No.11757827

>I dunno what to do about India and China
Provoke them into waging war to weed off population. Their simple, savage minds will be easy to manipulate. With luck, they will even bring nukes to bear against one another.

It should be a sight to see from Europe or America.

>> No.11757849 [DELETED] 

Wow that's edgy. You really would've rather not existed?
with all my heart

>> No.11757878

go on...

>> No.11757883


existence by definition isn't anything

>> No.11757898

>Able to lay in hammock and contemplate the mystery of the world.
>Chooses to bitch about abstractions online.

You are the problem here. Stop being a baby and share the wonder.

>> No.11757904

it's impossible, all you can do is make it resonate with people who are already there, else you get pseuds like this: >>11757764

>> No.11757916
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Or from space ;)

>> No.11758171

>existence by definition isn't anything
existance is is-ing
you're saying is-ing isn't
you're retarded

like this anon

>> No.11758192

lol trying to discursively define existence instead of remaining silent

>> No.11758204

silence is just another mode of discourse like any other

>> No.11758216

silence is the condition of possibility for discourse ya pseudnugget

>> No.11758218

>read up on quantum mechanics
no one who says this has ever followed his own advice

>> No.11758222

>bro like let’s just go to a different place lol
Sad how narrow-minded such materialism is. It’s like shallow rich youths who “travel the world” to “gain some life experience” and “find themselves”. Going to a different place doesn’t mean becoming a different person.

>> No.11758237

Based trips-poster

>> No.11758239

This thread went full JRE

>> No.11758240

in choosing not to choose you still have made a choice

>> No.11758242

Java runtime environment?

>> No.11758246


According to Parmenides:

It's all in the eyes of a dreamer
It's all in the eyes of a man
All the things that we've done in life
And all the things that we've planned

Can the world be sad as it seems
Where are man's hopes
Where are man's dreams
Aw the eyes of a dreamer
In the eyes o' the man

All the songs, have been sung
And all the saints, have been hung
The wars and cries have been wailed
And all the people have been jailed

The world it's yours my friend
It's yours to begin or to end
Oh the eyes of a dreamer
In the eyes of the man

Take nothing from nothing brother
And it's all just the same
For the loser is the winner
And there ain't no blame
It's just the end of the game

The moment, is ever constant in the mind
Everywhere I look the blind lead the blind
Here's your chance to step out of time
There ain't no reason and there ain't no rhyme

For the trouble you bring is the trouble you bring
And a thing is a thing just a thing is a thing
In the eyes of a dreamer
It's in the eyes of a man

It's all in the eyes of a dreamer
It's all in the eyes o' the man
All the things that you've done in life
And all the things that you plan

Is the world, as sad as it seems
Where are your hopes
Where are your dreams
In the eyes of a dreamer
All in the eyes of the man
And you are the man

>> No.11758247

Joe Rogan Experience

>> No.11758248

what preceded the first choice?

>> No.11758259

a choice that eradicates the necessity of choice

>> No.11758262

>As fascinating as they may be, it is in our nature to project ourselves onto the rest of existence...
We are "the rest of existence". We are our perception, our knowledge is in our perception, we can't leave it.

>> No.11758266

>the eradication of choice necessitates choice
nice try

>> No.11758268

culmination != eradication

>> No.11758271

the desire to end desire is only another desire until desire as such is uprooted.

>> No.11758274
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choice is an illusion nibba
rush is good shit tho

>> No.11758286
File: 187 KB, 1262x709, NPCsglowininthedark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 30 year old boomer who spouts new age platitudes
also I think I messed up the lyrics but I'm glad someone got it
also Cygnus X-1 is the best rush track(s)
desire undone by desire is desire fulfilled , tributary to and an extension of the aforementioned

>> No.11758295

>desire undone by desire is desire fulfilled , tributary to and an extension of the aforementioned

desire desires only its fulfillment, and that fulfillment is precisely its self-extinction.

>> No.11758327

If you're talking metaphorically, I agree. Technically though, you can't know the extent of existence or how much of 'you' there is that you can't perceive. The projection I was talking about appears to be subconscious for most people.

>> No.11758387

yeah it's "if you choose not to decide..."
Cygnus is epic. Have to admit my favs are less trippy in nature working man/the twilight zone.

>> No.11758395

When you spend your whole life learning the whole is just the parts working together, and that those parts are really just another whole made of even smaller parts and so and so and so... you end up with nothing. What made humanity so successful materially has also brought it to its knees spiritually

>> No.11759263
File: 38 KB, 485x443, 1534591931496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claim to be scientist
>"I will now explore nature and classify it"
>go out exploring nature
>find a rock
>find a tree
>find some dirt
>"Everything is hard, and some of it is heavier. Maybe the nature of all things is hardness. I will call it matter. All I have found so far is matter."
>find some water
>find partible plants
>"I see. Some things are not hard, but flowing and yielding, or divisible. Is this still matter, or some new second thing? On closer observation, dirt, trees, and rocks are also partible and yielding. Perhaps all things are matter differently organized?"
>reflect on the medium of air
>"Matter can even be invisible to my eyes, because it is too small or too diffuse. So far all I have found is matter: matter can be hard, or yield, or be partible and even be recombined. But it is passive and inert. It is predictable and obeys laws."
>find animals
>finds other people also investigating the world
>"Is this more matter? It is partible and divisible, but it reacts to me, as if it is doing to me what I was previously doing to matter. And now that I reflect on myself, I find that I am something different from the matter too."
>Good scientist: "I wonder what this 'thing' is that 'I' am, and that other animals 'are', distinct from the matter that adheres to them or that is their vessel? Now that I think of it, what are the 'laws' obeyed by matter? Are they also made of matter, or of some other 'thing'? That doesn't seem to make sense.. This is difficult for me to think about, having mostly encountered matter. I will have to expand the domain of my inquiry and refrain from knee-jerk assumptions."

>> No.11759284

absolutely based explication of true Science rather than what Paul referred to as "science falsely so called."

>> No.11759419

b a s e d

>> No.11759491

but does the matter that you call simply a vessel (for the 'human' or the 'animal') not react just as predictably as inert matter, only incomprehensibly more complex?

>> No.11759493

>where did it all go so, so wrong?
social critique

>> No.11759532

What has a concept of predictability/causality/necessity is itself not completely determined by it