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/lit/ - Literature

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11751822 No.11751822 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise there really is no site better than /lit/

>> No.11751831


>> No.11751838

ads are pretty gay yes

>> No.11751990

The real world is better

>> No.11752044


>> No.11752050
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>> No.11752059

It's a great place tbqh. Not glamorous but I can waste my evenings here without feeling too bad about it since at least I'm doing some critical thinking.

>> No.11752081


>> No.11752090

delusional people aren't allowed here

>> No.11752312

/asp/ knows more about its subject than any other board on 4chan. Try to make up some bullshit there about an obscure wrestler you think no one has ever heard of. I guarantee you some nerd will correct you within three posts of the thread.

>> No.11752316


>> No.11752323

a website of nothing but out of focus photos of the literal shit I just took smeared onto pregnant clowns' faces with a comment section flood with indians begging for boob and vagina pics would be a better site than this shithole

>> No.11752330

based discord servers

>> No.11752333

what's up with the meme of pretending to hate some thing you clearly use or participate in on a regular basis?

>> No.11752339
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>> No.11752340

it's called addiction

>> No.11752343

Everyone calling OP an idiot should provide the alternative which is better as proof.

>> No.11752344


>> No.11752345


>> No.11752347

>Hey Anon, did you ever hear of this writer John Greene?

>> No.11752355

Fuck off icycalm

>> No.11752359

Honestly is there any internet forums on literature that have as much of a focus on the classics and philosophy as /lit/ does?

>> No.11752410

doesnt matter. buncha undergrads at most. nobody really knows what theyre talking about

>> No.11752612

yeah where else can I find people who barely read shit outside fiction call me stemfag

>> No.11752618

wow, reddit itself makes me exterminate all of humanity, but this sub... it legit triggered me.
esoteric brainletism at its finest.

>> No.11752649

Yeah, imageboards are peak internet debate, can't deny that.

>> No.11752693

Not even literature. The only other good book discussion I've found is some obscure Italian forum and fucking Kiwi Farms.

>> No.11752911
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It's still a piece of shit. Fuck this place desu

>> No.11752931
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>You will never spend your evenings in a comfy southern european village by the sea, drinking coffee and discussing latin classics with your friends João and Alessandra

>> No.11752939
File: 71 KB, 720x340, antibes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, I am.

>> No.11752947

just leave then you drama queen

>> No.11752950

>The Catholic Church spent $2M to block child-sex law reform. The church spent millions lobbying politicians not to expand the statute of limitations for abuse victims to report crimes. If you give to the Catholic church, you're paying for pedophiles to be protected.

Some good posts actually

>> No.11752953

Sup, BAP?

>> No.11752966

1.autists lie about shit and accusations are just as damaging to normies as actually being convicted (which for this shit is way too lax)
2. from the churches perspective, they feel they are better suited to keep things under control than the government, they have a superiority complex and don't actually want to protect pedos, they want to protect the church, but homosexual cliques and anti-theists make it difficult.

>> No.11752970


>> No.11752971

Utterly clueless post

>> No.11752981

Ugh. Groan Zone.

>> No.11752985

okay pedo

>> No.11752987


Sup. Sadly, I'm not him. His new book is a fun banter to read tho.

>> No.11752997

Pedos=/=homosexual predators larping as priests.

>> No.11753012

>seeing ads
How to spot a homosexual 101

>> No.11753025

>larping as priests
cardinals have been convicted of child abuse. they must be damn good larpers lmao. keep on coping catholicunt.

>> No.11753039

Yes, Benedict went into isolation because he couldn't break up the gay mafia in the church.

The amounts of fags the "greatest generation" sent into the monasteries/priest hood in the 40s-60s in crazy. The church knows it has a serious problem and doesn't want secular anti-theists poking the beehive.

>> No.11753073
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>> No.11753075

post the italian one


>> No.11753104


>> No.11753145
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>> No.11753167

/r/literature is unironically way better

>> No.11753242

Eh. Most of their 'commentaries' on the books that they've read are actually laughably shallow. At least /lit/ knows how clueless it is a lot of the time.

>> No.11753259

It doesn't matter, it's an entry point for intelligent discourse. Effort and thought goes into the posts. Here the closest thing you'll find to a discussion of literature is someone posting a book with "what did i think" and 3 meme replies.

>> No.11753264
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>> No.11753284
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Go back.

>> No.11753315

Not really, if you look at the front page right now, any mildly interest topic has almost no replies, and none very good, while the simple topics have the most but all really banal and similar quality to /lit/ just with less attempts at humor.

>> No.11753330
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Go back.

>> No.11753335


How many of those do you have?

>> No.11753339

bout tree fiddy

>> No.11753379
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l-litpat is way better

>> No.11753472

No, if I did that all of you would go there and ruin it.

>> No.11753494
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Goodreads looks somewhat promising. And if you're living in a city I doubt it's terribly hard to find other pseuds in book clubs etc., but I don't live in a city.
True. But that (high schoolars/undergrads bullshitting) is only the norm, not the full breadth of /lit/. We do have the occasional graduate student and/or passionate obsessive expert on a niche topic.
Based and nuancepilled.

>> No.11753618

is this NTG

>> No.11753626

God I wish that were /lit/

>> No.11753705

What if he's Mexican wrestler?

>> No.11755244


>> No.11755455
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>> No.11756981

Theres a problem with OP’s image. It should be under my thread, but it’s not.

>> No.11757056

desu i think anonymity really helps in realizing the catharsis of being /lit/. it is very powerful and that's what keeps other anons from using other sites. yes we are undergrads but we care and this is our opportunity to do so. i vote we write a book.

>> No.11757396

It's been done before, and dies. If you're willing to bump a post for a few weeks on end(including evading bans), make a google doc and go for it.

>> No.11757425

/lit/ never """discusses"""" anything. People only post "this is wrong", "this is right", and off-handed allusions to more complex ideas in an attempt to appear more knowledgeable than they actually are. No one understands anything, no one actually reads, and everyone is contrarian. This board is a place for name-dropping and circlejerking, and nothing else.