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11752485 No.11752485 [Reply] [Original]

what is there to be done about the manchild problem? suggested literature about this problem?

>> No.11752488
File: 63 KB, 278x259, 1533303441463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm absolute bottom left and like K and Shinji

>> No.11752512

>what is there to be done about the manchild problem?
This biggest sign that you're a manchild is that you making sweeping generalizations about demographics in society and make it a personal mission to fix their perceived wrongs. Strong signs of delusion and narcissism for you to imagine yourself spearheading some kind of cultural restoration. Most likely how some serial killers are made.

>> No.11752520

>This biggest sign that you're a manchild is that you making sweeping generalizations about demographics in society and make it a personal mission to fix their perceived wrongs
(not true, by the way)

>> No.11752521

>Big Boss
>Luke Skywalker
>Left wing

Workable concept, lacks execution

>> No.11752530

Based and redpilled. Fantastic answer. I would just like to say to op that adults being infatuated with fiction is not new. What is new is the ways to express online and such. Stop thinking you're superior because you've pointed out the most surface level issue in society.

>> No.11752540

Maybe stop posting political memes, the pinnacle of manchild entertainment.

>> No.11752557
File: 233 KB, 1243x650, nazi soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11752577

We force everyone over the age of 18 to read nothing but 1970s New York fiction

>> No.11752677

Idk my dude, we should begin by making an actual non meme definition of what a man child is, but that's one herculean task too many for threads like these.

>> No.11752692

Shouldn't it be skullface bottom right? His plan was literally McNukes. And venom should be top left.

Unless this is how people in those areas perceive the characters

>> No.11752717
File: 16 KB, 561x632, shoop_da_whoop_lazer_by_masterhaloguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11752742

You clearly don't understand the image the OP posted. All it's saying is that there are manchildren on left and on right.

>> No.11752749

Lol try in in two sentences instead of just saying "it's to big and complex for you to get anyways". If your time was worth anything you wouldn't be spending it here.

>> No.11752753
File: 137 KB, 439x519, 1534645269955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11752802

What's so bad about right wing from the pic?

>> No.11752824

I'm just mad cause my friends ditched me today desu

>> No.11752910 [DELETED] 

What would Adorno say about the onions phenomenon?

>> No.11752925

What would Adorno say about the onions phenomenon?

>> No.11752936

I don't think Adorno would make it through one day in today's world without hanging himself, desu

>> No.11752937


OP is kinda right though.

>> No.11753393
File: 143 KB, 898x617, 1535849250211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the patriarchy has to come back to fix this. It's not just a manchild problem, look at how cucky and soft many older guys are. Women are out of control and men have lost their roles (I have nothing against women, but they need to be constrained for the good of all). The sexes are losing their telos and being reduced to passively consuming economic units.

>> No.11753408

blue and cringepilled

>> No.11753438

Firing squads, same as the roastie problem.

>> No.11753462

what do you think the telos of each sex actually is?

>> No.11753470

I don't know what's satire and what's reality anymore.

>> No.11753482

>left-wing characters are shallow and badly-written
>right-wing characters are deep and complex
Hit the nail on the head there OP.

>> No.11753528

a big part of the infantilization of people is our entire idea of childhood as a seperate part of life where one is expected to be what we consider "childlike" which are irresponsibility, immaturity, emotional weakness, idiocy, servility, docility, etc but all of a sudden are expected to abandon these qualities and take on more mature qualities at a certain age. its no wonder that how people behave and act during the majority of their development will shape them for the rest of their lives.

>> No.11753557

seems like you guys are just bullying nerds

>> No.11753736
File: 61 KB, 416x481, IMG_4196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shinji the homo is right wing
>Luke SkyWalker the saviour of the galaxy through an ancient religion is left wing