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11756330 No.11756330 [Reply] [Original]

>book starts out with a relatable "loser" character (at least by the views of society)
>"character development" happens
>character no longer relatable

>> No.11756974


>> No.11756978

Maybe you should take the hint

>> No.11756988

>Character becomes successful
>No longer loves his friens from before he was successful
This was the saddest part of my diary Q_Q

>> No.11757048

Kitter, Kitter, ever bold,
Will your courage e'er be fully told?
Your streaming whiskers, flashing teef
With which you've seized the lettuce leaf.
Oh Kitter, Kitter, ever bold,
May your master not see fit to scold,
For Kitter does as Kitters do,
Around an untended bowl or two.

>> No.11757050

jealous desu anon friends are great

>> No.11757072

Razed and bed-pilled

>> No.11757130

>Stoner is touted as a story of a loser
>had a family, dramatic love affairs, stable respectable job

>No Longer Human
>think it's going to be a relate able depressed loser
>ends up being a complete chad

>> No.11757738

This, I want a book about a complete fuck up. All these so-called losers have jobs and love interests.

>> No.11758151

you're still on 4chan, you can't be that successful

>> No.11758163

write a diary

>> No.11758184


Notes from the Underground

>> No.11759169

>picks up The Stranger
>Meursault starts out pretty autistic, expects his character for the rest of the story to be relatable
>effortlessly gets girl, gets invited to beach house by Chad neighbor

>> No.11759323

I was one of the friends left behind in thag made up scenario. I think. I was pretty drunk when I made that post.

>> No.11759354

Oh :(

>> No.11759393
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>thag made up scenario
Grug jealous

>> No.11759536

If it makes you feel any better, it comes from a realish place. I’m feeling alienated from my old frinds group because we used to all be pretty sheltered, but now I drink a lot and smome, and they’re really naggy about that. Not even in a “I’m your friend and care” sort of way, just a “that’s dumb and you’re going to die from smoking a Juul for like 2 years until you graduate college” way. I’m not too cool or successful or anything, I just hate when people don’t want to let me do my own thing and are hypocritical about it. It’s the same reason I don’t get along with people who are actually cool.

>> No.11759596

I didn't see him as autistic. More like numb

>> No.11759613

The catcher in the rye?

>> No.11759615

kit is /lit/

>> No.11759653


>> No.11759671

Define success

>> No.11759732

Yozo could get the woman incredibly well, but I doubt a so called "Chad" would leave the area defeated while a man rapes his wife

>> No.11759753

Yozo only got women because he was canonically really good looking

>> No.11760159

I felt similiar when I read the description on the backside of Pnin, reading loser and professor in one sentence was absolutely bizarre.

>> No.11760244

hes just a kid tho

>> No.11760786

Not bad.

>> No.11760793

You could read a book with the opposite progression, like [Spoiler]Dombey and Son[\Spoiler]

>> No.11760814
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That's the great irony of life OP. You are locked out of enlightenment yet bombarded by tales of it, ever enticing you. The hero's journey ends with you realizing you were not the hero.

>> No.11760819

basiert und gerotpillet

>> No.11760821

Oh youre 19
t. 22 years old

>> No.11760829

youngfags get off my website!

>> No.11762096


Being "a loser" is a mindset. You can be succesful in the eyes of society and still off yourself