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/lit/ - Literature

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11748769 No.11748769 [Reply] [Original]

>hurr I like Tolstoy AND Dostoevsky
Ultimate pleb filter. Sorry, but you can only choose one to like, and have to regard the other with loathing, or at least with cold contempt. Make your choices /lit/izens.

>> No.11748775

Dosto all the way.

>> No.11748776

That doesn’t really make sense, they liked and appreciated each other’s work, why can’t I?

>> No.11748780

It's the law. Obey the law.

>> No.11748783

Because unlike them, we're all a bunch of contentious, tribalistic retards.

Tolstoy is my choice. Furthermore, I would like to wish >>11748775 horrible misfortune.

>> No.11748784

Frodo Dostoievski had cooler titles and characters.

>> No.11748785

I choose Dostoevsky because he looks better than Tolstoy

>> No.11748787

Tolstoy is the easy choice, though I like both.

>> No.11748788
File: 257 KB, 729x370, kill_em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've only read Dostoyevski. How is Tolstoy's writing different so that gopniks literally kill each other because of arguing over who's better?

>> No.11748791

Horrible misfortune for you as well, Anon.

>> No.11748792

Agreed, and may I add I hope you die in a fire

>> No.11748795

Tolstoy is the glistening surface of life. Dostoevsky is the bubbling hot depths.

>> No.11748797

Is there any conceivable situation where one would pick Tolstoy?

>> No.11748814

I already hate Dostoevsky so I guess I love Tolstoy even though I've read nothing by him yet

>> No.11748831

If you hate Dostoevsky without having read Tolstoy then you probably won't like Tolstoy either. Maybe try reading something by Eric Carle?

>> No.11748866

>If you hate Dostoevsky without having read Tolstoy then you probably won't like Tolstoy either.

Wrong. If you hate Dostoevsky you probably have an aesthetic sense and that's the subconcious source of your hate. Seeing all those characters do ridiculous stuff painted on a cardboard world without any engagement of the senses, almost a play, a theater, but without the poetic speech that plays are capable of, infuriates any artist or well read person. Go read Tolstoy.

>> No.11748872

Wrong. Our world is a cardboard world. Dostoevsky's world is real. That would make Tolstoy's world an imitation of a cardboard world, which is why Tolstoy is shit.

>> No.11748874

Yes. For example, one could have good taste.

>> No.11748880

Dostevsky readers are thrice removed from reality.

>> No.11748947
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How do I reach this level of gnosis?

>> No.11748960

good taste in semen maybe

>> No.11748973
File: 103 KB, 1000x666, cobra-verde-1987-004-werner-herzog-on-location.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. the whole point of literature is to be more real than real life. why would you waste time with a mere imitation? as werner herzog says, if you just want facts then read the phone directory.

>> No.11748977

Alas, I lack the experience to tell good from bad. A connoisseur like you must have extensive education.

>> No.11749010

Acquire Orthodox Platonism, disregard Catholic Aristotelianism

>> No.11749023

Tolstoy said Shakespeare was shit so I'll be going with Dostoievski thank you very much

>> No.11749030

>the whole point of literature is to be more real than real life

>> No.11749035

Chekhov can say more in a single phrase than either of them can accomplish in tomes.

>> No.11749104

>a new contender enters the arena
whoa surprise plot twist

>> No.11749138

>Tolstoy: dude war is bad lmao human nature xDDD

Also this>>11748784
Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, Demons, The Idiot, are all 10/10 book titles.

>> No.11749150

Chekhov references Tolstoy all the time.

>> No.11749154

I remember thinking of the title "The Idiot" for a book when I was a kid then finding out it was already a thing. I was sad because I thought it was awesome and I hate Dostoievski ever since.

>> No.11749171


>> No.11749173

Lolstoy, the good side of life: fancy aristocrats, nice dresses and feasts, beautiful women, food.

Dostrollevski the dark side of life: outcasts, scumbags, corruption, murder, poverty, shite.

>> No.11749180

I can't see why you can't *enjoy* both. You don't have to agree with an author to get some enjoyment out of their work. Besides, anyone who unironically favours Tolstoy's philosophy over Dostoyevsky's is a brainlet.

t. slav

>> No.11749182

You'll have to find a new title for your autobiography.

>> No.11749184

You can only use an already established title if your work surpasses the other one. You're an idiot.

>> No.11749190

tolstoy: muh rich people issues
dosto: muh poor peoplr issues

>> No.11749196

I think you'll find you're the idiot if you read my post again.

>> No.11749203

>dosto: muh everyone's and especially the modern man's issues

>> No.11749207

You're the idiot, even as a kid, the first thing before naming your book is finding out if exists already.

>> No.11749238

>taking Fedora "dude panslavism will solve everything " Dostoevsky seriously
only thing Dostoevsky pulled off well were hysterical characters and funny situations, his descriptive abilities were mediocre, his style sloppy, and his philosophy heinous

>> No.11749253

I wasn't even writing a book yet I was fucking 8.
>the first thing before naming your book is finding out if exists already
That's how I found Dostoievski in the first place.

