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11751107 No.11751107 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on gnosticism?

>> No.11751156
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>> No.11751381

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures

>> No.11751553


but i'd watch some introdctory vids about it first before diving into those waters.

you can read the gospel of mary and the gospel of thomas in one sitting but you'll just end up more confused than you went in

>> No.11752676

>religion teaches that salvation is only through super secret knowledge that can only be passed down from master to student by word of mouth and is forbidden to be written down
>all practitioners die, millennia pass
>hey what book do I have to read to become a Gnostic?

The absolute state of New Agers.

>> No.11752696

>that can only be passed down from master to student by word of mouth
lol, no.

>> No.11752835


>> No.11752863

>hey here's this secret knowledge
>I'll just write it down lol

I won't resort to insulting your intelligence, Mr Level 98 Ascended Master. I'll just call you I G N O R A N T.

>> No.11752884

Blood Meridian.

>> No.11752915

Why are millenials afraid of actual mysticism/spirituality (Orthodox Christianity) and instead opt for inferior, false and deranged forms of religion it (gnosticism, hinduism) ?

>> No.11752961

I think my local priest summarized it perfectly when I was younger and questioning my faith

>Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta etc. may be interesting, but will only ultimately lead you to Hell.

After that I ditched most of my "deep" eastern books about Tao, Vedanta, Zen and throw them to the trash. Bible is all I need.

>> No.11753067


Wow. Yes. Great summary. Some priest saying "if you read this, you'll go to hell" and you just buy it as if it's absolute fact. How reactionary do you have to be to burn a book because someone tells you it's bad.

>> No.11753116
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>opening yourself up to demons, delusions and prelest on purpose
What could go wrong?

>reading is the danger
practicing is the danger, also the confusion they bring. All gnostics and hindus are thoroughly confused at all times.

>> No.11753129

all of that stuff scares me, even christianity. there is one single myth related to christianity that doesn't scare me and i cling to that, and try not to think about anything else.

I think the most important thing is being at peace and loving. How you achieve that might be different for different people.

>> No.11753139

>I think the most important thing is being at peace and loving. How you achieve that might be different for different people.
True, some people achieve that through repetitive killing and dismembering people.
Peace and Love have to aim at the good and be in accord with God's revelations, otherwise they are bound to pave the way to hell.

>> No.11753158

I don't think you need anything at all to be at peace. The love is in you at all times, you just have to go to it, you could never hurt anyone when in that state. Maybe that is how you guys see God I don't know. I do know thinking about God and metaphysics makes me feel crazy and not peaceful, and I am less good towards people and myself in that state, than when I am in my peaceful state.

And again I am sure it is different for different people. For me that is the only thing I can do that works.

>> No.11753162

>Peace and Love have to aim at the good
Also this I agree with. the good. we all know what that is in a way.

>> No.11753166

But it can't even really be passed from master. the only real way to gian Gnosis is, and always was revelation of some sort. Despite word meaning "knowledge" it is not knowledge in contemporary sense which you can break down to pieces, classify and teach.

>> No.11753192

>thinking about God makes me feel crazy and not peaceful
Then you're thinking about a false God or maybe something in your conscience is eating at you? Or do you overthink things in general and the profundity of God confuses you?

Listen to this for a few minutes and tell me if it makes you feel uncomfortable or what? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tP7Wj3pzJTY

Yes the truth is within us and will set us free. That's why the bible says we are temples for the holy spirit.

>> No.11753196

ive seen this copy pasta before, nice try

>> No.11753202
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It's true either way

>> No.11753213
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There are some interesting ideas in the gnostic texts, but so much of it is bogged down by insane autistic cosmology.
The number one thing that gets me is this assertion that the old testament God, that is the God of Noah, Moses and Abraham, is this so called demiurge ignorant of the higher existence. The gaping contradictions you can reference in the old testament alone, not to mention the clear reverence Jesus has, puts a stop to this crazy group of Christians.

That said, it is not entirely wrong to think of spiritual enlightenment as the result of secret knowledge. If you frame "secret knowledge" as wisdom that an individual must always learn and experience and cannot be easily passed down, then yes, very few people in the history of humanity attain or reach near this spiritual state. The similar ideas of this found in other religions like Buddhism and Hinduism can support this.

>> No.11753238

>Or do you overthink things in general and the profundity of God confuses you?
yes I do, and I will watch your video. I am a pretty broken person, so this is how I have to operate to be ok.

and it could be that the idea I have of God, the vague feeling, is infected with a false conception, and that is the problem. But it is almost deeper than that, it is about trying to understand reality at all, trying to see truth.

it's like trying to see truth at all frightens me, maybe because I have obsessed over it for so long, the immense complexity and ambiguity of all possible metaphysical positions is just overwhelming. and yes listening to that makes me anxious.

when I am very calm, and almost in a state where i am seeing things, then i have a sense of an immense presence somewhere both outside and in me that is pure love and softness, that makes it so taht me and the world are both ok, and together in our okness, and that is the feeling i try to go toward. perhaps that is God, and the idea of God i have has been ruined by various conceptions given to me. I dont know, and i cannot think about it really

>> No.11753747


It does.

>> No.11753754


Well...what could go wrong then?

>> No.11754249

Plotinus 'Against the Gnostics'

>> No.11754292

Could you expand on your point that they all lead to hell? What was your priests rationale?

>> No.11755912

Carl Jung's 7 sermons to the dead are a nice quick-read 101

>> No.11755936

>Bible is all I need.
Not including the writings of the Holy Fathers, Desert Fathers and other saints. Disgusting Protestant.

>> No.11756192

Hans Jonas - The Gnostic Religion

>> No.11756211
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because zoomers are imbeciles.

their search for sacred knowledge outside the Church is a reaction against the Church, not actual seeking. they don't know what they've got because all they see is their dumbass parents tradition and their dumbass local priest's boring sermons. they don't actually understand the beauty and the mystery of Christian philosophy, and that's why they toss it aside for more outwardly mystical nonsense like Buddhism or the like. they have no cultural connection to it but it is strange and therefore promising. in the end, all they will find is the road back to Christ.

>> No.11756231

Sola Scriptura
Do not debate this.

>> No.11756257

christianity is harder in some aspects and western folks don't study true Buddhism, Hinduism or whatever but new age washed bullshit

>preaching with fear instead of love
Doesn't sound very christian to me tho

>> No.11756351

ah yes, christianity, the religion that claims to be based on love but practices based on fear and irrationality

>> No.11756777

Except that's wrong.

>> No.11756860

Our Fathers died over heresy and it was to them a serious matter not sought for trivial reasons.
>We dare not be complacent about confused and erroneous thinking about God, in ourselves or in others. If anybody’s thoughts about God are sufficiently confused and erroneous, then he will fail to be thinking about the true and living God at all; and just because God alone can draw the line, none of us is in a position to say that a given error is not serious enough to be harmful. It is not for us to answer such questions; enough to notice that they arise; and there is no reason to doubt that sometimes a natural theologian’s errors may mean that he does not lay hold of the true God in his mind and heart at all.

>> No.11757401

> implying zoomers have religious parents

>> No.11759215

Christianity is broadly incompatible with my revealed knowledge and personal experience

I would prefer hell to permanent subordination to your idiot god.