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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.1175381[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a book which has

Rage against the society
Smart main character
Rebellion, Actions against the rules or something like that
nothing too idealized, i'm just looking for a reading

pic unrelated :(

>> No.1175396

Anything written by a self righteous 16 year old boy.

>> No.1175392

Oh wow, a book about an edgy teenage faggot! saged

>> No.1175405

V for Vendetta

oh wait, it's a comic book

>> No.1175410

The Loneliness Of The Longdistance Runner

>> No.1175430
File: 99 KB, 422x589, the_catcher-in_the_rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kind of an unknown book, but you might like it

>> No.1175443

Atlas Shrugged

The Fountainhead

>> No.1175511

why so much hate, i enjoy reading stuff like that
it makes me feel like my life is ok

>> No.1175514

Brave New World
blah blah blah edgy dark defeatist blah blah blah


>> No.1175576

thanks for the titles i'll peak them

is there something written in the last decade or something?

>> No.1175588

Though Bernard is pretty smart, he's the only one I can really remember offhand besides that poet dude that he's friends with.

And Winston wasn't really a smart dude either. Yeah I mean he wasn't a prole but still, he's probably pretty average by our own country's standards.
I wouldn't really call Holden a genius or anything. I mean he's not dumb but he's not particularly smart.

>> No.1175596

>mfw fight club

>> No.1175602

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

>> No.1175603

Bend Sinister, by Nabokov.

The main character is a professor, that should qualify as smart.

>> No.1175613

Brave new world didn't really revolve around one character. It was more about the civilization then the tribulations of the people in it.

In 1984, the populations was purposefully made ignorant by manipulating the spoken language and depriving them of intellectual stimulation. So of course the main character wasn't smart.

Doesn't mean that these books aren't worth reading.

>> No.1175630
File: 13 KB, 336x290, damonorly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone else has read Bend Sinister and recommends it.

You're good with almost all of Nabokov's novels in that case, though. They usually deal with somewhat intelligent characters (usually of specialized rather than practical knowledge that would actually help their situation), and they're all somehow an outsider of typical society. Ones I'm thinking of include Invitation to a Beheading, Ada, Lolita, Despair, The Defense, Pale Fire, and Transparent Things.

>> No.1176222

it's my first time here and i was expecting much more hate than this
anyway, by smart i don't really mean knowledgeable or a genius just not a normal guy wondering around doing nothing that stimulates my curiosity
I've read 1984, i liked it but it lacked of.. personal action? i mean it was more a vision of the author than a story

but, for example.. don't kill me xD
i kinda liked the Lisbeth in character in the millennium trilogy, not the books itself but the character

>> No.1176227

Jesus Christ, OP, I can smell your teen spirit all the way from here.

>> No.1176231

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

>> No.1176271

i'm 20 you're right
still i'm an oppressed teen looking for a better world where to hide and stop thinking about what's going on in my life

>> No.1176434

bumb for more titles