>> No.11749264

t. anglo
slavophilia is the only way forward, i would rather die before seeing the west further infect my country or my neighbours

>> No.11749280

Tolstoy is the glistening surface of a sewer. Dostoevsky is the bubbling hot depths.

>> No.11749287

You’re gay

>> No.11749297

Fuck now I REALLY hate dosto

>> No.11749308

Dosto = beginning of 20th century
Tolstoi = end of 19th
>Ultimate pleb filter.
yeah because thinking you have to choose between them is typically pleb.

>> No.11750007


>> No.11750019

>anyone who unironically favours Tolstoy's philosophy over Dostoyevsky's is a brainlet
This. Tolstoy's writing is great but his philosophy is despicable.

>> No.11750035

fuck em both

>> No.11750064

joke:dostoevsky is better
woke: tolstoy is better
ascended: dostoevsky is better
Enlightened: Gogol is superior to both.

>> No.11750076

bloke: oi dickens pretty good too innit?

>> No.11750088

If I had to pick one I'd pick Dosto since the Idiot is my favourite book, but Anna and War & Peace creep into my mind months after I've read them but saying that so does the idiot and Demons.

Something about the characters in those 4 books have been on my mind for months. The Idiot makes me depressed, Demons and Anna put me in a rage for how much I hate characters in those books. War and Peace makes me happy until I think of the poor princess and the Prince Nickys

>> No.11750091

who do you hate from Anna

>> No.11750097

Dostoyevski is the better comedian and his stories are funnier. My gf prefers Tolstoy, however.

>> No.11750142
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I choose neither.

>> No.11750344

Anna and her brother.

>> No.11750350

I've only read Dostoevsky. Does Tolstoy actually explore any themes, or is it just a long ass story?

>> No.11750353

Bely and Goncharov for me

>> No.11750365

Are they not both basically Christian existentialists?

>> No.11750371



>> No.11750528

Dostoyevsky was a devout Russian Orthodox
Tolstoy was excommunicated by the Russian Orthodox Church.
They are both existentialists, but they went in different directions.

>> No.11750629

Tolstoy was basically an Arian.

>> No.11750938
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I read neither. I am an ultimate pleb who literally just finished reading the Iliad (not done with the Greeks). Which side should I take and why?

>> No.11750958

This is the best /lit thread I've seen in years. Bravo Chaps.

>> No.11750982

fuck, this is based

>> No.11750992

I ride with Dosto till the day I die. Sorry Tolstoi babe, you just weren't good enough to get with me.

>> No.11750996


>> No.11751007

Fyodor for life, Tolstoy is shit

>> No.11751008

Question. Who has better short stories?

>> No.11751014

what pill is this?

>> No.11751190

Absolutely Dusty, no fucking contest.

>> No.11751211

Yes, if one has read Anna Karenina, The Kreutzer Sonata, and Three Deaths.

>> No.11751217

Ivan ilyich and notes from underground are similar thematically

Both urge you to get serious about your life, its purposes and meaning, but one via the relatively sudden death of the body and the other via the decay of the spirit

I dont see how the two writers are incommensurable in a philosophical sense, but havent read much of either.

Tolstoy seems a lot more interested in characters and romanticism, while dosto is focused on creating intense psychological events, i guess theres that.

>> No.11751220

contarian: now Lermontov (sips)... that's a REAL writer...

>> No.11751229
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Who the fuck made you the gatekeeper? I can like whoever i want, and seeing as how they both are talented i will like both. You can slip and slide up and down my taint for all i give a shit about you and your opinion of what is pleb or patrician.

>> No.11751238
File: 128 KB, 679x960, 1528158868246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasn't read Tolstoi or Dosto

>> No.11751272

>ultimate pleb
You did better than half the people on here, because you are actually starting with the Greeks.

>> No.11751392

Dosto represently the anons.

Tolstoy representlys the chads.

It's all.

I prefer dosto, your works is better to me.

>> No.11751714

Tolstoy was a literal faggot, nothing chad about him.

>> No.11751828

dots like gets me man

>> No.11751833

damn never thought of it like that

>> No.11751849
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>Sorry, but you can only choose one to like, and have to regard the other with loathing, or at least with cold contempt. Make your choices /lit/izens.

>> No.11752391

actually im a slav from central europe
russians are niggers minus melanin
only idolized by burger tankie trannies and retarded trad larpers

>> No.11752444

>t. butthurt polak

>> No.11752458

>the whole point of literature is to be more real than real life
lol imagine being this spooked

>> No.11752493
File: 728 KB, 1106x1012, 526567383589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Tolstoy actually explore any themes, or is it just a long ass story?
No, it's just meaningless words, so many words.

>> No.11752733

Anna Karenina is the best long ass story ever written, so good it doesn’t even need any themes

>> No.11752735

Nice words though

>> No.11752760

Tolstoy actually has something to say. Dostroyevsky is just a memer only taken serious in the West because they don't get Russian lit. He's basically teen tier like Fitzgerald but Western readers are too stupid to get it.

>> No.11752917

anon why are you pretending that anyone worthwhile likes tolsoyboy
especially right to my face
have you no dignity

>> No.11752926

Tolstoy, of course.

