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11754297 No.11754297 [Reply] [Original]

any other bipolar e/lit/ists?

>> No.11754347

schizoaffective masterrace -- got mania, depression, and hallucinations / delusions

>> No.11754360

don't use Deleuze to glorify your mental illness.

>> No.11754364

How do you know you're bipolar?

>> No.11754369

are you able to focus on reading with all that going on?

>> No.11754371

yeah, with some other shit as well. stupid fucking brain

>> No.11754389

i'm making fun of myself for dumbass things i've done before, like "interpret" philosophy like a special snowflake who got a secret message from Hegel telling me not to write my thesis & go off my meds

as it turns out Phenomenology of Spirit was more of a letter written ~just for me~

every symptom checked, classical type I -- even the more obscure indicators, like being sick / lots of allergic reactions as a kid. llithium mysteriously removes symptoms.

>> No.11754402

luna if you are in this thread your writing is shit and you look like a man

>> No.11754429

i was obviously kidding by saying masterrace, and the meme in OP seems pretty ironic so dunno if any glorifying is being done, although i do believe that having an atypical brain allows for certain atypical insights -- tho one might argue that the typical insights of the typical mind are superior
couldn't read while i was psychotic or rather thought everything linguistic was an occult alien hieroglyph interfacing directly with my mind but am happily medicated now
>i'm making fun of myself for dumbass things i've done before, like "interpret" philosophy like a special snowflake who got a secret message from Hegel telling me not to write my thesis & go off my meds
>as it turns out Phenomenology of Spirit was more of a letter written ~just for me~
lmao, same, 2011+PoS+Ecrits+C&S+Bible+McKenna+LSD broke my brain

>> No.11754479

How did the "broken" in broken brain expresses itself?

>> No.11754912

>thought everything linguistic was an occult alien hieroglyph interfacing directly with my mind but am happily medicated now
It was like swimming in some sort of strange symbolic matrix.

Rimbaud has a visionary quote which relates:

>My turn now. The story of one of my insanities.

>For a long time I boasted that I was master of all possible landscapes and I thought the great figures of modern painting and poetry were laughable.

>What I liked were: absurd paintings, pictures over doorways, stage sets, carnival backdrops, billboards, bright-colored prints; old-fashioned literature, church Latin, erotic books full of misspellings, the kind of novels our grandmothers read, fairy tales, little children's books, old operas, silly old songs, the nave rhythms of country rimes.

>I dreamed of Crusades, voyages of discovery that nobody had heard of, republics without histories, religious wars stamped out, revolutions in morals, movements of races and continents: I used to believe in every kind of magic.

>I invented colors for the vowels! - A black, E white, I red, O blue, U green. - I made rules for the form and movement of every consonant, and I boasted of inventing, with rhythms from within me, a kind of poetry that all the senses, sooner or later, would recognize. And I alone would be its translator.

>I began it as an investigation. I turned silences and nights into words. What was unutterable, I wrote down. I made the whirling world stand still.

[. . .]

>The worn-out ideas of old-fashioned poetry played an important part in my alchemy of the word.

>I got used to elementary hallucination: I could very precisely see a mosque instead of a factory, a drum corps of angels, horse carts on the highways of the sky, a drawing room at the bottom of a lake; monsters and mysteries; a vaudeville's title filled me with awe.

>And so I explained my magical sophistries by turning words into visions!

>At last, I began to consider my mind's disorder a sacred thing. I lay about idle, consumed by an oppressive fever: I envied the bliss of animals - caterpillars, who portray the innocence of a second childhood, moles, the slumber of virginity!

>My mind turned sour. I said farewell to the world in poems something like ballads:

>> No.11754920

sickle cell up in here, been on pain killers since I was born lol mental illnesses are white people problems

>> No.11754934

Funny how more schizos are blackbthan whitd then, eh?
