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/lit/ - Literature

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11753517 No.11753517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any literature that expands or explores on /x/‘s concept of NPCs?

>> No.11753527


already posted it in the other thread

>> No.11753544

It is a salutary proceeding that has issue in manifold revelations, while its implications are singularly valuable in the light they throw on the dissolving dream of progressive evolution. As we go back in time we find, during this same period (which, but for the baffling Cro Magnon episode, is all we know of man as man) no weakening of character and power due to a greater nearness to barbarism, but actually an increase. And the same is true of cultures. There is nothing in certain eras in Egypt, Crete and archaic Greece inferior to more recent civilizations; indeed, as I have said before, the inventions, discoveries and accomplishments of man during the five centuries subsequent to the year 4000 B.C. cast quite into the shade our own achievements since the year 1500 A.D. From Imhotep, the Leonardo da Vinci of five thousand years ago, Rameses III and Akhenaten, those great Pharachs, there has been an unbroken and endless list of great men shining in great cultures, that we cannot match today nor could have for some centuries. Judged by the character, capacity and achievements of outstanding individuals (and there is no other way of estimating the quality of any culture ) man, five thousand years ago, stood on as high a level as he has at any time since. Judged by the character, capacity and achievements of the remainder of mankind, whether the undifferentiated mob or those of its component parts that through contemporary opportunity have found themselves in high places, the standard of today is no whit higher than that which obtained in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, Periclean Athens, the Byzantium of Justinian or the Europe of St. Louis.

>> No.11753545

blindsight and echopraxia

>> No.11753546


>> No.11753549

The situation would seem to be something like this. Disregarding for the moment the Magdalenian culture, we find such thousands of years as elapsed between the last ice age and four or five thousand B.C. practically barren not only of the slightest signs of human evolution but also of any vestiges of anything that can rightly be called human. Certain mammals of unpleasant habits, indifferently covered with hair and apparently walking about as erect as some of the larger apes, dwelt untidily in caves and fashioned, as their only mechanical device, arrow-heads out of flint. They were less ingenious than birds or beavers or bees. They were by no means as attractive or highly developed as the deer or the eagle, and they were most clumsily and ineffectively adapted to environment. They were, in a word, an exceedingly nasty tribe and they made no progress whatever so far as their artifacts or interments show, for that space of ten or fifteen thousand years which geologists tell us lasted from the extinction of the Cro Magnons down to the opening of the Neolithic Age. I contend that these unhandsome and inferior creatures were not men at all, and that if man had existed before, as he undoubtedly had if the Magdalenian culture was really an event of some twenty thousand years ago, then man is the product of recurrent intervals of creative vigour in the elan vital, episodes of brief duration with long periods between when man, as man, is non-existent. In a word, then, our own human era had its beginnings in the Neolithic period, say eight or ten thousand years ago, and after a period of accumulating energy, suddenly burst into complete achievement within a space of a very few hundred years, no more perhaps, than has elapsed in our own case since the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. And before that, as far back as the last occupancy of the caves of Altamira, there simply was nothing human, just a repulsive type of animal, very inferior to pretty much all the rest of creation.

>> No.11753567

Is /x/'s concept of NPC's basically p zombies?

>> No.11753572
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You're putting too much thought into it, just call people who disagree with your real life's headcanon spiritless, bots, zombies, bugmen, NPCs etc. lots of choices really.

>> No.11753576

Honestly NPCs are usually good people. Growing up half of the people i was friends were clearly operating on a purely instinctual level and those sort of people are fro my experience better, happier people. They wear their heart on their sleve, everything they do is genuine and they dont have a mean bone in their body.

Its the thinking man who wants to destroy, lie, steal, cheat, betray. The conscious mind is the evil mind

>> No.11753580

Shut up Hamlet

>> No.11753594

Whites are soulless I agree