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11750911 No.11750911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books for this feeling?

>> No.11750917

My Twisted World

>> No.11750926

mein tagebuch desu

>> No.11750929
File: 33 KB, 330x499, 1532052277640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably just as ugly as that dude. Religion, art, and philosophy are our lot

>> No.11750933

kek, nice cover, assuming it's a joke.

>> No.11750951

What exactly is happening in this webm?

>> No.11750983

Socially awkward unattractive guy tries to join in on a conversation between friends, is ignored/rejected, realizes this, pulls back and is filled with a sense of self-hatred. All in the span of a few seconds.

>> No.11750989


>> No.11750990
File: 54 KB, 633x758, 28fj3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it stop
why the fuck do ugly people like us even exist why couldn't we just have kept not existing forever

>> No.11750994

I wish he'd attempted joining the conversation a second time, just for that extra cringe value.

>> No.11750998

nigga, you dont have to be pretty, just dress well, groom yourself, and carry yourself with dignity and self respect. is that gonna turn you into mr popular chad thundercock? no, but you need more realistic expectations my dude

>> No.11751001

He's not even ugly, just fat and unkempt

>> No.11751002

the rawest example of why life isn’t worth living at all and this planet needs to be glassed

>> No.11751003

the tiger is out

>> No.11751006

>american social life is shit, therefore gas the whole planet

>> No.11751011

Ugliness is simply a manifestation of laziness. The guy in OP would be an order of magnitude more attractive if bothered dressing properly, getting stylish haircut and trendy pair of glasses; an additional order of magnitude if he lost some weight and developed some basic social skills.

>> No.11751019

I bet that random girl, who is probably a "nerd," has 10,000 guys a day wanting to meet her on Tindr

>> No.11751026

I have to agree. The weight, greasy hair, and poor style are holding him back from average.

>> No.11751038

Learning social skills in America is pointless since the average American has no social skills. You'd be overqualified for a job that isn't hiring. Have you ever traveled abroad? Americans always look like retarded babies. Chad and Stacy only seem cool when in their natural habitat. As soon as you take them out of familiar waters the facade falls apart. Ever stayed abroad at a backpackers hostel? You get people from all over the world staying there and they all manage to socialize just fine with each other. Americans are more often then not, the odd ones out. They simply don't actually know how to socialize. They're helpless and infantile. They think doing a lot of socializing is the same as doing it well.

>> No.11751040

True philosophers dedicate themselves to the truth. Truth is beauty. Ugliness - either of thr soul or the body - is therefore a vice.

>> No.11751042

If this man had been two hundred years ago he would have been a simple laborer who believed in God and loved his wife. Today he is a pudgy domesticated clown who is constantly lonely and unhappy and confused and anxious. He seeks out what makes him feel good and only feels worse and worse. He lost before the competition even began and he is too stupid to know it

>> No.11751045
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>> No.11751056

This actually happened in Europe at a speedrun tournament.

Happens at about 7:15 Worth watching through the 8th minute, girl literally physically edges herself further away from the dude.

>> No.11751072
File: 185 KB, 1083x720, 1531539561297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skip to 16:00 too.
Those three huddled together, including the two qt girls, just excluding the poor guy.

>> No.11751079

i'm talking about averages, not every euro is socially skilled, and not every american is clueless. a gamer's tournament is gonna be a magnet for people like that

>> No.11751094

He's not ugly. Just needs a haircut, better clothes, and lose some weight.

>> No.11751101

We observe this self-ignorance very clearly in physically ugly people (we won't speak to ugliness of the soul for now). They are mis-oriented towards the truth; that is, beauty. The dedicate themsevles to falsehood; the cultivation of a persona in an virtual spaces, videogames etc. They neglect the beauty of the true world and the result is ugliness.

>> No.11751102
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Damn, this is awful.

Same with this.

>> No.11751103

>a gamer's tournament is gonna be a magnet for people like that
for cute latina girls in flowing black robes?

>> No.11751110
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>> No.11751116

>The dedicate themsevles to falsehood; the cultivation of a persona in an virtual spaces, videogames etc. They neglect the beauty of the true world and the result is ugliness.

So if you are an ugly person, what kind of hobbies are you supposed to have?

>> No.11751118

why are some women so fucking dumb.
>wear outfit where your boobs are showing
>get offended when a guy looks at your boobs

>> No.11751127

Look how disgusted she looks after talking with him lmao 0:25

>> No.11751137
File: 428 KB, 908x1298, 1536004895053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So if you are an ugly person, what kind of hobbies are you supposed to have?

>> No.11751141

Looks like she wants to piss and had been holding it for some time.

>> No.11751145

True philosophy. Everything else will follow.

>> No.11751147

>that cheeky smile


>> No.11751149

>True philosophy.

Can you elaborate on the "true" part?

>> No.11751151

Lmao I thought seat sniffing was a mytheme

>> No.11751161

The object of true philosophy must be truth (beauty).

>> No.11751168

this exact statement is just as true of pretty people. So in other words it's meaningless to associate superficiality and self-obsession with ugliness

>> No.11751178

These "pretty" people you speak of aren't "pretty" of the soul. To be truly beautiful one must be beautiful of the body and the soul.

>> No.11751192


>> No.11751196

>To be truly beautiful one must be beautiful of the body and the soul.

>> No.11751214

This is why we need feminism desu

>> No.11751215

Why aren't any books being written from these destitute folks' perspective? There has to be one at least. Maybe we'll see an influx of them in the coming years, a new genre perhaps.

>> No.11751222

Sometimes when I'm depressed I imagine myself as that guy, but I'm not sure if it's just some sort of body dysmorphia

>> No.11751224

houellebecq desu

>> No.11751231

Notes from Underground

>> No.11751235

Which one? Whatever?

