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11750871 No.11750871 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11750874

why does this thread always have that picture

>> No.11750891

Mystery is a shit genre

>> No.11750897

so is postmodern literary critique as novel

>> No.11750963

>a kansas state trooper discovers a family of five frozen to death in the flint hills in the middle of winter
>police chief arrives, they bury the bodies and cover it up.
>more mysterious deaths happen, people dying close to home in the middle of the night for no reason.
>he talks to his grandfather.
>grandfather says a bunch of similar deaths happened in the late 80s, which were covered up as being hysteria from the satanic panic
>tells him to ignore them for his own safety.
>he investigates on his own anyway.
>discovers documents that describe the sudden, unexplained deaths of an entire school of children in a one room school house about 35 years back.
>another mysterious death happens, he gets framed
>there's a man in a suit who idles quietly while he gets questioned
>charges are dropped a few days later, and he gets assigned to investigate the death officially
>no one in the police force will talk to him
>he discovers records of a town in an isolated part of kansas that doesn't exist anymore

I don't know how it ends yet

>> No.11750967

Dragons agreeing

>> No.11750971

a man falls in love with a dead meme

>> No.11750973
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>> No.11750987

Is it that bad?

I thought it would at least be marketable

>> No.11751018

it was fine. reminds me of john connolly.
the ending was what i found funny

>> No.11751021

RAF pilot gets shot down in ISIS-held territory. Wacky hijinks ensue

>> No.11751028

Look at this ugly fucking thing. I hate it!

>> No.11751036

It isn't bad at all, bro. I'd read it. So, write it.

>> No.11752077

Eccentric detective with high OCD autism loses his daughter in a car crash, traces back and starts killing every person involved in the most loose sense to get revenge, from the driver to the person who hired him to their family all the way to government officials

>> No.11752547

Sounds like a 18+ version of Monk

>> No.11752578

Two Australian brothers explore Europe five years apart, one in their late teens, the other in their early twenties. One finds love and the other loses it, upon reuniting in Australia they find themselves torn between ideals of family and brotherhood and the moral ambiguity of being strangers in a globalized world and trying to reconcile this with attempts to fit in to their traditional notions of family

>> No.11752964

seems kinda neat, but also has a huge potential for faggotry

id say its marketable as long as you dont cop out with fucking aliens or something shitty. what's the root cause of the deaths?
go back to the drawing board. revenge fantasies are lame.

>> No.11753974

Sounds like a netflix production, over 6 episodes. Wouldnt watch.

>> No.11754175

an intangible, malevolent force that's slowly making its way across the plains. The entropic heat death that will slowly consume humanity. Ultimately, it is the triumph of nonexistence.

>> No.11754224

Sounds incredible

>> No.11755391

If taken was rk9

>> No.11755431

A very small stakes office politics drama

>> No.11755559

>don't know how it ends yet
So all that stuff is basically just made up as you go along? That's not how you should write a mystery/thriller.

>> No.11755617

a fish out of water story about a reformed space pirate and his first mate trying to assimilate with normal, respectable space society

>> No.11755629

Not a revenge fantasy

>> No.11755632

but it wouldn't be a mystery if he knew the ending

>> No.11755672

This is the ending i just don't know the specifics of it yet

>> No.11755705

>a young knight and a tsundere warrior princess in a LOTR style world form an uneasy partnership to get a macguffin
>he's always had a thing for her but she can't stand him at first
>after getting into fights and trouble, they grow to care for one another and eventually fall in
>lots of awkward romantic tension
>ends with the guy severely injured after fighting a demoinc warlord. she confesses her feelings over his unconscious body and the two live happily ever after

>> No.11756449

After a period of emotional trauma and unemployment, a young man realises the futility in his existence. He starts doubting his ideals, turns emotionally dull and slowly spirals towards nihilism. His new tendencies and inability to sympathise with his friends' and family's feelings destroys their relationships, and thus becomes all alone with no ambitions, morals or obligations.
Will this set him free, or is he doomed?

>> No.11756458

>Will this set him free, or is he doomed?
Find out next week on: My Diary Desu

>> No.11756477

A gold digger who marries a rich, frail old man for the inheritance finds out he is an immortal vampire instead. They eventually grow to like genuinely like each other and have adventures.

>> No.11756665

I hate this thing. What is it? I hate it.

>> No.11757135

Cuckold erotica to show the nuances of decadence, romanticism, and heirarchy.

>> No.11757146

It's my self-image.

>> No.11757176

I don’t think you understand what entropic heat death is, friend