>> No.11753003


>> No.11753033

This is why you shouldn't do LSD kids

>> No.11753041

yuo're Mom

>> No.11753093

Russian authors are the most overrated. Such elementary literature

>> No.11753107

Then why did Tolstoy consider Brothers Karamazov his bedside book?

>> No.11753117

what's the advanced literature™, anon

>> No.11753132

But it deals with many major themes, both political and religious among others.

>> No.11753195

I would say advanced literature constitutes David Foster Wallace and Eduard Musbodijk

>> No.11753208

i googled that name and the only thing that came up were posts in the /lit/ archive. is he your imaginary friend?

>> No.11754041

he shows up in my google. looks like you live in a country that has banned his name from search engines. you probably live in some commie piece of shit hell hole

>> No.11754071
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I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave

>> No.11754556
File: 82 KB, 569x400, emacs-vs-vim2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is the Emacs and which one is the Vim of Russian literature?

>> No.11755209

No one gives a shit about your hacker LARP

>> No.11756588

>Eduard Musbodijk
wtf, the only thing about him on the internet is on /lit/

>> No.11756658

But you have not published anything yet, musbodijk

>> No.11757503


At least you can't meme the surname of Goncharov (the author of Oblomov)

>> No.11757538

And yet he's the worst of them all.

>> No.11757597

>Ultimate pleb filter. Sorry, but you can only choose one to like, and have to regard the other with loathing, or at least with cold contempt. Make your choices
That's weird that you say that. I love Tolstoy but absolutely loathe dostoyevsky. Is this some kind of phenomena?

>> No.11757953


>> No.11757958

That's because he's a meme all by himself

>> No.11758063

Yes, but Tolstoy is heretical.

>> No.11758071
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Cringe and yikespilled

>> No.11758114

So Tolstoy is bad for not being a ridiculous denomination-obsessed traditionalist type? My main exposure to his religious views is his Confession, which I found fairly respectable. He very sincerely tried to follow Orthodoxy, it seems, but couldn't reconcile teachings about Agape etc. with absurd ritualism and tribalistic hating on other religious groups. Tolstoy was interested in religion as it is actually practiced, not religion as the abstracted theology of rich men pretending to be fundamentally correct.

It's sounding to me like Dostoyevsky is the idiot, here.

>> No.11758269

That's ironic, because Dostoevsky championed the faith of the common people, of the simple and devout, while Tolstoy was an elitist snob with philanthropic pretentions.

>> No.11758593

But Tolstoy also championed the faith of the common people, especially insofar as living in simple faith and adhering to the messages of Christ is not the same as rigidly adhering to a specific church.

It's sounding like there's little difference between them at all, and that people simply defend whichever one they have had the most exposure to (and conversely, attack the one they know almost nothing about). Therefore, Dostoyevsky was a hack, q.e.d.

>> No.11758640


>> No.11758670

But that's wrong. The simple people are the most devout church goers, the ones who are first to martyr themselves for the church, who suffer for it. Tolstoy is the typical condescending holier-than-thou elitist who thinks he knows better than the common man what's good for the common man. Tolstoy's """Christian""" philosophy never had a following among the ordinary laity because it was always geared toward pseudointellectual "free thinkers".

>> No.11759141

Do you really think that folk practice of religion actually cojsistently aligns with church doctrine? If so, I highly recommend taking a walk outside and speaking to religious people. Tolstoy was interested in religious living, or faith-in-practice, not mechanical posturing and echoing in keeping with doctrine. Tolstoy was intellectually honest enough to notice different modes of religious practice and the manner in which empty denominational differences only led to the division of persons who were seeking out the same essential things, e.g. faith and agape. I do not pretend to know very much at all about Dostoyevsky, but your outlook is blatantly biased and sounds a great deal more like you have read negative things about Tolstoy than that you have actually honestly and openly read Tolstoy himself.

>> No.11759149

I like Tolstoduvsky more desu

>> No.11759167


What are you talking about, Tolstoy outlived and carried on writing after Dostoy died.

>> No.11759266

Early Dostoevsky, Middle Dostoevsky, or Karamazov-era Late Dostoevsky? War and Peace-era Tolstoy, The Kreutzer Sonata-era Tolstoy, or Hadji Murat-era Tolstoy?

>> No.11759505

t. pawel
can't wait for the next partition of your country

>> No.11759557

Turgeniev Master race here

>> No.11759647

war and le punishment bretyt goode

>> No.11759824

Dead Onegin is better

>> No.11759991

Anglo beasts CANNOT understand slavic writers

end of

>> No.11760019

aryan niggers on this board can't understand high art like Dosto's or Tolstoy's so them saying they like both means as much as a jewish man saying he supports hitler holocausting his family. fucking plebs.

>> No.11761252
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>he doesn't write his book in Vim

>> No.11761406

This. Gogol is more venerated in Russia than either

>> No.11762797

dosto more like kino

>> No.11762863

I haven't read either but I like Dostojewski because that's who Spengler told me to like: so in a way I'm a step above you really