>> No.11751245

I fucking posted the perfect recommendation for this in the last thread, and it’s The Diary of a Superfluous Man by Ivan Turgenev

>> No.11751248

never thought i'd see autistic speedrunner webms on /lit/

>> No.11751252

Not quite imo. One of the defining characteristics of these people is sexual and social deprivation. Houellebecq's books have plenty of sex in them. No Longer Human also comes to mind but the protagonist wasn't a complete loser like these guys either, he just felt like he was.
Probably the closest although he does win the prostitute over at the end even it is only for a few moments. But yeah, that's probably like the only book that comes to mind. I feel like people who were starved of all social interaction would be writing books about their isolation like crazy but I never hear about them.

>> No.11751255
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I'm not that unattractive (probably like a 7/10) but fuck do i have this feel to much. It's like, what are you even supposed to say, how do you start the conversation and go from there. My mind goes DEFCON 1 when i talk to women hoping for a romantic relationship.

>> No.11751260
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>My mind goes DEFCON 1 when i talk to women hoping for a romantic relationship.
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.11751266

I feel more cringe at her wearing something far too risque for a charity video game event that will mostly be sweaty, obese nerds in attendance.

>> No.11751267

>dude in brown jacket jacking off
keking @ that entire row

>> No.11751270

>I feel like people who were starved of all social interaction would be writing books about their isolation like crazy but I never hear about them.
Eliot Rodger's is the only one I can think of that is publically available.

>> No.11751283

Hunger comes close but even he gets some powsi in the end (at least in the movie version, haven't read the book yet).

>> No.11751295

What a chad

>> No.11751318

Too bad Elliot was an edgelord who couldn't write. It's still an interesting read just because of his experiences and what he ultimately did but it would have been much better if he wasn't so retarded.

>> No.11751371

>tfw it's the end of the party and everyone is hooking up
I honestly had forgotten about this feel. I would usually go home and get even more drunk alone.
Yeah, this sort of casual rejection stings more than it should, really. It's not like its personal. It's just an implicit statement to the effect of "even with the lowered standards induced by alcohol consumption, no woman present is willing to bone you, nobody minds you being here, exactly, but you're not needed or wanted either".

>> No.11751398

>tfw always rejected when I was ugly
>learned to preemptively reject people first all the time to avoid shame
>lost weight, got fit, not that ugly anymore
>still subconsciously project a disdainful, rejecting vibe out of habit
ah well

>> No.11751402
File: 13 KB, 220x287, 220px-Kant_gemaelde_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting sad about not being included in an orgy of mutual use

>> No.11751410
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>still subconsciously project a disdainful, rejecting vibe out of habit

tfw i do this

>> No.11751415
File: 28 KB, 601x508, 2f7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, jokes on you. I never got invited to parties in the first place so I don't know this feel.

>> No.11751427

Shit used to suck, got a gf and a long-term relationship with her, felt better, she turned out to be a cheating, lying manipulative bitch, now no gf but I'm fine with it. Used to worry about this shit but now I realize its all bullshit anyway, better to be single than in a bad relationship.

>> No.11751435

If working out and changing your clothes made you not ugly, you were never actually ugly, and therefore you only think you can relate

>> No.11751438

I once got grabbed by a drunk chick at a party but I was on acid so obviously I couldn't capitalize on my one and only postive party experience being in the state i was in

>> No.11751454
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>kissless virgin until 20
>finally make out
>its fucking disgusting

>> No.11751457

well I was also autistic more or less, so by "not ugly" I guess I also meant being able to hold a normal conversation. Got there through meds and a friend group that basically adopted me and taught me how normies communicate with each other.

>> No.11751470

save those intimate, close moments for virtual girls

>> No.11751482

>that pussy shit

Give me some real ASMR

>> No.11751484

he goes to pick something up if you look closely

>> No.11751488

Sup chair-sniffer.

>> No.11751500
File: 60 KB, 498x750, 36dc56b639190d3896f6ac59135bb99b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your incel problems. /lit/ is an alt-chad board

>> No.11751504

that guy looks more like an alt-fag

>> No.11751510


>> No.11751529

Looks pretty mainstream fag

>> No.11751530
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, 1531582610305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking lonely bros

>> No.11751531

go to church

>> No.11751533

>Go hang out with a bunch of geriatrics

>> No.11751534

>that diffuse balding

>> No.11751538

who cares, just go talk to the priest. it's better than talking to no one. you can just unload all your problems on him and it will probably feel good

>> No.11751539

it's funny because these type of people like to think of themselves as urban yet if they lived in any actual urban area rather than a suburban enclave within an inner city they'd be a perfect target for robbery b/c fag scarf

>> No.11751566

I'd never rob him, but I would love to bend him over and massage his prostate.

>> No.11751605

Church is actually pretty good. I went and found a chicky hole

>> No.11751611

Loneliness is a pleb emotion

>> No.11751647

Based and redpilled

I'm on way too many SSRIs and benzos to feel lonely

>> No.11751657

but wouldn't you rather be on way too many stims to feel confused?

>> No.11751661

I suffer from chronic anxiety so probably not

>> No.11751670

that's what beta blockers are for

>> No.11751689

Anon, if you pay attention to me and to this post, it can change your life forever. That might seem an exaggeration, but it is not.
Look into phenibut. It is legal and can be ordered online. It can change your life.
I had severe, severe social anxiety until I discovered it, and it changed everything. I can give public speeches in front of 30 people now feeling no anxiety at all, whereas before I would get nervous talking to a cashier at the grocery store.
It can change everything.
Everything can change right now.
Google Phenibut.
Order Phenibut.
Take Phenibut.
God bless Phenibut forever.